Estabrook Buzz
September 3, 2018
Principal's Corner
First Six Weeks of School
Estabrook School uses a two-pronged proactive approach to teaching positive expectations.
The “Expected Esta-bee Behavior” chart hanging in each classroom states expectations for behavior in a positive manner and draws on the work of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports or PBIS. To read more, go to: https://www.pbis.org/
Many teachers are also trained in the “Responsive Classroom” approach that emphasizes “engaging academics, positive community, effective management and developmental awareness.” Responsive classroom gives particular attention to the first six weeks of school as a time to teach expectations and build a positive classroom community. In their book, “The First Six Weeks of School,” Paula Denton and Roxann Kriete write: “The tone for the entire year is established during the early weeks of school. Teachers who take their time during this critically important period, who move slowly and thoughtfully to build a solid foundation, find that it pays off all year long with increased student investment, cooperation, responsibility, and self-control.”
To learn more about the Responsive Classroom approach, go to: https://www.responsiveclassroom.org/
First Week Gratitude
One important norm in a caring community is to take time to express gratitude. I want to express my gratitude to many people who contributed to a successful opening of school.
- Our custodial team of Joe, Olga and Steve for hustling to get school clean and ready following a summer with Lexplorations using the whole building.
- Administrative Assistant Terri Carfagno for the myriad tasks she does to manage our school office and her care and attention to families (not to mention answering my non-stop questions)
- Our teachers who spent so much time setting up welcoming classroom environments and greeting new students with a supportive and welcoming stance.
- Our student services team who get schedules in place so that they can do the important work of helping students be successful and make gains and who play such a vital role in passing information on from year to year.
- Our support staff and assistants who do so many of the unseen tasks that keep things running smoothly and who spend that extra time helping students who may need a little extra reminder or encouragement.
- Our kitchen staff who made our first day of lunch go so smoothly.
- Our amazing PTO for greeting new families, providing breakfast to staff on Monday and welcoming families back on the first day.
- Evaluation Team Supervisor Jennifer Beaulac who spent countless hours interviewing with me as we hustled to fill some last minute unexpected vacancies - all while doing everything else she does to plan for our students with special needs.
- And finally, a huge shout out to new Assistant Principal Christina Gavin who has worked so tirelessly and done such an excellent job preparing the myriad of thankless tasks to open school (arrival, dismissal, lunch, recess) - all while getting to know a new school community and working with me to plan for the year ahead. Christina is also responsible for the welcoming display in the lobby reflecting the many different languages spoken by Estabrook families. I am so happy to be sharing the leadership of this school with such a committed and talented partner.
We’re off! Now the real work begins!
Rick Rogers
First Week Happenings
First Day PTO Parent Coffee
Superintendent Julie Hackett Visits Estabrook
Cafeteria Expectations
SEPAC Parent Coffee
Join the Principal, Evaluation Team Supervisor and Estabrook parents for coffee and light refreshments. Meet the special education staff, support staff and Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) representative. For questions or more information: contact Jennifer Beaulac, ETS. jbeaulac@lexingtonma.org
Thursday, Sep 13, 2018, 08:45 AM
Estabrook Cafeteria
Pizza Night
Friday, Sep 14, 2018, 06:30 PM
Estabrook Playground
- Monday, September 10 - NO SCHOOL (Rosh Hashanah)
- Wednesday, September 19 - NO SCHOOL (Yom Kippur)
- Thursday, September 27 - Back to School Night
- Monday, October 8- NO SCHOOL (Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day)
- Tuesday, October 9 - School Picture Day