Lotus Elementary Parent Newsletter
December Newsletter #2
How to Access Grades (K-12)
Safety First!
Good morning Parents,
Please review the attached PDF files about the Standard Response Protocol. During any emergencies, these are the actions we take as a school to ensure the safety of all students. This protocol is followed by all the staff and students (K-12) at Lotus. We practice and discuss each emergency with our students and staff. Please reach out if you have any questions. Thank you!
Parent Letters: Language Acquistion
Buckle Up!
Information from our Counselor in regard to student safety in the car with seat belts:
Most parents are allowing their children to sit in the front seat because they don’t understand why the back-seat-until-13 recommendation exists.
Why is the back seat safer for kids who otherwise are the same size as their older siblings and peers? Let me try to explain.
Most child passenger safety recommendations are based on 2 very simple principles:
Vehicle restraint systems are designed for adults.
Children are not little adults.
Seat belts are designed to keep an adult person safe during a motor vehicle collision (MVC). The position of the lap belt is specifically designed to ride over the lower part of an adult hip bone. The shoulder belt is designed to securely cover the breast bone. The combination of these 2 belts protects us during a MVC by keeping our bodies in the car (not getting ejected), and by slowing the rate that our bodies come to a complete stop. The belts use two of the strongest areas of our skeleton to do this - the rib cage and hips.
Although some children under the age of 13 may seem as big as an adult on the outside, they are not an adult on the inside.
The hip bones are not fully developed (all the way to the pointy top part) until 12-13 years of age. It is the pointy, angled area on the front of developed hips that keeps a lap belt low and snug. On a child with rounded, relatively soft hips, the belt will “ride up” onto the abdominal cavity during an MVC - even if the belt starts in the right place! This shift of the lap belt’s proper position increases the risk of injury to abdominal organs.
The development of the breast bone (sternum) is even more inconsistent. Mature, stable breast bones can be seen as early as 11 years old. Full development, however, can be seen as late as 17 years old. Without a mature skeleton, a child is at increased risk of injury and death in the event of a MVC.
Until a child has a mature skeleton, the protection provided by seat belt restraint is not as optimal as an adult.
So, how is a seat belt in back, better than a seat belt in front?
The back seat position provides additional protection because it is furthest away from three things responsible for most injuries: the windshield, the dashboard, and the airbag.
The data clearly shows this is a safer way to travel:
Buckling up in the back seat decreases the risk of death by one-third.
Passengers in the front seat are at greatest risk of injuries.
Rear-seated passengers have 60% better protection in side impact collisions.
Studies repeatedly suggest the risk of injury becomes equal to those of an adult person after the age of 13 years.
When you know the physiology and you see the statistics, the recommendation becomes easier to understand. It is for the greatest safety of our children.
I want all of us, as parents, to be able to use this information to make the best decisions for our own children’s car travel. And, hopefully, encourage parents to give the tweens the back seat for awhile longer.
Safe travels!
These recommendations are based on population studies, and not always applicable for each individual or vehicle. It is strongly recommended by AAP, and yours truly, to keep your kids in the back seat until they turn 13 years old. Specific situations, however, are best discussed with an individual specifically trained in car passenger safety.
Attendance Matters!
Did you know?
Chronic absence
Chronic absence is defined as missing 10% or more of the school year, which is about 18 days. Chronic absence can negatively impact a student's academic performance and increase the likelihood of dropping out of high school.
Let's ensure our students are coming to school everyday on time and ready to learn!
December Grade Level Newsletters
Get Your Lotus Discount! - Sale Ends 12/10!
13 Days of Winter Wonderland
Stay In Touch
Class Dojo and Smore
We use Class Dojo and Smore to send information to our community. Please ensure your email address is correct in Infinite Campus to receive our bi-weekly parent newsletter. You can reach out to your child’s homeroom teacher to receive the Class Dojo information. We use Facebook and the Lotus Website to communicate with families as well. Follow us at: www.facebook.com/lseaurora
Website: www.lotusschool.org
Need to update your information? Please email our front office staff at:
Monica Reynoso, Elementary Registrar - mreynoso@lotusschool.org
Elementary School Hours: 7:15 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
7:15 a.m. - 7:45 a.m. Arrival (Gates open at 7:00 a.m.)
7:15 a.m. - 7:40 a.m. Breakfast
7:45 a.m. Tardy
2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Dismissal (Gates open at 2:15 p.m.)
Upcoming Dates
December Happenings
12/9 - 12/13 - Book Fair
12/10 - Kindergarten Winter Concert: 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the PAC
12/11 - 1st Grade Winter Concert: 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the PAC
12/12 - 2nd Grade Winter Concert: 3:30 - 4:30 pm in the PAC
12/17 - 5th Grade Film Showing (3:30 - 4:30 PM) in the PAC
12/17 - Holiday Celebrations
12/18 - Semester 1 grade due
12/19 - 1/7 - Winter Holiday Break
1/8 - Start of the 2nd Semester
Academic School Calendar
Lotus School for Excellence
Lotus School for Excellence
Email: contact@lotusschool.org
Website: lotusschool.org
Location: 11001 East Alameda Avenue, Aurora, CO, USA
Phone: 3033600052
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lseaurora
Twitter: @twitter_lotusschool