District 622 e-news
March 26, 2024

December 3, 2024
District 622 e-News available in accessible format
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Upcoming Events
Northern Lights Show Choir Clinic
District Wellness Committee meeting
The District 622 Wellness Committee will meet on Monday, January 9, 2025, at 4:15 p.m. This is the first of four meetings to be held during the school year and will be virtual. Any parents, students, staff, or community members who wish to participate are welcome.
The committee aims to create future-oriented, evidence-based goals to ensure students, staff, and our community members feel healthy, safe, challenged, engaged, and supported by District 622.
To join the committee, email Elissa Rooney at erooney@isd622.org to receive the meeting information, including the link to join virtually.
Scene Around 622
Richardson students at the state capitol
Richardson 4th graders had a fantastic field trip to the state capitol, where they explored our state’s history and government.
A special highlight— a photo of some of our students was included in an article on MPR News!
Lion's Club KidSight
Thank you to the Lion's Club and their KidSight Program which utilizes PlusOptix technology for vision screening! They recently finished vision screening of 1,250 Early Childhood and Kindergarten students across ten buildings over four weeks with a 20% vision referral rate.
Additionally the Lions have placed drop boxes for used donated prescription glasses/sunglasses to be collected and will be repurposed for adults and children throughout Minnesota. Please send donated glasses in good condition to Eagle Point, Justice Alan Page, or Carver elementary school for year round collection. For more information see Recycled Glasses Program through Lions Club
We would like to thank all the Lions Volunteers (listed below) as well as the 622 teachers, paras, staff, administration, and school nurses for their support.
Lions's Club Volunteer List
Barb Callister
Dottie Chamberlain
Lynn Farley
Joe Fox
Greg Langbehn
Vicki Lough
Dave Meyer
Debbie Meyer
Rita Meyer
Bruce Peterson
Sharon Pitala
Joseph Schulte
Mery Sevlie
Patrice Walsh
Meredith Stockford
Community Education
Learning for All Brochure
The online version of the "Learning for All" Community Education brochure can be found here: 2024 Fall Community Education Learning For All catalog. Browse the interactive PDF with links to available courses and to view more class offerings, visit our website at www.isd622.ce.eleyo.com There are also PDF files of the complete list of classes on our website available to download here:
Free gift wrapping for seniors
Once again the St. Paul Senior Workers Association is offering FREE gift wrapping for Seniors at Gladstone Community Center on Dec. 10 from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. It's first come, first served, so come in with your gifts to get them wrapped and enjoy a cup from our Festive Hot Cocoa bar while you wait.
Metro Dining Club cards
Metro Dining Club Cards – $35.00
Available Now and valid through October 31, 2025!
Enjoy an entire year of 2-for-1 dining at 166 area restaurants! Each Metro Dining Club card offers:
- Over $10,000 worth of savings
- 1,656 discounts
- 138 dining cards
Proceeds help fund activities for local seniors. Get yours today at the Gladstone Community Education Center!
Feast Day
Students and staff at Harmony Adult Education celebrated "Feast Day", a beautiful gathering where delicious foods were shared from family favorites to traditional dishes from around the world.
After the feast, a "Get to Know You" game of bingo was played where students mixed and mingled, learning more about one another while filling out their bingo cards—and a few lucky winners even took home a prize! We grow by learning from and celebrating one another.
Celebrate the season at Gladstone’s Holiday Tea and Music!
Enjoy an elegant tea experience catered by Ellie Sullivan, with artisanal teas and delicious treats perfect for the holidays. Local musician Robert Everest will provide live music with a mix of classic Christmas carols and winter songs from various cultures, bringing to life the spirit of holiday traditions from around the world.
This event is made possible by the generous support of Prelude Homes and Services, a local leader in compassionate senior care. Click here to register.
Share your passion and teach a new class!
Submit your proposal for a youth enrichment class here: Youth Enrichment Class Proposal
Submit your proposal for an adult enrichment class here: Adult Enrichment Class Proposal
*A submitted proposal is NOT an approved class. You will be contacted by the Community Education office to discuss your proposal as well as dates, times, and location for your class.
F.L.I.G.H.T (Future Leaders Inspiring Growth, Honor and Talent)
This is a reminder to enroll your child in FLIGHT. You will need to do so with every session and registration is now open for the Winter session. Enroll your child in their choice of camps today: https://isd622.ce.eleyo.com/child-care/7/flight
To view the available camps, you can also visit the following links:
John Glenn Winter Session Flight Club Descriptions
Skyview Winter Session Flight Club Descriptions
This program is paid for by the Minnesota Department of Education After-School Community Learning grant and will be offered at no charge to participants. The main purpose will be to provide students with a wide variety of enrichment clubs, academic support, leadership opportunities and culturally affirming clubs. Students will be able to participate in clubs with focuses on art, science, financial literacy, athletics, cultural appreciation, theater, debate, music and much more. Many clubs will also contain an academic focus that will qualify them as Targeted Services classes and that will allow students to improve vital academic skills while enrolled in the club. Clubs will be run by a combination of licensed teachers, paraprofessionals, outside vendors and student leaders from within ISD 622. We are currently looking to hire high school students who have a passion that they would like to share. Employment begins in September. Call 651-748-7431 for details. Check out the F.L.I.G.H.T web page to learn more!
COVID-19 Guidelines Updated
Following Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updates, ISD 622 has updated its COVID-19 protocol. See attached for more information:
Alumni News
Alumni news form
We would like to highlight/give a shoutout to alumni of District 622 in upcoming editions of our e-News. Please complete the alumni news form if you have interesting news to share regarding alumni of District 622.
Community Resources
Measles and the MMR vaccine
Minnesota has identified cases of measles in children who recently returned to the U.S. after traveling internationally. The decline in measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine coverage, coupled with the increase in measles disease nationally and internationally, puts Minnesota at risk of additional measles cases and a measles outbreak.
MDH has information about measles and the MMR vaccine: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/measles/measlesfacts.html
If your child has any symptoms, please contact your medical provider and school nurse.
Ramsey County Vaccination Clinics
Ramsey County is offering vaccinations clinics. More information can be found on the Ramsey County website.
Washington County Vaccination Clinics
Washington County is offering monthly vaccination clinics. Appointments can be scheduled on the Washington County website.
View the attachment below for more information.
Peachjar electronic flyers
Visit the Peachjar electronic flyer page and click on your school's name to see what's happening at your school and in our community.
Join the 622 team!
We're Hiring! Join ISD 622!
We are looking for candidates who are enthusiastic and passionate about what they do. Join our team and become a Paraeducator, Substitute Teacher, or School Bus Driver (we'll help you get your CDL)!
Please visit our careers site for a list of open positions.
For more information please contact Human Resources at (651) 748-7421.
Email: communications@isd622.org
Website: www.isd622.org
Location: 2520 12th Avenue East, North St. Paul, MN
Facebook: facebook.com/isd622
Twitter: @isd622
Instagram: @isd622
Please direct your questions or comments to communications@isd622.org
Independent School District No.622, North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale, prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the District’s Title IX Coordinator. For more information, the District’s Notice of Nondiscrimination can be found at www.isd622.org/policies.