WEEK 05/31- 06/03
Renner Middle School
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Location: 5701 West Parker Road, Plano, TX, United States
Phone: 469-752-5810
Twitter: @RMS_Mustangs
Final Exam Week
Renner Lost and Found
Students and Parents please check the lost and found for lost items, lost books, School supplies, Coats, Jackets, PE items, and personal items. All items will be donated After Thursday so please check it out. Thanks you
Renner Library
Please! Please! Please! if you have library books return them ASAP. You will not be able to get grades if they are not returned or paid for. Thank you
We still have approximately 300 library books out. If you have any books in your room or students with books to turn in, let me know and I can send an aide to pick them up.
6th grade books still out -
7th grade books still out -
8th grade books still out -
MAY 31- June 3rd Exam Week
JUNE 3rd- Last day of school
AUG 22nd- First Day of school for 2016-2017
Renner Girls Athletics
Girls Athletics
Coach Dossey: 7th Grade Volleyball/7th Grade Basketball
Coach Kelly: 8th Grade Basketball/Track
Coach Richburg: 8th Grade Volleyball/Track
- Incoming 7th Grade girls interested in trying out for volleyball, basketball, or track, must complete and turn in a physical and medical history forms the first day of school.
- Incoming 8th Grade girls who were in athletics their 7th grade year or attended tryouts for volleyball/basketball/track have a physical on file that is good through the end of the school year. 8th graders must turn in an updated Medical History form.
Physical and Medical History Form
- Physical needs to be filled out by a doctor, Medical History Form filled out by parent/guardian.
Volleyball Tryouts- August 23-26
- 7th Grade will be 7-8:15 am.
- 8th Grade will be 3:45-5pm.
- Students trying out for volleyball must sign up for a tryout number with coaches on the first day of school.
Basketball Tryouts- November 1-November 4
- 7th Grade will be 7-8:15 am.
- 8th Grade will be 3:45-5pm.
- Students trying out for basketball must sign up for a tryout number with coaches prior to the first day of tryouts.
Renner Counseling Office
We just want to thank each of you for your kindness and support this year! It’s been a great year. We look forward to seeing our returning students next year! In addition, we send happiness and luck to our 8th graders as they continue their journeys into high school. Have a wonderful and safe summer.
Also, please be sure to let Mr. Pham (7th Grade Counselor) know how much he will be missed. He will be taking his counseling expertise to Plano East Senior High next year. We will miss him, our loss is definitely their gain!!
Renner Counseling
Football Training
Gateway Tech
Gateway Academy Summer Camp registration is now open!!
We are offering three camp sessions at Robinson MS, Wilson MS and Otto MS.
Students can learn more about the camp and register at For questions, contact Linda Haltom (
- Each session is four days long (Mon. – Thurs.) Students can only attend one session.
- Camp program time is from 7:45 am–11:45 am.
- Tuition is $95.
- Each session is limited to 25 students. It is intended for incoming 7th and 8th grade students only.
- Camp locations are Robinson, Otto and Wilson.
- We will plan for new curriculum/projects from last year since we anticipate having returning students that attended last summer. The main projects will revolve around robotics.
- T-Shirts will be provided for all participants.
- Each camper will be given a Certificate of Completion on the last day.
- Campers will take home the projects they complete during the camp (if applicable).
The last hour of each week will be a student showcase/show and tell for parents to come in and see what the campers did during the week.
Session #1 – Monday, June 13 – Thursday, June 16
Otto MS
Wilson MS
Robinson MS
Session #2 Monday, June 20 – Thursday, June 23
Otto MS
Wilson MS
Robinson MS
Session #3 Monday, June 27 – Thursday, June 30
Otto MS
Wilson MS
Robinson MS
Thank you for your help in promoting our Gateway Summer Camp. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!
Summer Basketball Program
Plano West Summer Football Camps
Food and Nutritional Services
As the semester exams are approaching. Please clear any balance at your earliest convenience. Please make sure your children have sufficient fund to purchase lunch or snacks. If you pay thru PAYPAMS, it may take up to 48 hours to see your fund available to use . We do accept check or cash for any cafeteria purchase.
Dear Parents:
As the school year comes to a close, Food and Nutritional Services would like to thank you for your child’s participation in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. We want to share the following important information regarding meal accounts:
Please ensure your child’s account is paid in full before the last day of school, June 3, 2016. As always, credit card payments can be made by using PayPAMS. To register, visit the following website for instructions:
If your child has a remaining balance, it will be carried forward to next school year.
If your child transfers to another school within Plano ISD, the balance in your child’s account will automatically be transferred to the new school.
If your child is leaving the district, you may request a refund or a transfer of funds to a sibling’s account. Requests for refunds or transfers should be communicated by phone to the Food and Nutritional Services Manager at your child’s school by June 2, 2016 to be processed during the summer. The link to the Campus Food Service Contact list can be found at
After June 2nd, requests should be sent to Emma Ramos via email at or by phone at 469-752-5790 and will be processed in the fall.
We appreciate your ongoing support of our programs and hope you have a wonderful summer.
Plano Independent School District
Food and Nutritional Services In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.
To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Plano West Hockey
The Plano West Ice Hockey Club regular season tryouts will be held this summer in mid August. Please mark your calendar to check our website,
Be a part of the Plano West Hockey tradition! Like us on Facebook.
Notes from the Nurse
6th Grade Parents
Avoid the long lines at schedule pick up by turning in your child’s updated immunization record by 6-3-16 to Nurse Mesa.
Medication Pick Up Any medication not picked up by June 3rd
at 1:00PM will be destroyed. No medication is stored in the clinic over the summer break. Parents must pick up medication as students are not allowed to transport any medication.
Renner Speech Dept
Here is a message from a couple of Mustangs who stutter:
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month, so in the spirit of informing our fellow Mustangs on the topic of Stuttering, here are a few famous people who stutter: Samuel L Jackson, a successful actor, James Earl Jones, the voice of Darth Vader, Kenyon Martin, an NBA star, Jimmy Stewart, a host of the tonight show, and Lewis Caroll, a mathematician and the author of Alice in Wonderland. Thus, it is apparent that speaking impediments such as stuttering do not inhibit one’s success in life. Please visit for more great information.
Special Education Dept
News From Special Ed:
All students serviced through Special Education will have a Transition as part of their IEP prior to their 14th birthday.
For information about Transition in Texas, please view this website: - The purpose of this website is to provide the viewers with knowledge of the secondary transition process to facilitate student progress toward attainment of their postsecondary goals.
Achieve Texas is an education initiative designed to prepare students for a lifetime of success. It is designed to help students and their parents make wise education choices and helps prepare for a seamless transition from secondary to postsecondary opportunities. For more information please visit their website at: –
Agency Information:
Lifepath Systems provides extra support for students with intellectual, emotional or developmental delays. To gain information about their services and the process to enroll, visit their website at:
Helping your school
Please save your boxtops and send them in with your child to drop in the box by the front office. Also, please ask your friends, neighbors, and relatives to save them for us. It means free money for Renner. They send us a check twice a year after we send the company the boxtops.
Summer Enrichment Programs @ Wilson (SIGS and Plano Arts)
Parents of students who received an invitation from their PACE teacher to attend the SIGS Program (grades 1-7) or from their Art teacher to attend the Plano Arts (PArts) Program (grades 5-7) – registration is currently underway and we look forward to your student joining us! The program will begin on Wednesday, June 8, and end Thursday, June 30 (Monday through Friday from 7:45-11:45). Registration details can be located on the invitation. The Wilson SIGS Staff look forward to seeing your child this summer!
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