The Walker Talker
Walker Career Center weekly update - November 8, 2019
The Digital Goats Walker Career Center Robotics team is hosting the WCC Tower Take Over State Qualifier on Saturday November 16, 2019 in WCHS South Gym. Admission is free and matches begin at 10am.
If you are available, we need your help! Please consider volunteering for the event. Volunteer shifts vary in length, to meet everyone's schedule. No experience needed.
This is a great opportunity for students needing service hours.
Thank you in advance! The link to sign up is below.
Early Childhood is enjoying the holiday season
List of Participants as of today:
91.1 WEDM
Air Force
Anderson University
Andy Mohr Automotive Group
AP Classes
Ashland University
Auto Collision Repair
Aviation Institute of Maintenance
Aviation Technology Center
Ball State University
Banking and Finance (Business)
Bellarmine University
Belle Tire
Bethel University
Bloom Project, Inc.
BMO Harris Bank
Business Department
Butler University
Carel Education Associates
Central Indiana INFAME
ComForCare Homecare
Commercial Photography and the Photographer's Club
Concordia University Chicago
Coreslab Structures (INDPLS) Inc
Criminal Justice
Culinary Arts Program
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated
Dental Health Careers
DeVry University
Doug Wright Racing
E.M. Company
Early Childhood Education
Eastern Illinois University
Education Professions
Electronics and Computer Tech
Elmhurst College
Empire Beauty School
Entrepreneurship and Business Law
Fashion Careers
Fine Arts Department / NAHS / AP Studio
FLAG INT'L (Foreign Links Around the Globe)
Franklin College
Graphic Design
Greenbriar Village Assisted Living
Hamilton Exhibits
Hancock Regional Hospital School of Radiologic Technology
Health Careers - Nursing
Indiana Academy of Massage
Indiana Army National Guard
Indiana Commission for Higher Education
Indiana Society of Professional Land Surveyors
Indiana University Bloomington
Indiana Wesleyan University
Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD)
Indypendence Job Corps
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local Union 481
International Businesses College & Vet Tech Institute
IUPUI Kelley School of Business
IUPUI Office of Undergraduate Admissions
Ivy Tech - Manufacturing
Ivy Tech ASAP
Ivy Tech Community College
Ivy Tech Community College
Ivy Tech Community College School fo Nursing
Ivy Tech Community College-Education Program
Ivy Tech Men of Merit Program
JAG Indiana
JLBS Construction
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson & Wales University
Kenzie Academy
Kloeckner Metals
Manchester University
Marian University
Marion County Sheriff's Office
Martin University
MARY KAY Cosmetics
Metropolitan School District of Warren Township
MICI-AHEC (University of Indianapolis)
Millikin University
Moore Restoration/Moore Advances Services Group
MSD Warren Township Police Department
National Association of Black Accountants (NABA)
National Aviation Youth Resources Inc
Northern Kentucky University
Overton Industries
Paul Mitchell The School Indianapolis
PJ's College of Cosmetology
Planes Moving & Storage
Purdue University
Purdue University Fort Wayne
Stoops Freightliner / Stoops Training Academy
Teachers Credit Union
The Digital Goats Walker Career Center Robotics
The Fuqua Institute Of Beauty Culture LLC
The Modern College of Design
The Ohio State University
Trilogy Health Services
Trine University
Universal Technical Institute/NASCAR Technical Institute
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Indianapolis
University of Louisville
University of Northwestern Ohio
US Marines
US Navy
Video Broadcasting
Wabash College
Walker Career Center Computer Science
WCC Auto Services
WCC Construction Trades
WCC PLTW Engineering
WCC Precision Machining
Welding and Fabrication
Yamaha Marine Precision Propellers, Inc.
District Town Hall Meetings
This fall, MSD of Warren Township will be creating a comprehensive strategic plan based on community input that will ensure all students and staff have the conditions necessary to develop and apply Journey of a Graduate (JoG) skills and dispositions. The Journey of a Graduate skills are a set of 6 skills and dispositions that have been identified by our community needed for success in and out of school. The JoG skills are Critical Thinking, Citizenship, Communication, Collaboration, Content Knowledge, and Resilience. These JoG skills will serve as the foundation of the district strategic plan.
One way the district will capture community input is through an online survey. Linked below is a short survey that will ask questions around our strengths as a district and help us identify areas for improvement.
Strategic Planning Survey
Town Hall Meetings will also be scheduled for our teachers, students, parents and community to collaborate in person. Elementary school Town Hall Meetings will be hosted by their feeder intermediate and middle school. Those meeting dates are below:
Monday, November 18th, 6:00 - 7:30 at Warren Central High School (WCC)
Tuesday, November 19th, 6:00 - 7:30 at Raymond Park Intermediate and Middle School (LP, LO, HA)
Thank you in advance for your participation and thank you for your continued support of MSD Warren Township Schools.
Dr. Tim Hanson
Superintendent of Schools
Walker Career Center
Website: https://wcc.warren.k12.in.us/o/walker-career-center
Phone: 317-532-6150
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MSDWarrenTownship/
Twitter: @WCHS_WCC