Silver Lake Elementary
January 2025, VOLUME 8 ISSUE 5
Friday, January 10
- LIF Friday 2:15 Dismissal
Wednesday, January 15th
- Buffalo Wild Wings - PTA Dine Out
Thursday, January 16
- Let's Connect; Exploring the world of Artificial Intelligence
Friday, January 17
- LIF Friday 2:15 Dismissal
Monday, January 20
- NO School - MLK Day
Wednesday, January 22
- Spanish Immersion Family Meeting 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. SLE Library
Friday, January 24
- LIF Friday 2:15 Dismissal
- PTA Meeting - 4:00 p.m. Library
Wednesday, January 29
- Transitional Kindergarten 1st Day
Friday, January 31
- NO School - Teacher Work Day
a look ahead...
- 3-7 - PTA Candy Grams
- 5 - Class pictures
- 12 - PTA Meeting
- 17-18 - NO School - Mid Winter Break
- 21 - PTA Movie Night
Silver Lake Families!
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday break with your families and loved ones. It’s always so hard to believe that we are already at the end of our winter break and almost halfway through another school year. The month of December was busy with holiday festivities from around the world, everything from sharing traditions and customs to singing songs of many cultures, we celebrated all!
Enjoy the photos below from the amazing Winter Music Program presented by our fabulous music teacher, Mrs. Shropshire. We truly appreciate the time and effort she puts into making this a special showcase of talent for all Silver Lake students. We look forward to seeing the spring play, Winnie the Pooh, this March as well.
In closing, the Silver Lake office staff are ready to welcome you into 2025, please let us know how we can help!
In Partnership,
Silver Lake Principal, Theresa Campbell
This holiday season, the best gift you can give your child is a good education. And the best place to get an education is in school. Every year, school absences spike in the weeks before and after winter break, as families squeeze a few more days of vacation into the holiday season. Let’s break that cycle. Make sure your child is in school every day. It’s tempting to extend your vacation by a few days, but remember, those days count as absences. Just a few missed days here and there, even if they’re excused, can add up to too much lost learning time. So, make sure your child is in school every day, right up until vacation starts and when school resumes right after. Our teachers will be teaching, and our students will be learning.
Hello Silver Lake Families,
I hope your Winter Break was enjoyable and welcome to the new year.
Friday food bag update- the food program is at capacity which means if you are in need of this program, you can sign your child up for a waiting list. If a student moves, or decides that the program is no longer needed, then spots will open up. This program is for low-income families in need of food, please only sign up if your family is in need and qualifies for free or reduce lunches. If you are no longer needing the program, please contact Buffy Osborn on ParentSquare or at Bosborn@everettsd.org to cancel.
Apply for REDUCED-COST Glasses- receive eyeglasses for a reduced fee (10$). Effective April 1, 2024, there will be a $10 nonrefundable application fee payable online when each eyeglass application is submitted. This payment can be made with any major credit or debit card, pre-paid. The application fee is the same for every individual, irrespective of the type and difficulty of the prescription. *In exceptional circumstances, where the $10 fee is an undue burden, New Eyes can review on a case-by-case basis. * New Eyes provides qualifying children with 2 pairs of FREE prescription eyeglasses every 12 months. Eligibility Guidelines: - Be in financial need - reside in a household with net monthly income below 250% of US Poverty Guidelines. - Copy of current prescription from a recent eye exam (within the last 24 months). Application Procedure: Bring unexpired eyeglass prescription to Carnegie Resource Center. -Fill out E-voucher application. - Select eyeglass frames. -If approved, glasses will be delivered within 7-10 business days. Carnegie Resource Center 3001 Oakes Avenue Everett, WA 98201
Operation School Bell- February is the last month to get a free bag of school clothes with coat, shoes, clothes, socks and more. Please contact Family Support, Buffy Osborn on ParentSquare or Bosborn@everettsd.org if you need clothing for your child. You must be 1. In need and 2. Qualify for reduced or free lunches. If your child already received a bag this school year, then you will need to wait until next September to apply for another one.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Lunar New Year, Chinese Chunjie, Vietnamese Tet, Korean Solnal, Tibetan Losar, also called Spring Festival, festival typically celebrated in China and other Asian countries that begins with the first new moon of the lunar calendar and ends on the first full moon of the lunar calendar, 15 days later. The lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon, so the dates of the holiday vary slightly from year to year, beginning sometime between January 21 and February 20 according to Western, solar calendars.
Approximately 10 days before the beginning of the new lunar year, houses are thoroughly cleaned to remove any bad luck that might be lingering inside, a custom called “sweeping of the grounds.” Traditionally, New Year’s eve and New Year’s day are reserved for family celebrations, including religious ceremonies honoring ancestors. Also, on New Year’s day, family members receive red envelopes (lai see) containing small amounts of money. Dances and fireworks are prevalent throughout the holidays, culminating in the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated on the last day of the New Year’s celebrations.
This year, Lunar New Year falls on January 29, 2025. Lunar New Year is celebrated worldwide by people of Asian heritage. Unlike the Western zodiac's 12-month cycle, the basic Chinese zodiac goes through a 12-year cycle. The animal for 2025 Lunar New Year is the Snake. The snake is associated with wisdom, mystery, introspection, and elegance. People born in the Year of the Snake are said to be perceptive, intuitive, calm, contemplative, resourceful, and adaptable.
Britannica, T. Editors of Encyclopedia (2024, December 17). Lunar New Year. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lunar-New-Year
Hello SLE Families,
Welcome back from winter break, we hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday.
PTA would like to thank our families for coming out to our Winterfest event. We had so much
fun! We would also like to thank Mrs. Shropshire for putting on a musical performance with
some of our 4th graders during our event. We would love to hear any feedback or suggestions
for our event next year. Please email Ashley at sleptapresident1@gmail.com.
We are excited to introduce Givebacks! This is our new PTA website. This site also provides us with a storefront and a fundraising platform. You will see this used on multiple occasions during the school year. Be patient as we are adding more to it every week, but we promise it will provide you with all the PTA information you will need to stay up to date. You can purchase this year’s PTA membership or visit our website at https://silverlake.givebacks.com/
PTA Member Meeting!
PTA Member Meeting!
Please join us for our ZOOM ONLY
member meeting on January 24th at 4pm.
Use the link below to join!
Dine Out
January we will have a dine out event, at Buffalo Wild Wings. This is a lighter month in events with February ramping back up!
We have a live SignUpGenius for all this year’s PTA events. Anyone interested in donating 30-90 minutes of there time can sign up on the hyperlink attached here! We will continue to add events to this page for more opportunities later in the year. We thank all volunteers for being a part of our amazing crew!
Fred Meyer Rewards
Attention: Please make sure to re-enroll for community rewards annually to continue receiving donations.
Make sure to register for the Fred Meyer Community Rewards. In your Fred Meyer App open your menu and select Rewards>Community Rewards.> then search Silver Lake Elementary PTA. This way Fred Meyers makes donations to our charitable organization www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards
Be sure to follow us on Facebook for all of your up-to-date PTA information: Silver Lake PTA 7.3.45
Your PTA Crew
EPS and SLE cell phone policy: What families/students need to know
Did you know Everett Public Schools implemented our cell phone policy and procedure in 2019? The policy, which is designed to support an engaging learning environment, applies to cell phones as well as all personal electronic devices (PEDs) such as earbuds and smartwatches. Below is a breakdown of what families and students need to know as we start the school year.
At Silver Lake Elementary:
- During the hours of 8:50a.m. to 3:30p.m. (or respective dismissal time): Cell phones/PED will be turned off and strored in backpacks. Students should not use these personal devices during the school day.
- Communicating with your child during the school day: If a student needs to contact a parent/guardian, they can do so through the classroom/school office phone. Likewise, parents/guardians can call the office for any urgent messages.
Disciplinary action: If a cell phone/PED is seen or used during the day, school staff will hold it in the office where a parent or guarding will need to pick it up during office hours. Repeated violations may lead to further consequences.
Special accommadations will be made if a PED is part of a student's Individualized Education (IEP), 504 Plan, or Individual Health Care Plan (IHP).
We are using a new Versatrans My Stop application for bus route tracking and information. The Versatrans My Stop application provides you with an estimated time of arrival for your student's school bus. Please continue to arrive at the scheduled bus stop location 5 minutes prior to the scheduled stop time.
How to Log In
All information is transmitted securely and protected. No data is provided without proper credentials being provided.
1. Enter your student’s ID number in the username field.
2. Enter your student’s date of birth in the password field. Use the mmddyyyy format with no slashes. For example: if your student was born on Jan. 1, 2017, your password would be 01012017
3. If you have more than one student, their names will appear in a drop-down list in the top left corner. To view a different child's bus information, select their name from the dropdown list.
4. In your phone settings, under Notifications, scroll to the Versatrans My Stop app and make sure:
- show notifications are in the on position.
- pop on screen is also in the on position.
5.This will allow you to see any notification that Everett Public Schools sends through the Versatrans My Stop App.
ParentSquare: Your Go-To Communications Hub
Whether it’s from the district, school, or your child’s teacher, ParentSquare keeps all your communications in one place. Learn more and activate your account: www.everettsd.org/ParentSquare (and download the free app!)
The ParentSquare app replaces the EPS app, which will no longer be updated and should be deleted from your devices.
If your student is absent or tardy from school, please email the attendance office at sleattendance@everettsd.org to let us know the reason for the absence or tardy.
- Absences must be reported (by email or note) within 30 calendar days after a student returns back to school, not including Holidays or weekends, in order to have the absence excused. Emails or notes turned in past the 30-day timeframe will be accepted; however, the absence is not excused and will be coded as such.
- Automated attendance calls will be sent out daily. If your student will be absent or tardy you must notify the office before 9:15 a.m. If it is reported after this time you may receive the automated call.
- Please view the Everett School District Attendance Procedure 3122P for more information (including definitions of absences).
- Did you have a medical appointment for your child, or they were sick, and you brought them to the doctor? If so, make sure to ask for a medical note from the provider. Email or bring the note to the attendance office so those absences can be coded as a medical note excused absence.
- Please fill out a prearranged absence form if your student will be going on vacation/traveling or will miss school for an extended period of time. As per district policy, the principal or designee may excuse up to five (5) school days for a prearranged absence per student each school year.
Website: https://www.everettsd.org/silverlakees
Location: 12815 Bothell Everett Highway, Everett, WA, USA
Phone: 425-385-6900