Maple Grove Grizzly Gazette
October 6, 2024
Happy Sunday!
I am sending this newsletter a day early to make sure you know about our upcoming conference sign up starting tomorrow (Monday). Please read the information below so you know when you can expect to get access to the links to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conference.
Conference Sign Up Information:
We are beginning our conference sign up THIS WEEK! You will receive an email with links to each classroom teacher to sign up for a Teacher-led conference. Conferences will be 15 minutes long, and it is our hope that you will be able to sign up for times that work best for your family. Knowing that many of our families have multiple children to attend conferences for, we wanted to ensure families with multiples could attempt back-to-back conferences on the same day. With this in mind, we will be sharing the links to sign up with families with multiple children first, followed by families with only 1 child at Maple Grove later in the week. Thank you for your support as we try a new system for conference sign up, and reach out with any questions.
Picture Makeup Day Moved:
Our Picture retake day has been moved to October 29. Please reach out to Gale in our front office with any questions: 558-2471.
October 31st Fun: Mark Your Calendars!
This year, our Maple Grove staff have decided to start a new tradition; a Fall Costume Parade. On October 31, in addition to our Fall Parties, we will be including a costume parade around Jackson Park. Students will be able to bring a costume to school with them, put it on in the afternoon, and march around Jackson Park in our first ever costume parade. Don't have a costume? Don't worry! I will have a selection of costumes to lend out for the parade if a child doesn't have one to wear.
We are inviting all families to come join us for the parade (younger siblings can dress up and join in on the fun, too!). At the completion of the parade parents may take their children home with them to start their own fall celebrations if they like. The parade will begin at 3:00 at Jackson Park. See the flyer below for more information about what costume items may (and may not!) be worn to school. We hope to see you there!
Have Extra Costumes Lying Around?
If you'd like to donate any costumes to our school to keep and lend out each year, please feel free to drop those off in the main office or send them with your child to school in a bag marked "Donation". We know not every family may have a costume to wear, but we'd love everyone to be a part of the fun. Gently used dress up clothes, costumes, princess dresses, etc. would be welcome!
It's a great day to be a Grizzly!
Jeni Goebel, Principal
Maple Grove Elementary
America Reads (October 18)
America Reads is Friday, Oct 18th! This yearly city-wide day celebrates a love of reading, asking neighbors, grandparents, community members, parents, and other friends of education to read to students in classrooms across Cedar Rapids area schools!
Please select an available time slot if you would like to read to a classroom: America Reads 2024 Sign Up
Fall for Books Family Event!
FALL for Books at Maple Grove! Bring the family and celebrate a love of books at our Fall for Books Family Party and our Fall Scholastic Book Fair! We need YOUR help to make these events a success for our whole Maple Grove community!
Scholastic Book Fair Oct. 15th-17th in the 2nd floor Project Room
Fall for Books Family Party, Tuesday Oct. 15th 4pm-6pm in Library & Reading area/hallway
Dress up as your favorite book character, enjoy some light refreshments, participate in book related activities, and listen to stories from some surprise guest readers!
Sign up to help out at our Fall Book Fair & our new Fall for Books event here: Fall for Books & Scholastic Book Fair Volunteer sign up
Costume Parade Guidelines
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- Friday 10/11: No School: Teacher Compensation Day
- Tuesday 10/15: Fall For Books Family Event & Book Fair (4:00-6:00 pm)
- Thursday 10/17: Eat and Earn @ Papa Murphy's (Edgewood Location)
- Monday 10/21: No School: Staff Professional Learning
- Tuesday 10/22 & Thursday 10/24: Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Friday 10/25: Annual Trunk or Treat Event at Maple Grove (6:00-7:30 pm)
- Thursday 10/31: Maple Grove Costume Parade (3:00 pm)
- Monday 11/11: No School: Staff Professional Learning
- Tuesday 11/12: Bingo & Popcorn Family Event (followed by PTA Meeting)
AK-12 Grade Calendar
PK Calendar
Maple Grove Contact Info
Principal: Jeni Goebel
Email: jgoebel@crschools.us
Website: https://maplegrove.crschools.us/
Location: 1300 38th Street NW, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52405
Phone: (319) 558-2471
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MapleGroveCRCSD