December 2024
Ontarioville Elementary School

Ontarioville Mission & Vision 🎯
Vision Statement: Ontarioville Elementary students will utilize academic knowledge, social-emotional skills and cultural sensitivity to become productive citizens, lifelong learners and successfully cope with everyday challenges.
Mission Statement: Ontarioville students, families, staff, and community will work together to effectively nurture culturally-sensitive practices, promote social-emotional wellness, and model respect and social justice. Ontarioville will create a safe and engaging learning environment so that all students have the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential.
School Calendar
December 5, 2024 from 5:00 – 7:00pm Parent Cafe 1
December 5, 2024 from 7:00 – 8:00pm Band/Orchestra Concert
December 11, 2024 from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Newcomer Support Group
December 12, 2024 from 6:00 – 7:30pm Picture with Santa
December 23, 2024 - January 3, 2025 Winter Break
Dress for the Weather!
Students must dress for the weather in order to participate in outdoor recess. Coats, hats, gloves, and appropriate footwear are necessary in cold temperatures. Students who do not wear warm clothes to school when the weather is cold, will not be permitted to go outside and parents will be asked to bring a coat to school. If your child is in need of a warm coat, please have them stop by the office.
Attendance Challenge
Ontarioville students have been challenged to arrive to school EVERY DAY and ON TIME. We are already off to a GREAT start!
Mrs. Novelo's 2nd grade class won the October 2024 attendance challenge! Way to go! Congratulations!
Miss Leon's 3rd grade class won the November 2024 attendance challenge! Way to show up ON TIME, EVERY DAY!
Beginning November 11, 2024 through February 14, 2025, the whole school is being challenged to maintain a 95% attendance rate or higher to earn a chance to pie the principal, teacher, or other staff member in the face OR dump ice water on their head!
Give a HOOT and get your little owls to school ON TIME and EVERY DAY! YOU CAN DO IT!
October Perfect Attendance Winners from Mrs. Novelo's class!
Overall Grade Level Attendance for October & November 2024
Another Successful Battle of the Books!
Our B.O.B. team did an incredible job, receiving 195/200 points and coming in second place in their second battle! We are VERY proud of this team and all of their hard work and dedication. Congratulations!
Ontarioville Monthly Math Fluency Winners
Mrs. Garcia's Kindergarten Class
Mrs. Torres's 1st Grade Class
Mrs. Novelo's 2nd Grade Class
Mrs. Leon's 3rd Grade Class
Mrs. Lara's 4th Grade Class
Mrs. Favela Medina's 5th Grade Class
Mrs. Nunez's 6th Grade Class
Math Fluency
Appropriate Footwear for Physical Education
To ensure the safety of your child, please send them to school with gym shoes on days when they have PE. Sandals, Crocs, and boots are not appropriate footwear for PE.
Parent Cafe
The U-46 Family Welcome Center hosts “Parent Cafes” regularly at schools throughout the District. During these cafes, parents have the opportunity to talk with other caregivers about the challenges and rewards of raising a family. They also learn about five “protective factors” — such as social connections and knowledge of parenting — that have been shown to keep children safe and families strong.
Through individual self-reflection and peer-to-peer learning, participants create strategies from their own wisdom and experiences to help strengthen their families. Participants leave Parent Cafes feeling inspired, energized, and excited to put into practice what they've learned!
Parents and guardians are welcome to attend a Parent Cafe even if their child does not attend that specific school. Ontarioville will host a Parent Cafe event on Thursday, December 5, 2024 from 5-7 p.m. Click here for more information.
The sessions are held in Spanish. Any questions can be directed to parent educator Norma Burns at normaburns@u-46.org.
Tree Lighting Ceremony
The Hanover Park Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place on December 6, 2024 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Village Center located at 1900 Ontarioville Rd., Hanover Park, IL. Enjoy mini train rides, hot cocoa, s/mores, face painting, and photos with Santa at this community event.
Pictures With Santa
The Hanover Park Pictures With Santa will take place on Monday, December 9, 2024 and Monday, December 16, 2024 from 6-7 p.m. at the Village Center, located at 1900 Ontarioville Rd., Hanover Park, IL.
Uniting for the Holidays
Wednesday, December 11
You will receive a holiday food box with a frozen turkey.
Newcomer Support Group
Care Solace is FREE
U-46 is partnered with Care Solace, offering free mental health care coordination service. Click the link for more information.
Stay Connected With Us
Dr. Elizabeth Ma, Principal
Jonathan Bacheller, Assistant Principal
Colleen Spencer, Resident Administrator
Principal Email: elizabethma@u-46.org
Website: www.u-46.org/ontarioville
Location: 2100 Elm Avenue, Hanover Park, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 213-5590
Facebook: facebook.com/ontariovilleowl
Instagram: @ontarioville_elementary