Tuesday Take-Home
February 4, 2025
From the Principal, Mrs. Noe'
Last week's Catholic Schools Week was wonderful way to highlight Saint Pius V School's mission and this year's theme of Uniting Us in Faith and Community! We will continue to bring the spirit of the week into our school throughout the year!
Each family has received a packet of information for CONTINUOUS ENROLLMENT for the School Year 2025-2026.
Important dates: February 28 is the last day to OPT-OUT for next year. If your child is not returning please complete the OPT-OUT form or call the office. Automatic nonrefundable enrollment fees of $211.00 will be billed on March 13th. If your child is remaining at Saint Pius V School for next year you do not need to do anything at this time.
Financial Aid: If you plan on applying for financial aid, you need to complete the FACTS aid application each year. Now is the time to apply. You can access the financial aid application at: https://online.factsmgt.com/aid or through your family portal.
Parents have the ability to view their child's grades on the FACTS family portal. Attached below are instructions on how to access student grades.
There will be a Parent Association Meeting Tuesday, February 11 from 6:30-7:30 in the Chapel Community Room second floor of the school, all are welcome. If you would like to help with the 80th Anniversary Gala, please plan on attending or reach out to Mr. Martin at gmartin@stpiusvschool.org
Gala tickets are now on sale.
Enrichment Clubs: Session 2 for grades 3-8 will run from February 10 - May 15, 2025. Permission form is attached below.
Christmas Card Raffle Fundraiser Final Winners are:
- 1/28/2025 - Maria Sardone - $50 - ticket sold by Madison Ashwell
- 1/29/2025 - Lizzie DeMaio - $125 - ticket sold by Reagan DeMaio
- 1/30/2025 - Maria Sardone - $50 - ticket sold by Madison Ashwell
- 1/31/2025 - Joe Winchell - $50 - ticket sold by Ellanorra Wilson
Classroom Wish List: With flu and cold season upon us, classrooms are in need of disinfectant wipes to help keep all surfaces germ free. Thank you for your generosity.
Mrs. Noe '
Saint Pius V School educating students since 1945!
Isabella and Joyliz , winners of the Lions Peace Poster Contest!
Grade 6 girls perform in the annual Talent/Variety Show!
Saint of the Week
- Mrs. Bowen for the Teacher Appreciation treats.
- Mr. & Mrs. Feliz for fixing the After School ping pong table
- All families for your participation in the Christmas Card fundraiser
- PJ and JJ Girard for snow removal and keeping sidewalks safe
- Mr. Salgado for repairing the pipes in the school's restroom
- Mrs. Chevalier for classroom coverage
Saint Slip Winners!
Saint Slip Winner!
Riley is awarded a certificate for exceptional work in Robotics!
Saints Slip Winners!
These students earned a Saint Slip for following the Saint Pius School motto. "Do Your Best...Be Kind to Others."
Emilia Montalvan - K1
Daelle Alexis - Gr 1
Anthony Mendes - Gr 2
Kadence Girard - Gr 3
Sofia German - Gr 3
Belema Thom-Manuel - Gr 6
This Week
Tuesday, February 4
- Progress Reports emailed today
- Band
- Student Council Meeting 2:30-3:00
- Robotics Club
- Faculty Meeting 2:45
Friday, February 7
- Super Bowl NUT Day - $1.00 (Grade 8 Graduation)
- Pizza for Lunch