Ballenger Creek Middle School
Community Newsletter - January 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Ballenger Creek Middle Families,
I hope that you and your loved ones are well, that you had a good holiday season, and that 2025 has started as smoothly as possible for you. It’s hard to believe, but we are nearly at the halfway point of the year--the beginning of term three is next Wednesday (January 15th)! Please be sure that you and your student view his or her third term schedule prior to next Wednesday to check for possible class changes if they have semesterized classes. Should you have questions about how to access your child’s schedule or anything else related to your student’s schedule, please reach out to your child’s grade-level counselor:
6th grade: Mr. Webber - Johnny.Webber@fcps.org
7th grade: Ms. Reese - Rebecca.Reese@fcps.org
8th grade: Mr. Ledyard - David.Ledyard@fcps.org
If you need anything else, please feel free to let me know and I’ll work with you and our school-based team to make sure you get the proper assistance in a timely manner.
Jay Schill
Principal, BCMS
BCMS Goals for 2024-2025: Supporting Every Student’s Success!
This year, Ballenger Creek Middle School is focused on helping every student achieve their best, with goals around academic success, attendance, behavior, and wellness. We're working to improve proficiency in both English and Math, reduce chronic absenteeism, and ensure that students are supported in making positive choices. Strategies include high-dosage tutoring, early intervention for attendance, social-emotional learning, and wellness activities.
Families play a huge role in student success! Please encourage your child to attend school every day, and check in regularly on their progress. Together, we can create a strong foundation for your child’s future success.
Thank you for your continued partnership!
Want to be a FCPS Volunteer?
The first step of the process is to follow these detailed directions (instrucciones detalladas en español) on how to create an account in Unified Talent and then how to complete the two required trainings. After you complete your trainings, you will receive an email with the next steps in the process. Please be aware that the process can take 48-72 hours and MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR to you volunteering for FCPS.
If you are a current FCPS Employee who is interested in volunteering, you must complete the Volunteer training listed under your Recommended Courses on your Unified Talent Home Page.
SEL Lessons @ BCMS
Twice weekly students take part in SEL lessons that focus on the social and emotional well being of middle schoolers as well as connecting with one another. The most recent topics covered in the SEL lessons are:
- Growth vs. Fixed Mindset
- Brain growth / Neuroplasticity
- Perseverance
- Decision Making Process
- "Blessings in a Backpack" - Food drive hosted by BCMS SGA
Please take a moment and talk with your child about what they learned in the most recent SEL lessons. If your family is able to support the BCMS Food Drive, please consider sending in food to donate with your child this month.
General Reminders
Car Rider Drop Off and Pick Up
Please be sure to use the car rider line to drop off and pick up your child each day. Our goal is to ensure the safety of everyone coming to and from school daily. Dropping off students on Ballenger Creek Pike is not only dangerous, but is not permitted. We kindly ask that all car riders are dropped off and picked up properly each and every day.
Students' Walking Home
To ensure the safety of all our walkers, please remind your child to walk on the designated sidewalks and not cut through the car rider line to get the path in the back of the building. It is imperative that our students follow the directions of our staff members daily to ensure that they all get home safely. Also, please remind your child to use designated crosswalks to cross all roadways.
Outside Food
Outside food is not permitted in our cafeteria. If a student does not have a lunch because they forgot it at home, school staff will support your child in getting a lunch from the cafeteria. However, in the event that you do have to drop off a lunch for your child, please know that your child may not eat food from a restaurant in the cafeteria. The student will be asked to eat the food elsewhere before reporting to the cafeteria. It is best practice to drop off a lunch that is in a packed lunch box for your child so that he or she may remain in the cafeteria during their lunch.
Students are to be in their 1st period class each day by 8:00am. If they arrive after 8:00am, students will be marked tardy. When they accumulate 3 tardies, they will be issued a lunch detention and if the chronic tardiness continues, students will be issued after school detention(s). If your child is going to be tardy or absent for any reason, please send an email to BCMS.Attendance@fcps.org. Please be sure to indicate your child's first and last name as well as the reason for the tardy or absence. Thank you for your continued support.
Grade Level News
6th Grade Updates
The 6th Grade team wishes you and your family a Happy New Year!
The end of Term 2 is January 15, 2025. Please review your student’s Schoology page to stay up-to-date on their current grades and any missing work that can be completed. Remind them that their hard work pays off and to keep striving to be the best version of themselves every day.
If you believe your child needs support in one or more of their classes, urge them to reach out to the teacher to schedule time to be pulled for tutoring during Homebase.
7th Grade Updates
The 7th grade team hopes all BCMS families had an enjoyable and relaxing Winter Break! As the end of Term 2 approaches, we would like to share a few reminders:
- Please make sure students are charging their Chromebooks EVERY night.
- Please have students check Schoology and their grades daily.
- If a student needs help with an assignment, please contact the appropriate teacher so they can sign them up for tutoring during HomeBase.
8th Grade Updates
Happy New Year! The start of 2025 is a great time to help students set new goals and reset their academic success. January 15th is the last day of Term 2. Students in health will return to P.E, and the students in P.E, may have health in Term 3. Please remind your student to check their schedule for the start of Term 3. Also, students who have classes that are only a semester long will switch to their new classes at the start of Term 3 on January 21st.
Department News
ELA Department
6th Grade:
Students will soon wrap up Unit 3 and begin Unit 4. Unit 4 is titled Through an Animal’s Eyes. In this unit, students will explore what we might learn by viewing the world from the perspective of a variety of animals. Through this experience, we will consider what we might learn about our own lives. The texts we will read center on the Essential Question “What can you learn from seeing the world through an animal’s eyes?” This open-ended question is intended to spark thoughtful discussion. You may wish to explore this question with your student at home as well. Unit 4 includes the following texts.
from Pax: This novel excerpt describes a mysterious journey from the point of view of a pet fox and considers the difficult choices we sometimes have to make. Students will learn how to analyze point of view and word choice in stories.
Zoo: In this popular science fiction story, children and adults have the unique experience of viewing creatures from Professor Hugo’s Interplanetary Zoo. Students will learn how to infer a story’s theme and how to analyze point of view.
Wild Animals Aren’t Pets: This USA TODAY editorial argues that people should not be allowed to own exotic animals as pets. Students will learn how to analyze and evaluate arguments.
- Let People Own Exotic Animals: The author of this essay argues that people should be allowed to keep exotic animals in private collections, including lions, tigers, bears, elephants, and other large animals. Students will continue to learn how to analyze and evaluate arguments.
7th Grade:
Students will soon wrap up Unit 3 and begin Unit 4. Unit 4 is titled Inspired by Nature. In this unit, students will explore nature’s inspirational and destructive sides while considering our impact on the natural world. The texts we will read center on the Essential Question “What does it mean to be in harmony with nature?” This open-ended question is intended to spark thoughtful discussion. You may wish to explore this question with your student at home as well. Unit 4 includes the following texts:
Allied with Green: This short story tells of the main character’s devotion to a greener world. Students will learn how to analyze a story’s theme and how to analyze a story’s style and figurative language.
Never Retreat from Eyes Wide Open: Award-winning author Paul Fleischman argues that the changes we make now about our spending and consumption will affect our environment in the future. Students will learn how to analyze an argument and an author’s point of view and purpose.
Mississippi Solo: In this memoir, the author recounts when nature’s strength challenged his solo canoe trip down the Mississippi River. Students will learn how to analyze a memoir and how to analyze figurative language.
Ode to Enchanted Light / Oda a la luz encantada: In this poem, Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda compares the light in a forest to glass overflowing with water. Students will learn how to analyze an ode.
- Sleeping in the Forest: This poem describes what it is like to sleep in the woods and lose oneself to nature. Students will learn how to analyze lyric poetry.
8th Grade:
Students will soon wrap up Unit 3 and begin Unit 4. Unit 4 is titled The Fight for Freedom. In this unit, we will explore texts that deal with both real people and fictional characters in the Civil War and the fight for freedom. The texts we will read center on the Essential Question “What will people risk to be free?” This open-ended question is intended to spark thoughtful discussion. You may wish to explore this question with your student at home as well. Unit 4 includes the following texts.
from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave: This excerpt from the autobiography of Frederick Douglass explains how Douglass learned to read as an enslaved child and describes the effects reading had on him. Students will learn how to analyze an autobiography and its structure.
The Drummer Boy of Shiloh: In this work of historical fiction by Ray Bradbury, a drummer boy has a private talk with a general about the realities of war on the evening before a Civil War battle. Students will learn how to analyze setting in historical fiction and how to analyze literary devices.
O Captain! My Captain!: This poem by Walt Whitman expresses the grief and sorrow the speaker feels about the death of President Abraham Lincoln, whom the speaker compares to a ship captain. Students will analyze figurative language and learn about elegies.
Not My Bones: In this poem by former Poet Laureate of Connecticut Marilyn Nelson, the speaker emphasizes the idea that the true essence of a person can never be enslaved. Students will analyze the use of figurative language in a poem.
- from Fortune’s Bones: This piece of history writing follows the story of an enslaved man named Fortune. The author describes the events of his life as well as what happened to his skeleton after he died. Students will learn how to analyze chronological text structure.
Math Department
6th Grade:
Students will be finishing their Module 4 unit on integers, rational numbers, and coordinate planes. Students will begin their Module 5 unit where students will begin learning Algebra. Module 5 will also include learning the difference between equations and expressions, order of operations, exponents, and the distributive property.
7th Grade:
Students will be starting Module 5 (Simplify Algebraic Expressions), where they will simplify by combining like terms, adding, subtracting, and factoring expressions. We will then move to Module 6 (Write and Solve Equations), where we will begin to write and solve one- and two-step equations.
Students will be working through Module 7 (Equations and Inequalities), which includes writing and solving multi-step equations and inequalities, as well as writing and solving equations and inequalities with variables on both sides. At the very end of the month we will move into Module 8 (Linear Relationships and Slope), where we will briefly begin proportional relationships and slope.
8th Grade:
Students will be working through Module 5 (Functions) and beginning Module 6 (Systems of Linear Equations). In Module 6, students will be learning how to solve Systems of Equations through graphing, substitution, and elimination.
Students will be working through Module 6 (Linear Inequalities) and beginning Module 7 (Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities). In Module 7, students will be learning how to solve Systems of Equations through graphing, substitution, and elimination as well as how to solve Systems of Inequalities graphically.
Students should be completing weekly ALEKS topic goals in Math. Students should be checking their Math Schoology pages to see their specific weekly goal. Students can monitor their own progress by checking their topic reports in ALEKS. A step-by-step “how to” for checking their reports can be found here. For questions about ALEKS topic goals, please reach out to your student’s grade level math teacher, our school Math Specialist, Ms. Boyer (laura.boyer@fcps.org), or our school Math Department Chair, Ms. Dickson (ashley.dickson@fcps.org).
Students should be checking their grade reports on Schoology weekly to see updates regarding missing/re-do work. If there are any questions regarding student grades, please reach out to your student’s grade level math teacher.
History Department
6th Grade:
Students will be beginning their unit on Ancient China. We will look at how the geography of the region impacted the settlement of humans and the development of a unique and rich culture.
7th Grade:
Students will be finishing the Unit on Medieval Asia and moving on to Medieval Mesoamerica. Students will be writing an essay on cultural diffusion in Asia before beginning to learn about the major cultural groups of central and south America.
Students will be starting their Unit on Westward Expansion. They will be learning about the growth of the United States, focusing on the causes and consequences of the policy of manifest destiny.
Science Department
6th Grade:
Students are working to design, construct, and test a device that minimizes thermal energy transfer.
7th Grade:
Students are working to explain the role of photosynthesis in the cycling of matter and flow of energy into and out of organisms.
8th Grade:
Students are working to develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes located on chromosomes may affect protein and may result in harmful, beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of an organism.
Fine & Practical Arts Department
As we near the end of our first semester we want to thank you for your continued support in electives' classes. Having support from home is vital to the success of our students and we are incredibly grateful for the supportive community we have here at BCMS.
The second semester will start on January 21, 2025. This will bring a change in elective classes for most of our BCMS students. We each look forward to working with our new groups of students and their parents/guardians during the final half of the school year.
Students will all receive a copy of their schedule of classes for Second Semester before we begin the new class schedule.
Also, congratulations to our chorus, band, and orchestra students for their amazing performances at our recent Holiday Concert. BCMS appreciates the support that was given to all of our students. Happy New Year!
Special Education Department
The key to every child’s success is parent-school relationships. Continue to reach out to your child’s case manager with questions that may arise throughout the school year.
Our special education department staff:
Case Managers (6th grade): Emily Pemrick and Tyler Britt
Case Managers (7th grade): Jansen Hedlund and Danielle Holt
Case Managers (8th grade): Elissa Grimm and Kelsey Summers
Program Assistant: Nancy Suray
Special Education Instructional Assistants: Noriko Cook, Shelly Sultana, and Michele Shafer
- School Psychologist: Julie Kaufhold
- Speech and Language Pathologist: Kellee Byun
As mentioned in the December newsletter, our two 7th grade case managers are officially onboarded and have been supporting students in their classrooms. Below you will find a short introduction from each of our 7th grade case managers:
Ms. Holt:
- Hello! My name is Danielle Holt and I am one of the new 7th grade special education teachers at BCMS! This is my third school year working for Frederick County Public Schools and I am very excited to continue my career at this wonderful school! To give a little more information about myself, I grew up in Frederick County and went through FCPS schools myself, so it has been a passion of mine to give back to our community. I have a Bachelor’s Degree from Hood College and a Master’s Degree from Mount St. Mary’s University with plans to pursue a further post-graduate education. I am also currently in the process of getting certified to teach Social Studies in addition to Special Education, so I will be dual-certified. I look forward to working with the BCMS community!
Ms. Hedlund:
Hello, I'm Ms. Hedlund. This is my 19th year working in Frederick County as a teacher. I am certified in special education 6-12 and middle school math. I worked for 16 years as a special educator at Tuscarora High School and New Market Middle School before becoming a math teacher here at BCMS 3 years ago. I felt called back to special education this year and am so excited to be working with the 7th grade. I will be co-teaching in specific science, language arts and math readiness classes.
Multilingual Learners
Happy New Year!
This month starts our WIDA testing. The WIDA Test is an online test that is given to multilingual learners in grades K-12 who are receiving English language development (ELD) services; these assessments measure each student’s English language proficiency in the four language domains: speaking, reading, listening, and writing in English. The questions are modeled along academic content they would see in their content classes. For instance, a set of reading questions might be about a science topic. The test is checking for language use in academic contexts, not content knowledge nor social language. Students can score between a level 1 and a level 6 in each of the four language domains and the results determine continued eligibility for ELD services. Students need to score a composite score of 4.5 in order to exit the program.
Please encourage your student to take their time and try their best to answer the questions during their WIDA test, so that their English level proficiency is effectively scored and recorded.
If you have any questions about the WIDA test or any other issues please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of us in the ML Dept. We will gladly answer any questions you might have.
ML Teacher Contact Information:
Sarah Birmanns - 8th grade and A - H 6th grade
Claudine Webb - 7th grade and I - Z 6th grade
Literacy Specialist News
Congratulations to all students who entered the 2024-2025 Young Authors’ Contest! This year, we had dozens of entries. We are pleased to announce our school winners.
The sixth grade winner for the short story contest is Ayesha A. In second place is Suri N.
The winner of the sixth grade poetry contest is Hannah B.
The seventh grade winner for the short story contest is Angie V. Tied for second place are Olayemi O. and Lucy R.
The winner of the seventh grade poetry contest is Hollis Al. In second place is Noah S.
The eighth grade winner for the short story contest is Sienna J. In second place is Eliana A.
The winner of the eighth grade poetry contest is Aubrey S. Tied for second place are Carly B. and Anabel W.
Congratulations to everyone who participated in this year’s contest!
All first place winners have been entered into the countywide contest.
Contact Information:
Katherine Shaffer, Literacy Specialist
Email: Katherine.Shaffer@fcps.org
Phone: 227-203-2150 Ext. 41608
Math Specialist News
At the beginning of Term 2 math teachers had students complete another ALEKS Knowledge Check so that we can see the progress that they are making on their ALEKS Pie.
Remember that students should be completing 5 topics a week of their My Path unless they are in Algebra and then they need to complete 10 topics a week.
The chart linked below (click button) shows where students should be in terms of topic completion to set them up for the best chance to complete their course topics by the end of the year. If the student is ahead of schedule please encourage them to continue because the topics as they get closer to completing their pie will become more difficult.
Students can complete ALEKS at home and they should be completing the assignments independently. If a student needs help with ALEKS please encourage them to reach out to their teacher or Ms. Boyer, math specialist, and they can pull them during an upcoming tutoring day to guide them through a difficult topic that they are stuck on.
Students will be starting to work on their county middle of the year knowledge check in ALEKS during their math classes. These scores will be one of the data points that we use to help determine placement for classes next year. It is important that students put their best effort forth when completing these assessments.
Contact Information:
Laura Boyer, Math Specialist
Email: Laura.Boyer@fcps.org
Phone: 227-203-2150 Ext. 41574
Advanced Academics News
The Academy for the Fine Arts presents the following events at Gov. Thomas Johnson High School:
Winter Dance Recital (Cancelled due to School Closure)
Tuesday, January 7 at 7:00PM
Tickets can be purchased online.The 2025 Winter Showcase
Thursday, January 9 at 7:00PM
Tickets can be purchased online.
If you are currently in grade 7, 8, or high school and are interested in learning more about programming at the Academy for the Fine Arts (AFA), consider signing up for a shadow day on February 19. If you have time, hear from students on why they chose the AFA.
Earth Space Science Lab: Winterfest
January 16 (9:30am-3pm)
Schedule and Tickets
FCPS Science Fair - Registration OPEN
The 2025 FCPS County Science Fair will be held on Saturday, March 22 at Tuscarora High School with judging taking place from 9:00am-12:00pm. For more information see the FCPS Science Fair Website or your child’s science teacher.
PTSA News & Updates
BCMS Spirit Wear
Spirit Wear can be purchased online all year. Spirit wear makes great gifts for birthdays and holidays so we encourage you to keep us in mind. Now is the perfect time to plan ahead for the next school year and purchase spirit wear in advance.
New designs have been added showing our Bulldog mascot! Orders can be placed online at http://www.ballengercreekspiritwear.com.
Families, faculty and students: this is a great time to join the BCMS PTSA. Yes, that’s right! Students are permitted to join the PTSA. The cost of a membership for parents is $10 but is only $5 for students.
The PTSA’s Board of Directors typically meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every month virtually. The link will be sent out via email ahead of the meeting date. All PTSA members are welcome to attend these monthly meetings. Joining these meetings is a wonderful way to get involved with your child’s school. We want to hear from you!
The goal is 130 members this year. There are nearly 800 students and over 90 staff members at BCMS this year. We can do it! You may join the BCMS PTSA by going to https://bcms.memberhub.com/store.
Save the Date - Urban Air Fundraiser (2/21)
Please save the date for the PTSA's next fundraiser. This fundraiser will take place on February 21st at Urban Air. February 21st is a 2 Hour Early Dismissal day due to Term 3 mid-term. All proceeds will support the BCMS PTSA.
Counseling News
School Counseling
We hope everyone had a restful winter break! We are excited to get back to work in the new year. Although January is a long month, there are many important dates we want to bring to your attention. On January 8th the counselors from THS are coming over to visit with our current 8th graders. This visit will begin the conversation about the upcoming high school registration process. THS will also hold a parent information night for incoming 9th graders on January 28th from 6:00 – 7:30. THS registration forms are due on February 5th. We will continue to send reminders about these important dates throughout the month of January.
We are also fortunate to have members from the NJROTC program coming to visit BCMS on January 15th during the 8th grade lunch shift.
Finally, the end of Term 2 is coming up very quickly. Please make sure to check in with your student(s) about their grades. The final day of Term 2 is January 15th. Please remind your student(s) to make sure all work is submitted. We encourage you and your student(s) to reach out to their classroom teacher with any questions about specific assignments or grades. Feel free to reach out to your grade level counselor if you or your child have any counseling needs. Below you will find contact information for each of the BCMS counselors.
David Ledyard, 8th Grade David.Ledyard@fcps.org
Rebecca Reese, 7th Grade Rebecca.Reese@fcps.org
Johnny Webber, 6th Grade Johnny.Webber@fcps.org
Media Center & Tech Support
Media Center
Please checkout the Media Center & Technology Updates Newsletter: https://secure.smore.com/n/6kw34
This Month’s Highlights:
What’s Happening in the Media Center
Overdue Books
Book Checkout Overview
"BCMS Media Center Pass" System
Technology Reminders: Device Care & Usage
Helpful Links
Tech Support
As a reminder, when students are assigned a Chromebook, charger, and case, the use of a school issued device, during the school day or at home, is a privilege that comes with responsibilities. If repair for a damaged device incurs a charge, a financial obligation will be issued as follows:
1st Incident: $30
2nd Incident: $60
3rd Incident: $120
4th Incident: Full replacement cost: $317
Lost Charger: $30
Case: $25
FCPS reserves the right to charge full replacement/repair cost if the device is intentionally damaged. Any damage that occurs to a device while not in the case will be considered intentional.
Mr. Steedley
User Support Specialist
BCMS Community Liaison News & Updates
Update from Ms. Rogers, Community Liaison
I am the person who you will reach out to if you are in need of any resources for your child or your family. I also work collaboratively between home and school to bridge the communication and make things easier for everyone. Some supports that I can assist you with are getting food if your pantry is low, helping to locate a therapist, transportation, school lunch support, etc. I am here to support our school community and am only a phone call or email away.
Ms. Kathleen Rogers
Frederick Food Bank Information
The Frederick Food Bank at Trinity (6040 New Design Road) will operate for food distribution from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays for residents seeking assistance.
The Food Bank at 14 E. All Saints will continue to operate from 2:00pm to 4:00pm on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. It is also open from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Additional Food Pantry Information:
Crestwood Middle School will have a food drop that will take place the 4th Tuesday of every month, which is also open to families from our school community.
Want to Be a FCPS Volunteer?
Please follow all directions to create an account in order to complete the FCPS volunteer training, which is linked at the top of our Community Newsletter.
Lunch Monitor Volunteers NEEDED
BCMS is looking for volunteers to help support lunch monitoring in all of our grade level lunch shifts. Lunch occurs between 11:00am to 1:25pm Monday through Fridays. If you are interested in volunteering by monitoring lunch shifts, it would be greatly appreciated. It is also most helpful to have someone who will volunteer on a specific day/time each week so that our students get to know the volunteer. If this volunteer position is of interest to you, please call me at 227-203-2168 ext. 4158. BCMS could really use your support!
Free and Reduced Lunch Information
Did you know families can apply for free or reduced price meal benefits all year long? We encourage families who feel they qualify, or if they are not sure they will qualify, to fill out an online free and reduced meal benefit application.
Free and reduced lunch applications are available year round.
Families can access the application by clicking on the Confidential LINQ Connect Application Link.
For any questions, email FNS at food.service@fcps.org or call 240-586-8152.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
FCA will be meeting at 7:00am on Tuesdays in the theater arts room. Students will enter through the cafeteria doorway. FCA will begin with 15 minutes for breakfast together, then we will share a 15 minute devotion time, and conclude the morning with 15 minutes of game time. If your child is interested in FCA, please contact me for a registration form at 227-203-2168. Students who still wish to participate in FCA may still do so. Please see Ms. Rogers to get a permission slip.
Friendship Club
Friendship Club started in October. The club meets in the BCMS cafeteria from 3:15pm to 4:30pm the 4th Thursday of every month. However, because December is a shortened month due to the winter break, the Friendship Club will be meeting on December 19th. This group has been created to support our students with socializing and getting to know other students in the school. The goal is to reduce screentime with our students and have them take the time to socialize with one another in order to build friendships. If you think your child might be interested in joining the Friendship Club, please reach out to me at 227-203-2168 ext. 14585.
Autumn Lake - Monthly Chaperones NEEDED
Beginning January 2025, a group of students will be going to Autumn Lake to spend time with the residents. The visits will occur the 4th Saturday of every month. January 25th will be our first visit. If you are listed as a volunteer and would like to join me in order to chaperone our students, please reach out to me. If you are not a volunteer for FCPS then you need to go on site in order to register to be a volunteer (information shared at the top of this newsletter). I would like to possibly have 2 other adults chaperoning with me during our visits to Autumn Lake.
Multicultural Night - April 24th
Multicultural Night will be held on April 24, 2025. I could use your help in making it a success again this year. If you or someone you know would like to participate in Multicultural Night by bringing in a display of their heritage to share with our community, please reach out to me via phone at (227) 203-2168 or via email at katheen.rogers@fcps.org.
BASECAMP (What is Basecamp?)
As part of our ongoing commitment to support the mental health and well-being of our students, Frederick County Public Schools (FCPS) is excited to announce the launch of Basecamp. Developed in partnership with Greenspace Health and funded by the Maryland Consortium on Coordinated Community Supports, Basecamp is a comprehensive mental wellness hub designed to provide students with immediate access to a wide range of mental health resources and services.
Basecamp is an online wellness platform that makes it easy for students to find the help and support they need, ensuring they have immediate access to resources and services to support their mental health. By utilizing Basecamp, students can better understand their emotions, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and access supportive mental health services and resources.
With Basecamp, students will have access to:
- Educational Content: Access to articles and videos on various mental health topics relevant to students.
- Self-Guided Resources: Tools and activities that students can use independently to maintain or improve their mental health.
- Bi-Weekly Surveys: Short surveys to help students check in on their mental health, understand their feelings over time, and identify factors impacting their well-being.
- Resource Recommendations: Personalized suggestions based on each student’s current challenges.
- Direct Access to Services: Information and connections to mental health resources available within Frederick County.
Basecamp is easily accessible to all middle and high school students at basecampfcps.com.
SGA Upcoming Events
5 Star Service Award
The 5-Star Service Award is for community use in recognizing FCPS employees who show excellence in one of the 5 FCPS goals. Community members are welcome to nominate any worthy FCPS employees. You can nominate here.
Important Dates
- January 15th - End of Term 2
- January 16th - Teacher Work Day (Schools Closed for Students)
- January 17th - Teacher PL Day (Schools Closed for Students)
- January 20th - MLK Day (Schools and Offices Closed)
- January 21st - Start of Term 3
- February 17th - President's Days (Schools and Offices Closed)
- February 21st - Mid-Term for Term 3 (Two Hour Early Dismissal)