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Washington Newsletter
![Washington Newsletter](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/3b5f/thumb-42c39aa07f7fd9b4bf97f9fe2d0df055.jpeg)
Washington News #Eagle Pride
September 19th, 2024
Washington Upcoming Events
- 9/19 MCTeacher at McDonalds, 4 -7pm
- 9/20 Early Dismissal at 10:50 am
- 9/20 Conchas and Cookies, 3:00 - 3:45
- 9/26 Picture Day!
- 10/3 NO SCHOOL
- 10/9 Night for Families New to US, 5-6pm, WA Library
- 10/11 Early Dismissal at 10:50
- 10/14 NO SCHOOL
PTO McTeacher Night TONIGHT
Join WA teachers and staff at McTeacher Night on Thursday, September 19th from 4:00 to 7:00 at McDonalds (151 N. Lake Street in Mundelein.)
Note from the Music Room
Here's what we've been up to in Music Class this month!
Kindergarten has been working super hard on steady beat. We've used rhythm sticks, hand drums, and recorded a video with scarves to feel the beat in our bodies! Check it out on seesaw. We also have been listening to a silly Spanish song for Hispanic Heritage Month called Mi Cuerpo Hace Música! It means my body makes music :)
First Graders learned what Quarter Notes and Eighth Notes are- these are our very first music notes and we're already able to read rhythm patterns that use them! We also started a partner dance called La Raspa; be on the lookout on Seesaw for more videos.
Second Graders kicked off the month with the perfect song: September by Earth, Wind & Fire! On Seesaw keep an eye out for another dance we're learning with rhythm sticks called Los machetes. We also added Half Note to our list of notes that we know, and learned a bit about Tito Puente, the mambo king.
I'm so proud of our students and how much they've already accomplished this year!
Ms. Freeman
A Night for Families New to the United States
Welcome to Mundelein, families new to the US.
A Night for Coffee, Snacks, and Discussion for Families New to the United States
- When? Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at 5:00-6:00 pm
- Where? Washington Elementary School Library (122 S. Garfield Ave., Mundelein, IL, 60060)
- Who? This is a night designed for families new to the United States (under 3 years)
- What? This informational night will focus discussion on local resources and organizations to help families succeed in the United States.
- Questions?
- English / Español: Jorge Moncada (jmoncada@d75.org, 847-226-2626 OR Ryan Zak (rzak@d75.org, 847-949-2022)
- English / Ukrainian / Russian: Larisa Brener (llbrener63@gmail.com)
Notes from the Nurse:
- Extra set of clothes: Please remember to provide an extra set of clothes in their student's locker? We have gone through all of our 5/6x & 6/7 size pants for boys and girls (lent out ones have not been returned). If you are able, please consider donating leggings, sweatpants, or shorts in 4/5 or 6/7 or 7/8.
- Eye Exams: New students and KG families - please bring in results from your child's optometrist eye exam
Box Tops Fundraiser
Thank you to everyone who participates in the Box Tops program. We have earned $22 for WA. Please check HERE to learn more and sign up.
Find Information HERE
- RevTrack: this document has details. For help with payment and balances, please contact Patty DeLozier, pdelozier@d75.org or 847-949-2700 ext. 2014.
- PowerSchool: directions for parent accounts is HERE If you have any questions, contact Diana Solis via email dsolis@d75.org.
- Teacher contact info: our staff list is on our website.
🍎 Mundelein District 75 Menus
Access the RevTrak website to pay for school meals for your child.