St. Katharine Drexel School
November 14, 2024 Newsletter #12

November 14, 2024 Newsletter #12
Principal's Corner
Veterans' Day Assembly at SKDS
Last Monday, our 4K through 8th Grade students gathered in the gym for a very special reason—to celebrate Veterans' Day—a special day when we honor the brave men and women who have served in our nation’s military. Their hard work, dedication, and sacrifices have helped keep our country safe and protect the freedoms we enjoy each day.
Our Senior Band and our Chorus led us in the National Anthem and America the Beautiful. We enjoyed a presentation on what Veterans' Day is, including the differences in the six branches of the military. It was a great way to show our love and gratitude to all who have served our great country!
Upcoming Events
11/18 Glitz Planning Meeting - All are welcome to attend / 6:30 p.m. / Parish Center
11/19 End of Trimester 1
11/20 CWC will visit the 8th Graders / 1:40 p.m. / Room 301
11/20 First Reconciliation / Grade 2
11/21 Picture Retake Day
11/21 Home & School Meeting / Catacombs / 6:30 p.m.
11/27-29 Thanksgiving Break
12/5 Cookie Decoration sponsored by Home and School / 5:30-6:30 / Cafeteria
12/7 "Follow the Star" Nativity Display / Chili or Potato Soup / 4:30 p.m. / Mission Hall
12/7 Holiday Parade / 5:00 p.m.
12/12 Christmas Program
12/17 Good Old A cappella from BDHS / 8:15-8:45 a.m. / Church
12/21 Christmas Break Begins
1/2/25 Classes Resume
1/21 Parade of Bands
1/25 Chili/Taco Supper after 4:30 p.m. Mass to Kick-Off Catholic Schools’ Week
1/30 Festival of the Educational Arts
2/1 An Evening of Glitz
Cookie Decorating Party
"Follow the Star" Nativity Display
Football Mania Winners / Week 2
Ticket #1028 Eric Schaalma, Beaver Dam, WI
Ticket #2031 Jerrod Braun, Burnett, WI
Ticket #309 Dave Kasper, Beaver Dam, WI Ticket #725 Rita Otto, Beaver Dam, WI
Ticket #1217 Tammy Hampton, Horicon, WI
Ticket #2021 Alvaro Olivera, Beaver Dam, WI
Random Ticket Winner Rita Nowak, Beaver Dam, WI
Hearts for Haley
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on all our blessings and be grateful for all that we have. Two of life’s greatest blessings are undoubtedly Health and Happiness.
One of our SKDS families has had some recent health struggles. Haley Angst has been having some serious health issues; but Haley is remarkable, and she does so well at remaining positive and happy.
Unfortunately, health issues lead to other issues; like missing work and receiving a lot of medical bills. Since Haley, her husband Marshall, and their son, Sully (5K) are part of our school family; we will come together to support them. Let’s send them all some happiness, prayers for health, and a whole lot of love. Let’s give them a reason to be thankful this month.
How can you help?
· Please support their family by showing love and filling our halls with Hearts for Haley. The hearts were made by Haley’s son Sully.
· Each heart can be purchased for $5 or more. Please give more if you are able. All donation amounts will remain anonymous. 100% of the money will be given to the Angst family.
· Please fill out the heart sent home in the Family Folder today with your family’s message. Return the heart and your monetary donation to SKDS by November 22. If you chose to write a check, please make it payable to: SKDS and write Angst Family on the Memo Line. Send items in an envelope clearly marked for the Angst Family Collection.
· The hearts will be hung up in the school until Thanksgiving break. At that time, the hearts and money will be delivered to the Angst family.
· Other ways to help: Scrip gift cards for Kwik Trip or Amazon are appreciated by the family. You can also send along a check to Scrip in any amount with “Angst Family” in the memo line. These checks will be totaled together to give the Angst Family a Scrip Gift Certificate balance.
Please see the message below from Haley.
A little bit about Haley and the Angst Family:
Thank you from the whole of our hearts for praying, thinking of, and supporting our
family. We rely on the village of family and friends a lot to help keep our ship afloat, but
know that ultimately God is in control, and He helps us daily keep positive spirits and
helps us move forward.
In December of 2019 we got the news of my cancer diagnosis. After surgeries to
remove the most of it, radiation to help remove any existing cells from marginal lines,
and chemotherapy to remove any cells from the whole of my body, we were in the clear
for about 2 years. Unfortunately, in July of 2023, they found another tumor outside of my
lung which was surgically removed. In October of 2023 they found more, smaller
tumors, but because of location they cannot remove surgically. We opted for a simpler
less invasive chemo at first, which worked for a few months, allowing me to still work
and feel somewhat normal; however, once my cells stopped reacting to that we had to
take on a harder medicine.
Beginning August of 2024 I have been on an infusion style chemo that I receive in
hospital every 3 weeks. Between those I have labs, imagining, tests, and observations
to make sure the rest of my body is operating ok. Of course, there are many side effects,
which hinder my ability to work and sometimes regular day to day activities. We are
hopeful this medicine helps, and hope to be done with this medicine just around
Christmas time.
We couldn’t do this alone, and we have seen the SKDS family step up in support of our
family and mainly our son, Sullivan. The consistency of his school days, friends, older
siblings and school mates, and of course the staff and teachers have shown him love
and support, and shared their caring and compassionate hearts with him. I thank you for
that, as school sometimes is the most consistent part of his day.
Thank you for supporting our family and me in this chapter of our lives. We are so
thankful for anything and everything, and feel grateful to be supported and loved by so
Haley Angst
Monday, November 25, 2024
Any Heart for Haley purchase qualifies the family to participate in a comfy day in honor of healing Haley. On this day, participants will wear Blue and Yellow to show their support. Blue is Haley and Sully’s favorite color. Yellow is the color for Sarcoma Awareness. Blue Jeans or comfy pants are also allowed. Since these are also our school colors, this must be a sign to help the Angst family!
Picture Retake Day is on Thursday, November 21. If you would like your child's picture retaken, please return the pictures you received to school. If your child was absent on the Picture Day in October, you will receive an order form in the Family Folder on November 14. Please contact the office if you have any questions. Thank you!
Needed: Gallon Plastic Milk Jugs
Our 3K Students will be making an igloo out of gallon-sized plastic milk jugs. They will need 150 milk jugs to complete this project. Please send to school your rinsed-out milk jugs and help our youngest SKDS students build an igloo. Thank you!
Save the Date for An Evening of Glitz
Save the date for the St. Katharine Drexel School Evening of Glitz on Saturday, February 1, 2025! The event will take place at the Beaver Dam Country Club from 4:30 p.m.-Midnight. This event is one of our primary fundraising events for St. Katharine Drexel School. Please consider joining us for an elegant dinner and an evening full of entertaining raffles, silent and live auctions. Mike Throndsen will be our master of ceremonies along with Donnie Bleich as the auctioneer. Registration will be opening soon!
Glitz Planning Meeting
Please join us on Monday, November 18, at 6:00 p.m. at the Parish Center for the next planning meeting. This is a great opportunity to get involved and help with our primary fundraiser!
Only one more day to "Stuff the Turkey"
SCRIP Program Information
SCRIP will be sold on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. in the SCRIP Office.
SCRIP will be sold after the 8:20 a.m. Mass on Fridays.
SCRIP for Christmas Gifts!
Christmas is right around the corner! SCRIP cards are a wonderful Christmas gift for anyone! Would you like to order a large amount of SCRIP cards? Are you looking for something special? Please email the SCRIP office at scrip@stkatharinedrexelbd.org, stop in on Wednesday nights from 6:30pm – 8:00pm, or click on the button below for a list of the SCRIP Participating Retailers
Virtue of the Month
The Virtue of the Month of November is GRATITUDE!
During the month of November, we practice the virtue of gratitude. Gratitude is expressing genuine thankfulness for all that God has given to you! Gratitude is seeing everything as a gift. What are you most thankful for in your life? Make your gratitude list today!
November Lunch Menu
Before School and After School Care
Before School Program hours are 6:45 - 7:45 a.m.
After School Program hours are 3:15 - 6:00 p.m. The Before and After School Program is available on FULL school days.
Click on the picture to access Before School Care and After School Care registration information.
Let us pray for...
~Our Priests Fr. Will, Fr. Thomas, and Fr. Nick
~Our Pope, Francis
~Our Archbishop, Jerome E. Listecki
~Those affected by the hurricanes
~Refugees fleeing difficult situations
~All those placed on our school prayer list and on our parish prayer chain, especially Haley Angst
~Those in need of healing: body, mind and spirit
~For our country and the upcoming election, that God's Will be done
~Peace in our world
~Our students and their families
~The poor souls in purgatory
~Those who have no one to pray for them
~Those most who are in most need of our prayers