AAPAC Updates
January 2021
Click pictures for more information
Greetings African American/Black Families, AAPAC Members and Valued Partners,
It is a new year, but our goal remains the same, to cultivate the power in the lives of all Black children and their families by providing the knowledge and skills necessary to advocate for a high quality educational experience for our children. We will continue to listen, educate and advocate with and for each of you. We are also interested in your continued partnership and ongoing feedback for ways we can grow and better serve our community.
As we move into this new year, let's remember the words of our ancestors, "Each one, teach one." Share this newsletter, invite fellow parents of Black children to our meetings, and let us all know when there are resources that will benefit the collective. In the meantime, we invite you to stay connected with us and what's going on in the SF Unified School District. Please continue to read our monthly updates, attend monthly general AAPAC meetings and tune into the activities and opportunities at your child(ren)'s school site.
As always , we invite you to reach out with any questions, concerns, or shareable information by contacting us at sfusd.edu/aapac.
Until we meet again, be well.
AAPAC Specific Updates
Please join us Thursday, January 21st at 5:30pm for our monthly AAPAC meeting. This month we will be joined by Superintendent, Dr. Vincent Matthews and Chief of SFUSD's School Family and Community Support Division, Mele Lau-Smith, to discuss the reopening of schools (or return to in-person learning). We are hoping to create a safe and open space for families of Black children to ask questions and/or share concerns, ideas, celebrations or hesitations directly with school district staff. The Zoom link will be posted and shared via email soon.
Previous AAPAC Meeting
If you missed last month's meeting, be sure to check out the recording. We had beautiful celebration of Black excellence. We honored Black students, educators and families with awards, had a Kwanzaa presentation by our longtime AAPAC friend, Laura Savage, and ended the evening uplifting our awesomeness with Griot B, founder of Schoolyard Rap! It was a perfect way to culminate 2020 and welcome in 2021.
Black History Month
Although we celebrate Black History 365(6) days a year, February, the official month dedicated to the honoring of the contributions of Black and African Americans, is quickly approaching. The AAPAC urges you to work with your school sites to ensure that celebrations are being planned and evidence of these celebrations are visible and well executed. Additionally, we encourage you to continue exposing your children and family members to our rich history and those who contribute to it both past and present.
If you are looking for an exciting and engaging curriculum with fun and interactive activities that your school site can use, check out Homeschool History with Griot B and Schoolyard Rap.
The updated 2021 SFUSD Black History Month Resource Guide will be shared soon, but to get a head start, here is last years.
Welcome Board of Education Commissioners
Congratulations and welcome newly elected Board of Education Commissioners, Kevine Boggess and Matt Alexander. For more information on Commissioner Boggess and Alexander, check out this SF Examiner Article.
The Board of Education meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 3pm. Meetings are always open to the public and public comment is strongly encouraged. To tune into Board of Education meetings and to learn more about how to participate, here is the SFUSD site link.
Updates from SFUSD
African American Achievement and Leadership Initiative (AAALI) Board Presentation
On January 12th at 3pm AAALI will present on the status of African American student achievement in SFUSD and efforts of the previous year. Let's rally in support and concern for our children by filling up the Zoom call and offering public comment. If you have not already, you will also have the opportunity to meet the new Director of AAALI, Dr. Silindra McRay.
Observe Meetings:
To observe the January 12 Regular Board of Education Meeting by video conference, use this Zoom link at the noticed meeting time. Webinar Password: 801905.
Listen to Meetings By Phone:
To listen to the meeting by phone, please call at the noticed meeting time (669) 900 9128, then enter Webinar ID 842 0866 8334, then press “#”. Password: 801905. If asked for a participant id or code, press #.
Main Round Enrollment:
If you have a child entering Kindergarten, 6th or 9th grades, the deadline to apply is February 5, 2021, but don't wait, APPLY NOW. The application (online and a downloadable paper app), is available on sfusd.edu/enroll and will also be mailed to your homes. You can complete it online, mail it back, or take a picture of it and send it in. For support, call the Educational Placement Center (EPC) team at 415-218-8454, email enrollinschool@sfusd.edu, or schedule a 1:1 virtual appointment. AAPAC is also available to help with completing the app. Reach out and let us know if you need support.
In-Person Learning Registration Survey for Phase 2A Families
Message from Superintendent, Dr. Matthews:
Before we recessed for the winter break, I sent an email to let you know that we will not begin our phased approach and reopen the first 12 schools to in-person instruction on January 25 as originally proposed. We do not yet have a new target date set to begin a phased return to in-person learning. We are continuing to work hard so we are prepared to offer a safe in-person learning opportunity to our most vulnerable students when we are able to do so.
If you have a child in Phase 2A, you should have received a personalized survey link in your email we have on record for you with SFUSD. Most families have responded to that survey. If you have not done so, please do no later than January 15 so we can plan for the number of students who may be interested in returning to in-person when possible. See the website for more information, including this Dashboard showing progress in the planning process.
New Technology in the New Semester?
Need help with a technology tool? Visit bit.ly/sftechtutors to sign up for a free 30-minute session in 9 languages for Zoom, Seesaw, ParentVUE, Chromebooks, Google Meet, Google Classroom, other important tools in Google Suite and also the Multipurpose Family Income Form (MFIF).
Food and Basic Support During Distance Learning
Click on the picture links above for info on free meals for students 18 years or younger, and for the Family Resource Link.
Staying Up to Date/More SFUSD Updates and Resources:
SFUSD sends weekly emails to families called the Family Digest. If you are not receiving these communications, you may need to update your contact information in Family Portal (ParentVUE) to communicate with families. Learn how to check your contact information in Family Portal and update it if it is incorrect. If you don't have a Family Portal account, learn how to activate your account.
Resources for Parenting During Uncertain Times
Here are some resources that have been shared by SFUSD's Central Office and some school sites on how to talk about current events with your children. If you have others to share, or would like to talk with someone in depth, reach out to us at aapac@sfusd.edu and will be in contact.
- Current Events For Kids: How To Tell Your Kids About The News
- Conversations that Matter
- Resources for School Communities in Times of Crisis
- Undaunted. Unapologetic. Determined. Together.
SAVE THE DATE: Annual African American Honor Roll 2021
The SF Alliance of Black School Educators will present its 27th Annual African Honor Roll Celebration via ZOOM for ALL SFUSD students of African American descent in Grades 3-12 who have earned a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) or higher in Fall of 2020.
This year, the event will be held over 3 days at 5:00 pm.
- Elementary School Students - February 16th Elementary Principals/Teachers will select six (6 students of African American descent based on their academic performance) in Grades 3rd- 5th.
- Middle School Students - February 17th
- High School Students - February 18th
Please be on the look our for invitations and certificates by mail to the address on record. Click here to update your address.
Community Partner Updates
AAPAC encourages you to stay connected to community resources as well. Please visit the websites listed below for more information on activities and opportunities throughout San Francisco.
Soda Tax Committee
Apply now! Soda Tax Committee Community Seats
Represent your community and uplift community voices by making recommendations to the Mayor on how to spend Soda Tax dollars.
All applicants must submit an application and supplemental questionnaire for a 2 year term by Jan 29, 2021. Members will be appointed by the Board of Supervisors. *Applicants for the SFUSD PAC seat will first be voted on by the SFUSD PAC, and final candidate/s will be forwarded to the Board of Supervisors for their approval.
Application and Supplemental Questions here:
Or pick up at City Hall: Rules Committee Clerk: 1 Carleton B Goodlett Pl, Rm 244, SF
Send Applications & Supplemental Answers to victor.young@sfgov.org
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency’s (SFMTA)
SFMTA is accepting applications for its first Youth Transportation Advisory Board. The agency seeks San Franciscans 14-18 years old as of Feb. 15, who are interested in transportation, the environment, public health, local government or social justice. The board members will be selected from each of the city’s supervisorial districts plus up to six at-large members. Applications must be submitted through the agency’s online form by noon, Monday, Jan. 18.
MegaBlack SF is a collective of Black-led organizations and Black individuals fighting for visibility, sovereignty, dignity and justice for Black San Franciscans. For more information on MegaBlack SF or to be added to their newsletter, logon to https://megablacksf.org.
Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC): The purpose of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education is to advocate for effective Special Education programs and services, and advise the Board of Education on priorities in the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). CAC meets every 4th Thursday of the month. Visit their linked site for more information.
Mo’Magic: Mo’ MAGIC is a collaborative, San Francisco neighborhood-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to transform the community and youth through the MAGIC of collaboration.
B’Magic: (BMAGIC) is a network of San Francisco neighborhood-based nonprofit organizations whose mission is to facilitate, coordinate and develop community resources and opportunities that support service providers and community members in Bayview Hunters Point (BVHP).
Rafiki Coalition: Rafiki's goal is to improve people’s lives by reversing the history of health inequalities that affect the Black community and other under-served groups in San Francisco. We provide a safe, supportive environment where people can find a path to wellness by understanding their health issues, becoming more physically active and eating a healthy diet.
Coleman Advocates: Coleman currently focuses on building more effective, equitable, and supportive public schools in San Francisco and beyond. Their primary focus is fighting to advance rights, safety, and full inclusion of low-income people of color.
The YMCA of San Francisco: Our neighboring YMCAs offer a variety of resources and opportunities that are free or low cost to the community.
SF Beacon Initiative: Grounded in the community schools model/framework, Beacon Centers are committed to a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative approach that creates pathways to lifelong learning and transformative experiences for youth and the adults who support them through advocacy, leadership, networking and program support.
Parents for Public Schools SF: Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco is a nonprofit organization that helps families to navigate SFUSD enrollment, to understand education policy and decision-making, and to become empowered, engaged members of their school communities.
The African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC), SFUSD
Email: aapac@sfusd.edu
Website: sfusd.edu/aapac
Location: 1551 Newcomb Avenue, San Francisco, CA, USA
Phone: (415)241-6121
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aapacsf