Bee Cave Beehive
Dear Bobcat Parents,
Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 12, you will have an opportunity to pick up your child’s belongings that were left on campus. Teachers have bagged and labeled all student items. Parents, if you only have items from the classroom to be picked-up please drive into the main entrance and continue to drive forward towards the side/back of the school to the car rider pick-up line. Please have a sign in the front window [passenger side] with Last Name and number of children. Distribution will occur following the alphabetical time chart listed below. Please come to the corresponding time based on the family name.
Prescriptions and over-the-counter medications will be placed in student bags. Controlled substance medication will have to be picked up in the front drive of the school with nurse Hicks. Please do this pick-up first if this pertains to you, then head towards the side/back of the school.
All library books and any other borrowed school items (including leveled reading books) will be dropped off as you make your way to the back of the school, in the back drive with our librarian, Mrs. Cheeney. Please bag and label these materials with student name and teacher name.
Identifiable lost and found items have been placed in student bags. All others have been donated. All art items/projects will also be placed in student bags.
If you checked out a Chromebook or hotspot from the district, you will be contacted via email to return those items at the conclusion of online learning. You will not return those items on these dates.
There are explicit rules that no one exits the car, and we must maintain safe social distancing to protect our staff and school families. At no time can anyone except approved staff enter the school building (please refer to the TEA Guidance link below).
We will have one pickup lane—our car rider line at the side/back of the building. We have divided the alphabet to help with organization and traffic flow.
Please make sure your last name and number of children is placed in the front window. We will use walkie talkies to radio for the bags to be brought out.
Please contact me directly at kellnerk@ltisdschools.org if you have special circumstances (out of town, family illness, etc.) that will not allow you to pick up items Tuesday, May 12th.
Thank you for your patience during this time. Please understand we have over 800 students retrieving items and we have no way to predict the exact traffic flow. In order to assure safety for all, we have a limited number of staff working the distribution of student bags. The classroom teachers will be working with students during their regularly scheduled office hours until May 22nd.
We miss our Bobcat families and look forward to seeing you all, even if from afar..
Stay well,
Principal Kellner
TEA on Minimum Standard Health Protocols on Visits to Schools During Campus Closures
https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/health-safety-discipline/covid/minimum-standard-health-protocols-for-school-employees-in-school-building-during-campus-closuresYearbook Sales are reopened!!
Hello, Bobcat families!
We hope you and your families are staying safe and healthy. We understand from our yearbook publisher that their facilities are currently closed. This means that the 2019-2020 yearbooks are not scheduled to be published and delivered to Bee Cave Elementary until mid summer (at the earliest). We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your family.
Due to distance learning, online yearbook sales have reopened and will remain open while supplies last (personalization and ads are no longer available). NOTE: a limited number of additional yearbooks will be available for purchase. The cost is $30 and must be paid for online at the time of purchase on the Balfour website ( https://www.balfour.com/).
When the 2019-2020 BCE yearbooks arrive, you will be notified through the BCE Beehive regarding yearbook collection date, times, and procedure for Yearbook pick-up. Be on the look out for further information!
Take care,
Ms. Keri Swanson
2nd Grade Teacher
Bee Cave Elementary - LTISD
PTO NIOBC Virtual Auction
Get your virtual bid paddles ready!
We look forward to partnering with you as we help raise money for our wonderful students, teachers, and staff!
Thank you,
Bee Cave Elementary
Website: https://www.ltisdschools.org/Domain/12
Location: 14300 Hamilton Pool Road, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-533-6250
Twitter: @BCEBobcats