September 6

September 6, 2024
Dear Hayshire Families,
We had a great turnout at Back to School Night! Last night, our teachers presented a slideshow. Families had an opportunity to learn more about their child's curriculum and classroom community. Thank you for joining us to celebrate the new school year and your child's home away from home! If you were unable to attend Back to School Night, here is a link for the video Mrs. Musone and I shared.
Our first PTO meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 12. We will meet in the library at 6:00 pm. The Hayshire PTO is open to all Hayshire parents/caregivers and staff. They organize Hayshire events such as the Scholastic Book Fair and The Fall Festival. For this meeting, PTO is offering supervision for school-aged children, provided by high school volunteers.
Friday, September 13 is our first Positive P.O.W.E.R. t-shirt day! On these days, we encourage all of our Hayshire students and staff to wear their P.O.W.E.R. shirts. These shirts are a sign of unity, pride, and school spirit. Show your spirit and spread some Positive Hayshire POWER!
- P=Polite
- O=Outstanding
- W=Win-Win
- E=Equality
- R=Responsibility
The 2023 Health Hero Flu Vaccine forms were sent home this week. If you wish to have your child participate, the return date is Wednesday, September 25.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Thomas
Hayshire's Latest Post
This week, Kindergarten and First Grade gathered for their grade level assembly. We read Big Al by Andrew Clements. Big Al was a large, scary-looking fish with a big heart. Big Al fulfilled his hope and dream of making new friends! To learn more, click on the button below, Show Positive P.O.W.E.R. At Assemblies.
Save the Date
Our fabulous Fall Festival has been rescheduled for Friday, November 8. Please note, this is a change. More details to come!
Hayshire PTO Information
PTO Information Form
Everyone is welcome to join the Hayshire PTO. Please click on the button below, PTO Information Form, to sign up for volunteer opportunities, express interest in specific areas, and receive information about special events and activities sponsored by the PTO.
Volunteer Registration
Prospective volunteers for the 2024-2025 school year are encouraged to obtain and update any necessary required clearances and background checks. Volunteers must renew their volunteer application every school year. To renew your volunteer status, you must complete the online volunteer application. For the 2024-2025 school year, all volunteers must resubmit their clearances when completing the new online application. The volunteer page and handbook have been updated. Please click on the button below for more information
Volunteer Orientation Meeting
Volunteers help children and staff in many ways. We welcome back returning volunteers and would like to extend an invitation to all who would like to help our school. We will be hosting a volunteer orientation meeting on Wednesday, September 18 at 9:30 AM. We will share volunteer responsibilities, identify areas of interest, and provide information about our school.
Anyone interested in volunteering needs to complete and return the Volunteer Invite Form by Friday September 13. Click on the button below to view and print the form.
2024-2025 Hayshire PTO Events
Skyward Instructions
Skyward is the District's Student Information System. It stores information that includes attendance, grades, school reports, personal family information (address, phone, email, emergency contacts), and health information. Skyward is also used as a communications tool for teachers and administrators to send messages to families. Your Skyward account is created when enrolling your student and completing the registration process.
If you cannot login or successfully reset your Skyward password, please contact familyaccess@cysd.k12.pa.us
CYSD Device Protection Plan
Central York School District offers optional protection plans for your child’s District issued devices.
The protection plan fully covers your child’s device for any accidental damage that occurs. The cost is $25 per year for iPads and $60 per year for Macbooks.
Learn more and sign up: https://dpp.centralyork.org/
2024-2025 Calendar
Hayshire Important Dates
September 12- PTO Meeting 6:00 PM
September 13- Hayshire P.O.W.E.R. T-Shirt Day
September 18- Parent Volunteer Orientation Meeting @ 9:30 AM
September 20 - Early Dismissal- 12:30 PM for Elementary Students
September 25- Picture Day