FJVD Weekly Info
We Live the Word!
From the Principal's Desk
I hope you and your students had a successful and enjoyable first week of the 2024-2025 school year! Yesterday, we celebrated the Feast of St. Teresa of Calcutta, better known as Mother Teresa. Once she was asked if she felt that she was a failure as her tireless work in Calcutta had not eliminated the poverty and suffering of the people there. Her response?
"We are not called to be successful, only faithful."
It is a quote I often remind myself of amidst the challenges of the day, and one that also calls to mind a passage from Brett Salkeld's Educating for Eternity. Salkeld writes that "a Catholic education prepares people for success in the world, though not always in the ways the world measures success." As we begin a new school year here at Father Doyle, I pray we are preparing our students well for success in the world, real success, by teaching them to love well, act with integrity, and pursue all that is good, true, and beautiful in their lives.
A few notes for our current families:
The school will be running a test of the Parent Alert Text Message system on Monday, September 9th. More information will follow via email on Monday. If you do not receive a text alert on Monday, please contact the school to ensure your contact information is up to date and correct.
Also, I'm looking forward to seeing many of our families at our Annual Car Show next Saturday, September 14th! Volunteers are needed -see below for more details.
Lastly, I am sorry to share that Mr. DeAngelis, our music teacher, has resigned his position. Please know that we are currently conducting interviews for the music position, and families will be updated as soon as more information is available.
Continue Reading for Details Regarding:
- Northeast Martial Arts Extracurricular Program: Join Northeast Martial Arts for a 4-week Martial Arts program teaching students a range of skills. See below for the registration link!
- CAL Basketball Interest Survey: While basketball is a winter sport in the Catholic Athletic League, preparations are already underway for the season! If your have a student in grades 3-8 interested in playing basketball, please complete the interest survey linked below.
- Car Show Volunteer Sign Up and Info: We're looking for volunteers to assist at our Annual Car Show coming up next weekend! See below for details.
- Dismissal Procedures: Please review the dismissal procedures for all grade levels included below. An email with detailed maps of dismissal routes was sent to families yesterday.
- Counseling Services at FJVD: Father Doyle School partners with BeWell Therapy to provide individual counseling services for students during school hours. Please see below to learn more and meet our new counselor, Mrs. Caitlin D'Allesandro.
Northeast Martial Arts Extracurricular Program
Join Northeast Family Martial Arts for a 4-week after school program here at Father Doyle! This program is open to student in grades K-3 and will begin on Monday, September 23rd. Please note that classes will not meet on Columbus Day. The registration fee is $25.
The classes are uniquely planned and feature kid friendly, yet challenging exercises designed to get children in shape while teaching them confidence, discipline, and the never give up attitude. Let's go!
CAL Basketball Interest Survey
Is your child in grades 3-8? Is he or she interested in playing basketball at Father Doyle School?
We are currently conducting an interest survey for all students interested in participating in CAL Basketball for the 2024-2025 season.
Please note, we are only to register teams that can field a complete roster for the competitive season. As a result, the formation of teams across the grade levels is dependent upon student interest and coaching availability.
Response due no later than Sept. 13th. Please CLICK HERE to respond to the interest survey.
FJVD Annual Car Show - Volunteers Needed!
A reminder that the Annual Car Show is coming up on on Saturday, Sept. 14th! Join us for good food, great vendors, and some spectacular cars along with raffles, games, a book sale, and more. It's one of the best community events of the year!
In addition, we are looking for parents and Middle School students who are willing to help us out again this year. Please fill out the Google Form below if you are interested in volunteering.
Dismissal Procedures at FJVD
Please note the following regarding dismissal procedures at FJVD:
- The final bell rings at 2:26pm. After the bell rings, announcements and closing prayer are conducted using the intercom system.
- After announcements and prayer, students are dismissed in the following order:
- K-5 Buses, K-4 Walkers, 6-8 Buses, 5-8 Walkers
- With this in mind, dismissal typically occurs within the following time ranges:
- PK Edwards 2:15
- PK Kortick & PK Pare 2:20
- K-4 Walkers 2:30-2:35
- 5-8 Walkers 2:35-2:40
In addition, per the Parent Student Handbook, please note the following dismissal policies:
- For students in grades PK-4, parents must retrieve their child from the designated door. Students are not permitted to leave the classroom door without their parent/guardian present at the door.
- Routine dismissal procedures will be followed for each child unless the school receives a note or phone call requesting a change.
- No student will be released to non-parents/guardians unless a note or a phone call is received prior to pick-up. For your child’s protection, identification may be required.
Counseling Services at FJVD
In addition to social skills and other counseling services provided by Mrs. St. Jean, the school offers individual counseling services for students through BeWell Therapy. To learn more about the services provided BeWell at Father Doyle School, see the overview here.
The counselor this year is Mrs. Caitlin D'Alessandro. You can learn more about Caitlin here.
If you are interested in pursuing counseling for your child, please email BeWell at bewell.referral@gmail.com with your name, contact information, and your child's name and grade.
As always, be assured of my prayers for you and your families.
God bless and Go Saints!
Mr. Peloquin
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Photos from the Week
Important Documents and Information
The Nurse's Corner
End of Year/Start of Year Forms
While it is still early July, it is not too early to begin thinking about important medical forms needed for the start of the 2024-2025 school year. Please note the following:
Start of Year Medical Forms:
The following forms are due at the start of the 2024-2025 School Year:
- School Physical Form
- This is required for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, seventh grade, and all new incoming students.
- It is due upon entry to the school
- Annual Health Update
- For all returning students
- For all returning students
- Dental Screening Form
- This is not mandatory for day one, but it sure would be nice!
- Medication Consent Form for any Medication Prescribed by a Physician
- Medication Consent Form for Administration of Over the Counter (OTC) Medication
- This applies only to students in Grades 6-8 and must be signed by a parent/guardian
- Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) for any child with Asthma, Diabetes, or an Allergy Treatment Plan
- For food allergies, bee stings, or any other offender that can cause Anaphylaxis
- Screening Exclusion Form
- For students who wish to be exempt from vision, dental, and/or hearing screenings
All of these forms are provided in digital form via hyperlink in the Nurse's Corner on our school website. These forms are almost all due on or before the first day of school and any associated medication is due the first day of school as well. If a required medication or form has not been provided, the child cannot attend school until it is received.
Please reach out with any additional questions or concerns. Thank you!
Thank You to Our Partners in Education!
Platinum Sponsors
Ocean State Scale and Balance
Olde Theater Diner
Rhode Island Artesian Well
Gold Sponors
Silver Sponsors
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About Us
The Mission of Father John V. Doyle School is to provide students with a solid, well-rounded education based on Roman Catholic Tradition.
We live the Word of God in a caring, safe, and nurturing environment.
Email: kevinpeloquin@fjvd.org
Website: fjvd.org
Location: 343 South Main Street, Coventry, RI, USA
Phone: 401-821-3756
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gofjvdsaints