Maungatapere School
Newsletter 23 March 2023
From the Principal
We are now in week 7 and I am absolutely loving my role as principal, working with the staff and meeting the children, parents, board of trustees and PTA. The school culture is something this community should be very proud of. The children have such wonderful attitudes, established relationships and obviously look out for each other. I knew this already, but on returning it has re-affirmed my belief that this is a special school and community.
Introducing me…
I am married to Pip (Philippa) from Hawkes Bay, have 2 girls at University in the South Island, 15 sheep and 1 Wiltshire ram, 1 red and white border collie and have lived approximately 16 years in Kauri on a lifestyle block. As a northland boy I returned to Whangarei to the deputy principal Y7/8 position at Maungatapere, then my first principal position at Otaika Valley School 12 years ago. I have taught in South Auckland, and Taradale in Napier prior to this.
My wife and I are now empty nesters who have taken up golf together. I own a 4.7m senator tinny and love fishing, and have nearly worn the motor out fishing, sea-biscuiting and water skiing the children of our camping crew and at school camps. Camping, tramping, diving, DOC camping, water skiing is something that lives strongly in my veins. I also enjoy reading and my job and particularly enjoy engaging with the children throughout the day.
My major focus so far this year has been getting to know the children and as many parents as I can. It was such a pleasure spending two days and one night with the Y5/6 classes at Lonsdale Camp up by Matauri Bay. The children were exceptionally positive, fun, and most of all very supportive of each other during any challenging activities. All of the parents who supported the camp were fully involved, and completely made this experience memorable and rewarding for everyone involved. Well done to a fantastic team of teachers who put considerable effort into planning such safe and challenging events. This week is the Y7/8 EOTC (Education Outside the Classroom) week. The 75 children have been completely mixed up into 3 groups and spend a day at the Poor Knight Islands, at Adventure Forrest and Parua Bay yachting, kayaking and swimming, then a final day all together at school with Rock Up. The feedback from yesterday’s group to the Poor Knights on the Perfect Day was just that, the
perfect day. The children snorkelled, paddle boarded and kayaked. Kingfish, sunfish, 20lb snapper, caves and exceptionally clear water were just some of the experiences I heard about. I have had the pleasure of another fantastic group today at the Adventure Forest, and sit here writing this newsletter waiting for the Poor Knights group to arrive back at 5pm. Tomorrow I am out to the Poor Knights. Both of the Y5/6 camp and the Y7/8 EOTC week have allowed me to learn many of the names by sharing experiences with the children. Taking camps and EOTC has always been one of my favourite activities over the years. Children, teachers and parents form a much stronger bond during these times. Being involved in the children’s learning, trips and events is important to me, but does present me with challenges getting up to speed with a new school. Somethings that normally happen will take a bit more time than usual, like this first newsletter. I hope you can be patient with me while I take in the many dimensions of a new school.
On Sunday, I met some of the hardworking PTA and their helpers setting up the Maunga Mayhem. The whole course was impressive and looks to be an epic event. The 5km event out the back of the farm, through a creek bed and up a rope or ladder looks to be a true challenge. The work that parents of this community have put into this event is huge, as will be the money raised by the PTA to put back into this school.
School Awards
Ella Guitry Rm 6 For being a great leader and role model calling on the manuhiri during school powhiri. Your whanau, kura and tumuaki were very proud.
Chloe Cliff Rm 8 For being a great leader and role model leading karakia during the school powhiri. Your whanau, kura and tumuaki were very proud.
Isaiah Birchall Rm 7 For your confidence and mana speaking in te reo representing your kura during the school powhiri.
Eloise Malley Rm 5 Showing respect for others in the class room during learning times.
Frankie Shaw Rm 7 Stepping up and taking responsibility as a Year 8 student leader.
Bennet Gillingham Rm11 For being a helpful member of Room 11.
Billy Turner Rm 14 For being a role model and leader in Room 14. Keep it up Billy!
Emily Morgan Rm13 For being an awesome leader and having a great start to the year. Well done!
Jackson Hanger Rm3 For excellent listening skills and work habits.
Mackenzie Shelford Rm8 For being a kind and supportive member of Room 8.
Olivia White Rm4 Showing empathy and understanding. What a wonderful role-model in Room 4.
Connor Boylan Rm2 For being a great role model and leader in Room 2.
Darnell Shelford Rm1 For coming to school everyday with a "can do" attitude.
Kayden Brown Rm9 Being an awesome tuakana/leader in Room 9. Role modeling our school values, Manaakitanga, Mana and Kawenga.
Xavier Kuindersma Rm7 Stepping up, taking ownership of learning and ensuring Room 7 is set up ready for learning.
Neeha Shibu Rm5 Outstanding effort in the pool, pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
What's coming up!!
30 March Year 7 & 8 Vaccinations
3-5 April Year 3/4 Sailing
6 April Term 1 Ends
25 April Anzac Day
26 April Term 2 Begins
Senior Swimming Sports
Our top swimmers were:
Year 5 Freestyle Boys
- Mason Chapman
- Carter Andrews
- Jake Morine
- Ella Watts
- Maddison Knox
- Tamsyn Booth
- Josh Smith
- Jackson Leigh
- Billy Turner
- Equal Asley Ruddell & Xanthe Wiseman
- Zoe Agnew
- Liam Robson
- Nate Barrell
- Jake Butel
- Lexie Jameson
- Millie Taylor
- Arabella Chapman
- Ben March
- Malakai Fraser
- Jackson Hart
- Lara Bradford
- Ava Neumann
- Tilly Feary
- Mason Chapman
- Carter Andrews
- Isaac Ruddell
- Evie Wright
- Tamsyn Booth
- Ella Watts
- Josh Smith
- Jackson Leigh
- Billy Turner
- Zoe Agnew
- Felicity Tautari
- Ashley Ruddell
- Liam Robson
- Nate Barrell
- Nathan Watts
- Millie Taylor
- Lexie Jameson
- Arabella Chapman
- Jackson Hart
- Sheldon Hill
- Ben March
- Lara Bradford
- Chloe Cliff
- Ella Year
- Mason Chapman
- Jake Morine
- Carter Andrews
Year 5 Breaststroke Girls
- Tamsyn Booth
- Evie Wright
- Maddison Knox
Year 6 Breaststroke Boys
- Josh Smith
- Freddie Chapman
- Jackson Leigh
Year 6 Breaststroke Girls
- Xanthe Wiseman
- Emily Morgan
- Ashley Ruddell
Year 7 Breaststroke Boys
- Liam Robson
- Joseph Hart
- Nate Barrell
Year 7 Breaststroke Girls
- Millie Taylor
- Lexie Jameson
- Arabella Chapman
Year 8 Breaststroke Boys
- Jackson Hart
- Ben March
Year 8 Breaststroke Girls
- Lara Bradford
- Ava Neumann
- Eden Watson-Meyer
Year 7 & 8 EOTC Week
Sailing at Parua Bay, Adventure Forest, Poor Knights trip with Dive Tutukaka and Rock climbing with Rock Up.
Although we still have another day ahead of us today (Thursday) in speaking with the kids its too hard to choose a highlight as every activity was amazing. Tears of fear were quickly replaced by a huge sense of achievement from the kids and they are all very proud of what they have achieved and how they have challenged themselves.
Thank you to all the parents that joined us, we couldn't make this happen without you. Not all parents were able to attend so if you have photos of these activities can you please email them to office@maungatapere.school.nz and we will create an album on Facebook for all parents to view.
Look out for an update from our kids in the next newsletter.
Cathedral Cave, Poor Knights
Heading off on our Adventure
Amazing blue water
Parent Teacher Interviews
Maunga Mayhem
Please get out and support our PTA team as this is their big fundraiser for our school.
Year 5/6 Camp
They did team building activities, hiking, swimming, built bivouac, water slide, abseiling, burma trail and spotlight. Some of our kids were lucky enough to have a surfing lesson but due to weather not all could participate, this will be repeated later in the year.
Ms Ruth says it was a solid "A Team" all around, kids, parents and teachers.
We couldn't have made this camp happen without the parents who were amazing! A huge thank you to you all.
Surfing Lesson Year 5/6 Camp
Mr Brock getting stuck in.
Evening fireside sing-along
Overcoming obstacles
Fun activities to challenge the kids
Not sure what Ms Ruth is thinking here.....?
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool