8th Grade Update
September 29, 2024
9/30 - Ender's Game study guide and 2-Pager project due! (ELA)
10/1 Quarter assessment in STEM
10/2 Q1 iFLY STEM Field trip
10/2 Q1 Grades Due
10/3 Potluck in STEM
10/4 Day of AWESOMENESS (11-11:45)
10/7-10/11 Fall Break
10/14-10/17 8th Grade Conference Week
10/17-10/18 Half Days
We need your help to make our day AWESOME!!!! Please sign up to help volunteer!
FALL Parent Teacher Conference
The upcoming conferences are scheduled for the week of October 14.
Here is the sign-up link to schedule a conference with any or all of your child's teachers. Please be sure to scroll down once you're on the sign-up page to view the full schedule and select a time that works best for you. If none of the available times work for you, feel free to contact any of us, and we will gladly arrange an alternative meeting time.
Science ~Mrs. Cawley
This week, we will wrap up our unit on Reproduction with a back-to-back lab that simulates asexual reproduction. After fall break, we will begin our unit on the DNA molecule. Students will be able to describe the structure of DNA, including its double helix shape, and explain how it functions as the genetic code for all living organisms. By the end of the lesson, students will demonstrate an understanding of how nucleotide sequences code for proteins, which determine traits in organisms, and will model the process of DNA replication.
Important Note in Science
- Students are receiving weekly updates via their Gmail accounts regarding their designated tasks and corresponding due dates in my class. Emphasizing the significance of staying informed, it is crucial that these updates are reviewed by the students each Sunday afternoon.
- Canvas has been updated to allow students to access their class activities. This is particularly crucial in cases of student absence.
- The agenda is a valuable tool employed in my class on a weekly basis. Specifically, each Monday, my students outline their Science agenda for the week. Kindly encourage them to extend the utility of their agenda beyond our class and use it to structure their assignments in their other classes as well.
STEM Lately....
Dissected a Kernel
Biodegradable vs Non Biodegradable Packing Peanuts
Made Bioplastic using Corn Products
STEM ~ Mrs. Cawley
Last week, students explored the breed characteristics and countries of origin for five different breeds of dairy cattle and learned why dairy farmers select specific breeds for particular purposes. This week, we will wrap up our Dairy unit by exploring milk production in the United States and discussing the benefits of homogenization, pasteurization, and fortification.
As we conclude our Ag. in STEM unit, we will celebrate with a potluck featuring students' chosen Old or New World food recipes. It has been an incredible quarter with your kiddos as we explored the importance of Agriculture in our daily lives. I believe it’s essential for them to appreciate where their food comes from so they can make informed decisions as future consumers
ELA ~Mrs. Jensen
For the next two weeks in 8th grade ELA, students will focus on developing their narrative writing skills through a series of engaging activities. They'll begin by planning and organizing their stories using graphic organizers to outline key narrative elements like character, setting, and conflict. Next, they’ll move on to drafting, paying special attention to crafting strong beginnings and endings that hook the reader and provide closure. Throughout the week, students will also explore a variety of narrative techniques to enrich their writing. By the end of next week, students will demonstrate their understanding by completing a one-paragraph summary of their narrative and organizing it through a graphic organizer.
The following week, students will refine their narrative writing and focus on using active voice to make their stories more engaging. We'll begin by identifying and practicing the use of active voice and learn how to emphasize important details using voice techniques. Students will then revise their narratives based on peer feedback and class discussions. By the end of the week, they’ll finalize their stories and complete an active voice assessment to demonstrate their mastery of this important writing skill. I’m really looking forward to reading the students’ stories and seeing where their creativity takes them!
Math~Miss. Kindell
Our third unit is Linear Relationships. Students will be learning how to graph lines, write and read linear equations, and analyze graphs. This is a longer unit with multiple quizzes, a unit test and a project.
Social Studies~ Mr. Rowhling
At the beginning of this week we ended Unit 1 and have moved on to Unit 2. We turned in our Declaration of Independence Replicas (I’ve already seen some awesome ones) at end the Unit. And we are moving onto the Articles of Confederation and why they failed. Along with looking at the good and bad that came out of our first Government. Then we will look into the U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights and ultimately, amendments!
Prosthetic Leg in RTI
Ready to walk using their Engineered Prosthetic Legs
Each quarter, all middle school students will receive a TRACKS card and are expected to have it in their possession during the school day. TRACKS cards represent a structured behavior program designed for most students. Each teacher/administrator has the right to use his/her professional judgment to modify this plan for individual students as needed.
Students are expected to take their TRACKS card to every class and leave it on their desk. Throughout the class period, teachers can give students positive feedback on one side and infractions for behavior on the other. Students will typically receive warnings before earning infractions in class. If students do not meet expectations after receiving warnings, they will earn an infraction. Parents are strongly encouraged to review their child’s TRACKS card daily. Physical or verbal aggression, theft, vandalism, threatening acts, fighting, or any infraction listed in the DVUSD Student Rights and Responsibilities Handbook will warrant immediate consequences in the form of an office referral.
Gifted Information
High School Gifted Program Open House
Deer Valley provides designated gifted programming at each of its high schools. Students and families are invited to join this special event on Wednesday, October 2nd (6:00 - 7:00 p.m.) at the DVUSD Governing Board Room to learn more about our signature Gifted H.S. Programs.
Who should come to the H.S. Gifted Program Open House?
Current DVUSD 7th and 8th-grade students and families may attend to learn about each of our unique programs.
Current DVUSD high school students and families interested in learning more about secondary gifted programs.
Out-of-district students and families interested in learning about our designated Deer Valley gifted programs.
High School Registration
Amazon Wish List
Mrs. Cawley ~https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1DH6U8TUJDDFO?ref_=wl_share
Mrs. Jensen ~https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/30EPCE31BW1J6?ref_=wl_share
Miss. Kindell ~https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/93M8CR9VWDXW?ref_=wl_share
Important Links
Monitor your student's grades.
Grades are updated on weekends.
8th Grade Team
Math ~ robyn.kindell@dvusd.org
Social Studies ~cody.rohlwing@dvusd.org
8th Grade Website: https://www.dvusd.org/Domain/5737