2025 February Newsletter
Insight Schools of California

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💝 In this February issue...💗
2024-25 Calendar & Schedule
"We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got spirit, how 'bout you!?" Get ready to show your Cougar Pride by taking part in Spirit Week! You can participate by dressing up and/or using the Padlet link below to share your kindness focus and reflections! The fun begins on Monday, February 24th and goes through Friday, February 28th! Can't wait to see you show off your SPIRIT!
Crazy for Motivation Monday
Crazy Hair Day
Kindness Focus: Motivate and Encourage
Toolkit Tuesday
Wear Tie Dye
Kindness Focus: Create a Selfcare Toolkit
Love the Earth Wednesday
Represent your Culture
Kindness Focus: Pick up trash
Thank You Note Thursday
Wear Green for Mental Health Awareness
Kindness Focus: Write a thank you letter to someone at school or home
Hats Off to Helpfulness Friday
Wear your favorite hat
Kindness Focus: Help with a chore that is not yours
I am including a short announcement you can use when you share the flyer through social media or on your website:
As we approach the new year, please remember the valuable resources available through ParentGuidance.org, designed to help you thrive in your parenting journey. Click here to register for support from a coach: https://cookcenter.info/coaching
7 Mindsets Monthly Quote - February: Live to Give
The Live to Give mindset teaches that abundance in one's life is a cycle. To receive love, respect, and financial security, one must first learn to give those things. This mindset also teaches that the greatest gift you can ever give is finding and leveraging your unique genius to maximize your positive impact on the world, knowing that good things will be returned to you in kind.
In Person
Requires Permission Slip
In person
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
Requires Permission Slip
For more details please go to the ACTIVITIES PAGE and SIGN-UP!
Permission Slip Files
Email aguevara@k12insightca.org with completed permission slips.
No Permission Slips Needed
Every Other Tuesday at 3:00 PM
No Permission Slips Needed
Every Other Thursday at 2:30 PM
Permission Slips Needed
Every Other Tuesday at 3:00 PM
Permission Slips Needed
Every Other Thursday at 2:30 PM
For more details please go to the ACTIVITIES PAGE and SIGN-UP!
11:30 AM Wednesdays
1st Tuesday of the Month
2:30 PM 2nd Monday of Month
2:30 PM 2nd Wednesday of Month
2:30 PM 2nd Tuesdays of Month
3:00 PM 2nd Thursdays of Month
Tracy Paulo Last Names A-Cm tpaulo@k12insightca.org
Nilma Alvarez- Drinkwater Last Names Dn-Ha nalvarez-drinkwater@k12insightca.org
Amanda Ponce Deleon Last Names Hb-Ma aponcedeleon@k12insightca.org
Amber Scala Last Names Mb-Ro ascala@k12insightca.org
Kelly Mortensen Last Names Rp-Z kemortensen@k12insightca.org
Developing and Promoting Healthy Relationships
Developing and Promoting Healthy Relationships
High school is a time when we begin to develop some of our most important relationships with ourselves, friends, family and romantic partners. During this period of growth and change, it can be challenging to navigate what is healthy versus what is unhealthy in our relationships, how to communicate and when to set boundaries. Let’s dig into some helpful tips!
Signs of a Healthy Relationship
Respect for One Another
Trust & Honesty
Individual Hobbies, Friends and Interests
Healthy Communication
Healthy Conflict Resolution
Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship
Codependency or Dependency
Physical or Sexual Aggression
See https://youth.gov/youth-topics/teen-dating-violence/characteristics for more detailed descriptions of the above characteristics.
Watch this video to learn more about what to do if you find yourself in an unhealthy relationship: Building Healthy Relationships
How to Set Boundaries in Relationships
1. Practice Identifying your feelings in any given situation
a. Trust your gut
2. Practice identifying unacceptable behaviors (see above examples)
3. Practice setting boundaries, see below examples:
a. Communicating the desire to move slow in a romantic relationship and making consent a
required part of every interaction
b. Telling a friend that you are not comfortable drinking and do not want to be in situations
where drinking is involved
c. Talking to a sibling about your need for alone time
d. Asking a family member to refrain from teasing you about a topic you are sensitive to or
uncomfortable with
Please visit our Counseling Website for more resources
Click the purple banner above.
If you are in an immediate crisis, call 911.
💼 Career Development
Create a Tallo Profile to Unlock Huge Opportunities! Tallo
Are you looking for a CPR class? Train for moments that matter! The American Red Cross offers both in-person and Online Classes! Find one that works for you at their website: https://www.redcross.org/local/california/take-a-class/cpr
FREE Food Handlers Certification Course
All students can sign up and its valid for three years. This course is only valid for Insight students. It looks great on a resume. We hope you take advantage of this great opportunity.
A Food Handlers Certificate is NOT a work permit. A Food Handlers Certificate is required of anyone working with food in The State of California. A separate Work Permit would also be required of anyone under 18 years of age and has separate requirements.
*These vouchers are for students only.
Please only sign up one time. Duplicate entries will take a voucher from another student. If you submitted your survey and haven't received your voucher, please contact Monica Chatfield at mchatfield@k12insightca.org.
Click here to sign up for the course or click below!
After you submit the survey, your information will be verified and then we will send a code with instructions on how to access the course.
If you're interested in a work permit, click here for instructions on how to apply.
K12 National Cook-Off is Now Open!
This holiday season is the perfect opportunity for you to capture those holiday dishes and join in on the culinary fun! Enter the K12 National Cook-Off today!
Open to K12-powered students in grades 6-12.
In Round 1, students will submit an original recipe that includes the below criteria, plus three photographs and supporting information.
Round 1: Virtual - Create a dish that includes all of the following:
- a source of protein
- an ingredient that starts with the letter "B"
- an ingredient that adds crunch
- an ingredient that is liquid at room temperature
- a spice or herb that is not salt or pepper
Round 2: In-Person
- Five finalists will be selected to compete in-person at the Kitchen of Purpose in Arlington, VA, on June 6, 2025, for a live cook-off battle!
Meet the K12 National Cook-Off celebrity judges!
Cash prizes will be awarded to the 1st place and People’s Choice winners!
Registration is open from November 13 - February 18, 2025
Learn more and submit your recipe for Round 1 by visiting: K12 National Cook-Off - K12 Enrichment
- Briette Peterson: Director of Engagement (951) 389-4877 bripeterson@k12insightca.org
- Tricia Altman: Student and Family Champion (760) 383-0586 taltman@k12insightca.org
- Carmen Cardenas: Student Champion Clerk (781)649-3940 cacardenas@k12insightca.org
- Leahndrah Carrillo: Student Champion Clerk (805) 792-8904 lecarrillo@k12insightca.org
- Anica Garcia: Academic Growth Advocate (ISCA) (559) 900-1781 agarcia@k12insightca.org
- Jade Fries: Academic Growth Advocate (SD/SJ) (559) 797-1040 jafries@k12insightca.org
- Jeannie Sheffield: Retention Specialist (ISCA) (559) 549-4309 jsheffield@k12insightca.org
- Ruby Magana : Retention Specialist (ISSD & ISSJ) (559) 623-7012 rmagana@k12insightca.org
- Lyla Rodriguez: Bilingual Engagement Coach (951) 484-0886 lrodriguez@k12insightca.org
- Alyssia Guevara: Media and Community Liaison (408) 459-8223 aguevara@k12insight.org
Learning Coach Community
- Connect with one another
- Enjoy Interactive discussions
- Receive and share advice, ideas and encouragement
Download the K12 App, log in using your Learning Coach credentials, and join the Insight School of California and National K12 Learning Coach Communities.
LCU #1 Video Recap
Learning Coach University #1 - Parent/Learning Coach Resources. We cover how to actively be connected, make new connections, gain tool kits to help you and your student, and to gain the ability to seek answers to your questions, plus so much more! Learn about: K12App, Learning Coach Community, ParentGuidance.org & events, One Stop Shop, Newsletters, LCs FAQ and connecting with Insight!
LCU # 2 Video Recap
Learning Coach University #2 - Student Resources Learn about what resources that Insight offers our students, from academic to socialization, where to find them and how to join. The topics we will cover: Academic Resources Counseling Website and Resources Career Development Insight Hosted Activities Virtual Clubs and Support Groups and much more!
LCU # 3 Video Recap
Learning Coach University # 3 that will cover counseling resources for families and students. Get to know more about the counseling team, the website, most popular requests, support groups, helpful features and more!
LCU # 4 Video Recap
Learning Coach University # 4 covered counseling resources aimed at college and career planning. Get to know more about the counseling team, the website, most popular spots to find college and career information.
Tutor.com & Insight School Partnership
Tutor.com has partnered with Insight schools for 24/7 one-on-one free tutoring resources!
Click on the image above or go to www.tutor.com/isca in your browser.
Log in with your Star360 username and password to unlock extra support and help you need!
BTSP Help Link: BTSP Support Request Ticket
BTSP Video Instructions
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InsightCA Counselors
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📱K12 APP
Alyssia Guevara
Media & Community Liaison
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding your online learning experience.
phone (408) 459-8223
email aguevara@k12insight.org
ISCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access educational programs and activities. As required by Title IX, ISCA does not discriminate on the basis of gender, in its educational programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Title IX non-discrimination matters:
Morgan Vincent , ISCA Title IX Coordinator, 50 Moreland Road Simi Valley, CA 93065. movincent@k12insightca.org (951) 894-9089
Additionally, you may contact the Office of Civil Rights by calling 1-800-421-3481.