RMS Knightly News
Week of November 11th, 2024

Hello RMS Knights and Families
Our Honor the Castle November's theme is "Kindness in the Castle”. This week’s message for Nov. 11th shares that“We carry with us, as human beings, not just the capacity to be kind, but the very choice of kindness”.
This week's mindset monday message for the week of November 11th Click HERE.
Stay up to date by checking our School Website regularly: Richards Middle School Website
Email: huston.julian@fraserk12.org
Website: https://www.fraser.k12.mi.us/RMSHome
Location: 33500 Garfield Road, Fraser, MI, USA
Calling all Knights! November 11th is Veterans Day!
Knights have you always wanted to meet a real-life superhero? Then you are in luck- This Monday is November 11th- Veterans Day, an opportunity for us to thank the brave men and women of the United States Armed Forces, who often risk their lives to protect our freedom. If you have the opportunity this week, Thank someone who have served in the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, National Guard, Air Force, and the Coast Guard. Formerly known as Armistice Day, this over 100-year-old tradition was started by US President Woodrow Wilson on November 11, 1919. Thank you for keeping this tradition alive of recognizing our veterans! Ways to recognize our veterans are by saying thank you, expressing gratitude, acknowledging their bravery, recognizing their sacrifices, showing appreciation and giving back to others.
Second Step Lessons during seminar for the week of Nov. 11th
7th grade Second Step Lesson topic for the week of 11-11-24- Advice on Roadblocks
Summary-In this week’s lesson, our 7th grade knights will put their knowledge about overcoming roadblocks into action by giving advice to a sixth-grader who is struggling to learn something new. At home question to ask your Knight-Tell your child about a time you had to try something new to overcome a roadblock, such as asking someone for help or looking at a problem with a different viewpoint. Tell your child what eventually helped you overcome that roadblock.
8th grade Second Step Lesson topic for the week of 11-11-24-My Path Forward
Summary- In this week’s lesson, our 8th grade knights will envision a path to become their best self by using strengths and skills they already have.
At home question to ask your Knight- Ask your knight what skills, interests, or abilities they want to develop and how you can help.
NJHS Bagel Sale Fundraiser This Wednesday, 11-13-24
World Kindness Day is Wednesday, November 13th
World Kindness Day is Wednesday, November 13th. Our RMS "Be Nice" club is offering our students and staff an opportunity to share "positive post-its" about members of our castle community. This opportunity is for our students and staff to fill out a "positive post-it" during lunches on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (or before the start of our school day morning) to display in honor of world kindness day.
The Knight Shift days this month at RMS in the media center!
The Knight Shift is back for the 24-25 school year!
The Knight Shift in November- After-School Homework Club in the media center from 3:05pm-4:00pm.
The Knight Shift after-school homework club (designated Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:05pm-4:00pm in the media center).
*Students who attend the Knight Shift must arrange for transportation home after 4pm.
The Knight Shift -“The time period after a long day of work to organize, to prepare, and to be ready for success!”
All Noble Knights are invited to attend the Knight Shift…If they have:
Homework assignment(s) to complete- Individual tables area
A group project needs to be worked on - Collaboration stations area
A quiet location to read - Flexible seating area
Please note- Outside purchased food and beverages are not permitted during the Knight Shift session.
The Knight Shift will be staffed by RMS staff member(s) during each sessions.
November Knight Shift Days are-
11/12 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
11/14 - Thursday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
11/19 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
11/26 - Tuesday: 3:05pm-4:00pm
7th and 8th Grade
Competitive Cheer Tryouts
Monday, Nov. 11th
Tuesday, Nov. 12th
7th Grade Coach: Alyssa Delliss
Email: alyssa.delliss@gmail.com
8th Grade Coach: Anna Randazzo
Email: randazzoanna123@gmail.com
***All students are to report to the Richards MS gym for tryouts
Fraser Goodfellows Holiday Assistance 2024 Information
Fraser Library Survey- If interested sharing feedback, please complete by Friday, 11-15-24
The link to the survey is https://libraryiq.mysocialpinpoint.com/FPL-strategic-plan. Everyone who takes it before next Friday will be entered to win a gift card (see image below for more details).
Information to order your 24-25 Yearbook below
Attending an RMS event Knights?
Let's Go Knights!
Game Expectations for an RMS sporting event
Check the "Student Success Resource" Below for more useful info.
Student's Bus Stop Information
The week of November 11th
Monday, 11/11 * Animation Club will meet after school. 7th and 8th grade Competitive Cheer tryouts will take place from 6pm-8pm in the RMS gymnasium.
Tuesday, 11/12 * Style Statement Fashion Club and Knight Shift will meet after school. 7th and 8th grade Competitve Cheer tryouts will take place from 6pm-8pm in the RMS gymnasium.
Wednesday, 11/13 * Animation Club will meet after school.
Thursday, 11/14 * Peer to Peer will meet during lunch and seminar. Student Council Little Leaders, Gaming Unplugged, HOSA, and Knight Shift will meet after school.
Friday, 11/15 * Cyber Patriots have a competition. Be NICE Club will meet during lunch and seminar.
Thank you Mr. Santamaria and Mr. Reeves
During this past monthly board meeting, Mr. Santamaria and Mr. Reeves presenting a request to continue our traditional performance arts end of the school field trip to Cedar Point .
Boys Basketball Tryouts for our 24-25 7th and 8th grade teams
Thank you to all of the students who tried out for our basketball teams. We had a great turnout of interested knights on making the teams.
Congrats to our Oct. star students of the month- Thank you for honoring the castle!
It was great to be able to host our Oct. star students of the month for recognition and breakfast treats! Thank you to our RMS staff who presented to their chosen Knight for student of the month.
Practicing the art of dialogue
Our knights in our Spanish courses were learning this past week about how to say classroom' items and how to make those items plural through practicing dialoguing with one another.
Illustrating build ups in Quest
In our Quest classes, our students were putting into practice qualities that makes a good friend and showing those "build ups" through illustrations.
The ABC's around our food and nutrition (and sewing) units
Each unit in Food and Nutrition (and sewing) has different themes but review of proper safety and procedures such as cleaning items are reviewed each unit to ensure our Knights success.
Congrats to Mrs. Gottardo for earning a FEF grant to continue recognizing our students' projects and work!
Mrs. Gottardo wrote a grant proposal for funds to showcase our students' art projects.With this grant, our students will have additional showcases around RMS and be able to see what others are creating. This grant was funded with the Delia Martin Gift and approved by our Fraser Educational Foundation committee.
Castle Crew Members the week of 10/28, 11/4 ,and 11/11 will be shared next week
2024-25 Meals Information
Breakfast and Lunch are FREE for all students for the 2024-2025 school year.
We encourage everyone to participate. You are still welcome to send your child with a lunch from home if you would prefer.
Families are still asked to complete a Education Benefits Form, as this information is used for district funding.
RMS Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu for November at Richards Middle School
Honor the Castle by respecting others, modeling responsibility, and making safe choices.
Outside Food and Beverage Policy
Outside food delivery is a safety concern. We do not want to have strangers and people that we do not know coming to our buildings with delivery bags. It also is a workload issue for office personnel. Managing multiple food deliveries during lunchtime becomes an additional responsibility for our office staff.
The District works hard to provide a variety of healthy, good-tasting food in its cafeterias, and students are always free to bring their own lunch to school. We will continue to follow our past practice of making sure students receive lunch if they forget to bring one from home.
All students must hand in a completed MHSAA Physical dated after April 15, 2024.
All students must also go to arbiter sports and complete the on line student registration.
If either of these forms are not completed, student will be withheld from participation until both forms have been submitted.
To provide the most effective process for entering and exiting Richards Middle School, we need our families consistent help in observing the below traffic expectations:
- Our RMS bus loop is only to be used by emergency vehicles and our district’s school buses between the hours of 7:15 am through 4:00 pm.
- To help with our daily traffic flow, please follow our painted traffic arrows in our parking lot.
- In supporting our traffic flow for entering and exiting for all vehicles, please observe no standing, parking, waiting and stopping in the parking lot aisle ways.
- When exiting Richards Middle School at dismissal time, please utilize either our RMS Garfield exit, FHS Garfield exit or FHS Klein exit.
Please be aware of students, families and guests who are walking in our parking lots by obeying traffic laws, regulating your speed, and following the traffic direction arrows. Images can be found below. Please no parking or standing where you see a red x.
Our district security personnel will communicate these expectations to our families when needed. Thank you for your support with keeping RMS a safe travel area for everyone on campus.
Attention students who utilize the crosswalk to walk over Garfield Road
This is a reminder to our students to ensure that you are using the appropriate area to cross the street to get to the other side of Garfield. Please see pictures below for reference of our crosswalk signs and striped area by the Richards Middle School Electronic Board. We want our students to make sure they are looking both ways and being aware of vehicles traveling on Garfield. Always wait to cross this crosswalk when the road is clear to do so.
We thank you for always being aware of your safety and traveling vehicles as you arrive and leave RMS at this crosswalk area.
Change of Address Information
If you have recently moved, please complete the following form to update your address and upload the files needed for update: https://form.jotform.com/211594973642161