Walnut Hill Elementary
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow: Week of March 2-6
Message from the Principal
With 21 instructional days left until the first round of STAAR we are moving urgently and intentionally to look at our data from every angle and act on it strategically to maximize preparation for our students. I am so energized by this our habit of Synergy and inspired by our collective commitment to ensure our students are equipped for the challenge that lies ahead.
To this end, I am reminded of one of my favorite speeches from history given by President Theodore Roosevelt in France in 1910, The Man in the Arena. There are risks in life that are worth giving our all even regardless if the result is victory or defeat. The point of the speech that Dr. Brene Brown illustrates in her book and in the video below is that we have to be vulnerable enough to show up, embrace our imperfections, and dare greatly "so that our place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." This is my charge to each of us for every single day that we have left in every moment: Show up, strive valiantly to make a difference for students, be intentional, sweat the details, and do so daring greatly. Our kids are the most worthy cause and I am so excited to see what their future holds well beyond their years at Walnut Hill.
With gratitude,
-Mr. Potter
District and Campus Goals
District Goals:
- Student achievement on state assessments in all subjects in Domain 1 will increase from 39 percent to 47 percent by 2022.
- Student achievement on the third-grade state assessment in reading at the Meets performance level or above will increase from 35.6 percent to 45.0 percent by 2022.
- The percent of graduates who are college-, career-, or military-ready (CCMR) from Domain 1 will increase from 45.0 percent to 49.0 percent by 2022.
- Student participation in extracurricular or co-curricular activities will increase from 59.0 percent to 78.0 percent by 2022.
Walnut Hill TIP Goals:
- 5.3 Data-driven instruction.
- 1.1 Develop campus instructional leaders with clear roles and responsibilities.
- 5.1 Objective-driven daily lesson plans with formative assessments.
Walnut Hill CIP Goals:
- (Key Action 1) Advance teacher effectiveness and improve the quality of instruction through research-based professional learning practices.
- (Key Action 2) Close achievement gaps through effective data practices and alignment of core content curriculum.
- (Key Action 3) Develop and sustain a positive and supportive climate and culture of high expectations through effective communication with inclusive practices.
WHE Shout Outs
Student in photo: Shani Segovia. Students who participated with their artwork; Sophia Reyes, Daisy Anguiano, Kevin Gonzalez, Vienna Porchia, Shani Segovia.
Leadership Notebooks
Excellence in Service
Practices to Master
- Journals are evident in all classrooms (limit the use of glue in materials and focus on student-generated supports.)
- Worksheets/writing prompts, etc are not used to limit student creativity and academic excellence. If there is a chance that any curriculum support would do this, DO NOT USE IT. Focus instead on tools that are thought-provoking, foster endurance, creativity, and resilience. A good rule to follow is that if you would not display it as student work, do not use it for student learning.
- Student/Staff Culture is 100%, Classroom Management is 100%, Culture Routines are 100%
- Authentic student work that is worthy of display is the standard for the products that our students create DAILY. That means that all work should be at the level or above the level of the TEKS (see staff handbook under student work).
- Writing, reading, and student discourse occurs across all contents daily. (See Bernabei text structures below).
- Students own their data, can speak to their data, and are regularly setting goals to move to the next level. Individual Student Academic Growth is Priority Number 1 Thie Year!
Aggressive Monitoring
Be sure to have:
- Rosters and clipboards with tired students based on recent data (ACP Data/Weekly DOL)
- Pre-determined Conceptual Laps (no procedural Laps)
- Ensure that Aggressive Monitoring occurs during independent practice
- Clearly defined and announced laps and paths starting with the highest mastery first on each concept (this can change based on who is mastering what) - These should be determined in PLC.
See the video example below
Thinking Map of the Month
Bridge Map
Conrad/Thomas Jefferson Feeder Priority Goals
Student Achievement
Advance teacher effectiveness and improve the quality of instruction through research-based professional learning practices
Quality of Instruction
Close achievement gaps through effective data practices and alignment of core content curriculum.
Climate and Culture
Develop and sustain a positive and supportive climate and culture of high expectations through effective communication, inclusive practices and leadership development.
Weekly PD Dates/SWAG
SWAG NIGHTS (Pre-K-5) & Specials Teachers
Common Assessment Timeline
Looking Ahead
Monday, March 2
- Ms. Torres Campus Visit
- TX Independence Day
- Just One More Celebration Luncheon(by invite)
- 9:35am K/1 Team Meeting
- 12:50pm G/T PLC
- 3:15-4:30 Ramos Dance Club
- 3:30pm CILT
TUESDAY, March 3
- K-1 TELPAS rate sheets due
- 12:50pm Kinder/First PLC
- 1:50pm ARD (Potter)
- 3:15pm-4:00pm Ramos Poetry Club
- 9:30 am 4/5 PLC
- 1:15pm K/1/2 GT Content Planning
- 3:00pm Preston Hollow Dance Class
- 3:00pm-4:30pm Chess
- 12:00pm-7:00pm Walnut Hill Design Charette
- Instructional Rounds @ Joe May 8:30am to 1:00pm (Potter & Collings)
- 8:30am - 11:30am Elementary CRC's Required Training (Garcia)
- 1:00pm-4:00pm Counselor Training
- 8:30am 2nd/3rd PLC
- 10:30am 504 meeting (Collings)
- 12:05pm PreK PLC
- 3:15pm PD
FRIDAY, March 6
- TX History & Women's History Student Work Posted
- Read to Succeed Incentive
- STAAR Designated Supports Due
- 9:30am Enrichment PLC
- 12:05 ARD (Collings)
- 1:50pm ARD (Collings)
9 - Lighthouse Meeting 4:10pm
11 - Happy Birthday Ms. Zuniga!!
16-17 Spring Break
24-Coffe with the Principal
25-Happy Birthday Ms. Lopez!!
27-Happy Birthday Ms. Pandya!!
28-United 2 Learn-Community day
31-Happy Birthday Ms. Coble!!
16-Network Day
4-Network Day
10-Principal Luncheon
About Us
Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow.
Walnut Hill Elementary seeks national recognition as a premier elementary school committed to developing global leaders.
Mission Statement
Walnut Hill Elementary will create and foster an optimal learning environment focused on academic excellence, innovation, high expectations, and a commitment to actively involving and serving our community.
Email: ppotter@dallasisd.org
Website: https://www.dallasisd.org/walnuthill
Location: 10115 Midway Road, Dallas, TX, USA
Phone: (972) 502-7800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WHEDallas/
Twitter: @WHES_Hawks