Lombard Family Express
Keeping Lombard families informed.
Welcome Back! On Track for Greatness
First Student Attendance Day is August 8!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are thrilled to welcome you to a new school year, filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and success. This year, our theme is On Track for Greatness, which embodies our dedication to helping every student reach their full potential.
"Success is a journey, not a destination."
Our goal is to support each child's journey towards becoming confident, capable, and compassionate individuals.
Our dedicated staff has been working diligently to prepare for a year filled with engaging learning opportunities, innovative programs, and a supportive environment that fosters growth and achievement. By working together—students, parents, and educators—we can keep everyone on track for greatness.
Mrs. Hutton
"It is a great year to be a Lombard Zephyr"!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We are thrilled to welcome you to a new school year, filled with opportunities for growth, learning, and success. This year, our theme is On Track for Greatness, which embodies our dedication to helping every student reach their full potential.
"Success is a journey, not a destination."
Our goal is to support each child's journey towards becoming confident, capable, and compassionate individuals.
Our dedicated staff has been working diligently to prepare for a year filled with engaging learning opportunities, innovative programs, and a supportive environment that fosters growth and achievement. By working together—students, parents, and educators—we can keep everyone on track for greatness.
Thank you for your partnership and support. We look forward to a fantastic school year ahead!
Here are a few highlights and important information to help you and your child get off to a great start:
1. Important Dates:
- Back-to-School Night: August 6: 5th Grade Orientation 5:30-7:00
First Day of School: August 8: 7:30-2:15 (Doors open at 7:15 a.m.)
2. Communication: We value open and transparent communication. Please ensure that your contact information is up to date and regularly check our school website,social media and newsletters for updates.
3. School Supplies: Galesburg CUSD#205 provides school supplies for ALL students. Students are encouraged to have a backpack for school.
4. Zephyr After Program: We offer an after school program Monday-Thursday from 2:15-4:15. This program provides homeroom help and enrichment clubs. The program will start September 3. Please contact Hailey Winick @ hwinick@galesburg205.org to sign up.
5. Health Requirements: The well-being of our students is our top priority. Click the link for the requirements: https://bit.ly/3yewUaq
6.Student ID’s: Students will be required to wear ID’s. These ID’s and lanyards will be provided by the school. Students are allowed to have their own lanyards.
We are confident that this year will be one of tremendous growth and achievement. Let’s work together to keep every student on track for greatness!
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Drop off and Pick Up Locations
Please use Knox St. and its feeder streets (Lombard, Whitesboro, and Locust) to drop your child(ren) off (the areas highlighted green). Please encourage them to use the sidewalks when they approach the building. We encourage you to move from West to East so students can be dropped off/picked up on the school side and avoid having to cross traffic. If this is unavoidable, please help us by directing your child(ren) to the crosswalk located in front of the building. There will be staff member there to help them cross daily.
Please avoid staff parking lot to drop off and pick up your student.
The staff parking lot (highlighted red) to the east off of Locust St. is not open to pick-ups/drop offs in the morning/afternoon. Additionally, the bus lane off of Lombard street to the West should be avoided. If we all work together we can help keep our students safe and make our process efficient.
Thank you for your help and understanding.
Car Riders/Walkers Entry and Exit Doors
Registration Opportunities.
School Supplies
School-Wide Expectations
ID's are required.
Students will need to wear their ID's during the school hours. If students are late to school or class, they will be using their ID's. Students also use their ID's for lunch.
Hats and Hoods
In order to keep our school as safe as possible and to help staff identify individuals easily, students should not wear headwear with a hood, bill, brim or otherwise that would impede the ability to identify a student. No head coverings unless for religious reasons or for protective hair covering as approved by the Principal.
Lockers & Locks in Middle School
They may decorate the inside, but not the outside.
Breakfast in Homeroom Classes
School Physicals
Students entering 6th grade must have a school physical and dental exam prior to the start of the school year.
Report Card Information
Lombard Middle School will issue letter grades at both grade levels.
Quarter 1: August 8-October 11, 2024
Midterms: September 16
Q1: Report Cards: October 14
Quarter 2: October 14-December 20, 2024
Midterms: November 25
Q2: Report Cards: December 23
Quarter 3: January 6-March 14, 2025
Midterms: February 10
Q3: Report Cards: March 17
Quarter 4: March 17-March 21, 2025
Midterms: April 22
Q4: Report Cards May 23
Keep up on community events by clicking the button below.
Please Share Ideas with our Staff!
We would love to involve our community and families. If you have an inspirational story, a school challenge, tips, quotes, etc. to go with our themes please share with the Lombard staff.
Contact Lombard's Office to join our High Five Friday!
Lombard Office Team
Jason Spring - Assistant Principal
Travis Stecher- Dean of Students
Danielle Thompson - School Counselor
Jasmine Rickard - Social Worker
Terra Sargeant - Nurse
Matt Lingafelter - Outreach Worker
Jacque Henry - Secretary
Crystal Yeomans - Secretary
Robert Hall - Security Officer
Website: lombard.galesburg205.org
Location: 1220 East Knox Street, Galesburg, IL, USA
Phone: 309-973-2004
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wearelombard