October 2024
Golden Hills Mission:
Golden Eagles grow together, learn with passion, act with kindness, and change the world!
Dear Golden Hills Families,
Golden Hills Families,
We hope you enjoyed your October Intercession! I am sure the fifth graders needed the rest after the wonderful experience at Shady Creek! It is such a memorable experience for all of our students who attended!
Would you like a way for your students to practice math facts at home? Reflex can be accessed on technology at home. It is so important that our students know their math facts. Students can use flash cards to practice, the Dollar Store has math flash cards. When you are driving in the car, quiz your student on multiplication facts.
Students are working towards being Math Math Masters and 144 members. To be a Math Master students master math facts up to 10’s, to be 144 Member students master their multiplication facts up to 12’s. Students will receive a certificate at our weekly Monday Morning Meeting and a Brag Tag to celebrate their success!
Red Ribbon Week is October 21-October 25. In honor of this year's red ribbon week theme, "Life is a Movie, film drug free”. We will celebrate in a spirit-week fashion while raising awareness of the dangers of drugs and alcohol, bullying and promoting making healthy choices. All students will receive a Red Ribbon and a pencil. Advisory Club will be selling Red Ribbon Week brag tags for $1.00 during lunch. All proceeds will go to our parent teacher group to plan activities for our school.
Red Ribbon Dress Up Days:
Monday, October 21: Tangled- don’t get tangled up in drugs and alcohol! Wear a crazy hairstyle or hat.
Tuesday, October 22: Sleeping Beauties- your dreams can come true when you say no to drugs and bullying! Wear your favorite school appropriate pajamas.
Wednesday, October 23: Inside Out- embrace your inner joy, stay drug and bully free! Wear your favorite Inside Out character color or wear your clothes mismatched or inside out.
Thursday, October 24: Ohana Day- Ohana means family- friends and family don’t let each other do drugs! Twin with friends or wear your Hawaiian gear or bright colors.
Friday, October 25: You're the Star of your Own Movie- Make choices for a bright future! Wear your Golden Hills spirit attire or school colors.
Oct. 31 is the Halloween Parade: Golden Hills Halloween Parade will immediately follow Helen Wilcox, it usually begins around 9 am on the black top. Families are welcome to join! Students can wear school appropriate costumes. No masks or scary costumes please.
Thank you for your support, please reach out if we can support you or your student in any way,
Mrs. Napoli
Golden Hills Principal
Golden HiIls Thanks you!
Thank you to the families who have joined us at our Parent Teacher Group/ School Site Council Meeting :
Ms. Elam
Ms. Wyman
Ms. Rodriguez
Ms. Ott
Ms. Horten
Mr. Camp
Ms. Corkin
Ms. Catrell
Ms. Torres
Ms. Nichols
Ms. Dwyer
Ms. Ponce
Mr. Lahn
Mrs. Reynoso
We will be planning our Color Run at the next meeting on Nov. 6th at 3pm. In A1.
Golden Hills appreciates you!
Golden Hills Annual Jog-A-Thon
Golden Hills Annual Jog-A-Thon is scheduled for November 7th! New this year we are making it a color run! The students at Golden Hills School are participating in a Jog-A-Thon to raise money for our school. The money raised will go towards field trips and other important activities. THE FIRST 100 STUDENTS TO TURN IN $40 IN SPONSORSHIP MONEY BY NOVEMBER 5th WILL GET A FREE GOLDEN HILLS JOG-A-THON/COLOR RUN T-SHIRT, A BONUS COLOR BLAST AND SUNGLASSES! Money can be turned in anytime before the Jog-A-Thon and after if pledged per lap. We will need parent volunteers to help at this event.
Click link below to sign up
Parent Social Media Night
We are excited to invite you to our Parent Social Media Night on Wednesday, October 16th at 6:00 PM in the Palermo School Cafeteria. This event will provide valuable insights, resources, and discussions designed to help our community navigate the complexities of social media use among our students.
In preparation for this event, we kindly request that you complete a brief survey.
Survey Link: https://forms.gle/jabqy8HojgaMe6Rq9
The survey will only take a few minutes of your time, and we ask that you submit your responses by October 15, 2024. Your feedback is invaluable and will greatly contribute to the success of this important event.
Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to seeing you at Parent Social Media Night!
Motivating Mondays:
Congratulations to our students who were chosen to receive the Positive Eagle Award for the month of September!
Our Positive EAGLE Award is for following TEAM expectations: families receive an email that their student is receiving the award and they are invited to attend. The award winners are called up and given a certificate for following our TEAM expectations. They will wear a VIP pass for the day. They will get a popcorn party wear the VIP pass to be front in line and get to choose which lunch period and table they sit at.
Attendance Update: The September Ironman Winners are:
4th Grade:
1st Place: Dailey
2nd Place: Smith
5th Grade:
1st Place: Corkin
2nd Place: Russell
Mrs. Dailey was the school wide winner, her class won a LEGO party! Her class had over 98% daily attendance!
September School wide Attendance: 96%
Our goal is 95%!We met our goal!
Attendance Challenges:
The class with the best attendance for the month of October wins Mrs. Napoli for an hour of Halloween Science on October 30th!
If your child is absent please call the school office to let them know the reason so that your child can possibly be excused.
Also, if your child will be absent you can request independent study. Your child will receive work to do and if the work is completed, your child will receive credit for attendance and will not be counted as absent. If you have questions, please call the school office.
We have a Laser Show on November 20th for students who have missed less than 6 days (excused & unexcused) of school will be able to attend.
November 20th-December 20th: All students who have 95% during this time frame will get to attend a Winter Wonderland Rally!
Attendance is very important, if your student is not at school, they cannot learn. Thank you for your support!
Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Students can still fall behind if they miss just 1 or 2 days every few weeks.
Join us for a Literacy Chat!
One of our school’s main focuses this year is literacy. Literacy is a building block skill that will support students with fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. Every student participates in a SOAR (Student Opportunities for Achievement in Reading) class, this is a school wide reading intervention/enrichment block.
Students were given a reading screener at the beginning of the year and based on those results your student is currently placed in a SOAR class that focuses on an area of need. If you are interested in learning specific strategies on how to help your child with this please come to our Literacy Chat on October 23rd at 3 pm. We will meet in the Golden Hills STEAM room. We hope to see you there, if you let us know you are coming ahead of time we will have specific resources for your student! Please call the office or email to knapoli@palermok8.org
Coming soon: Golden Hills Giving Tree
This year we will be having our first Golden Hills Giving Tree!. This will be a chance to help members of our Golden Hills community and make sure everyone has a wonderful holiday season! Be on the lookout for more information coming home with students soon.
Shady Creek
Shady Creek is a three night, four day environmental camp. Our fifth grade class had a blast!
A HUGE thank you to the following adult chaperones, we could not go without you! We know you have made a huge positive impact for all of our students!
Fourth Grade families, we will need you for next year! We need around 10 females and 10 male chaperones for the cabins. All chaperones must be fingerprinted and cleared through the district. SIgn ups to volunteer are starting soon, please start the process of being cleared if you want to attend. If you were cleared at Helen WIlcox it carries over to Golden Hills!
Shady Creek 2025-2026
If you would like to be a parent volunteer for Shady Creek for the 2025-2026 school year, please click on the link below
Golden Hills annual Jog-A Thon is scheduled for November 7th! New this year we are making it a color run! The students at Golden Hills School are participating in a Jog-A-Thon to raise money for our school. The money raised will go towards field trips and other important activities. THE FIRST 100 STUDENTS TO TURN IN $40 IN SPONSORSHIP MONEY BY NOVEMBER 5th WILL GET A FREE GOLDEN HILLS JOG-A-THON/COLOR RUN T-SHIRT, A BONUS COLOR BLAST AND SUNGLASSES! Money can be turned in anytime before the Jog-A-Thon and after if pledged per lap. We will need parent volunteers to help at this event.
We will be discussing the set up at our PTG meeting on November 6th at 3:00 In Room A1.
Please fill out this google form if you are willing to help
School Clubs
Golden Hills has 2 volleyball teams. These teams will compete against other schools through the Feather River Parks & Recreation League
Fourth Grade:
Fifth Grade:
Ximena S.
Go Golden Hills!
Golden Hills Cross Country Team is busy competing in meets:
Golden Hills Art After school Art classes are beginning soon
Dates are: Oct. 9,10,16,17
Nov. 6, 7, 20,21
Dec. 4,5,11,12,18,19
The class is from 3- 4 on the following dates in the ART room.
Math Tutoring with Ms. Tuatoo: M, W, and Th from 2:45-3:45
Math Club with Mr. Sharp: M, W and Th from 2:45-3:45
Art Club
Art Club: We are accepting the first 20 students who turn in permission slips! Permission slips are available in the office!
Picture Day
Picture Day is October 10th! Students' families should have received an email with information. Students should dress their best, bring a smile and have fun! Families all ordering will be done online, be on the look out for an email from Creative Imaging!
Guest Teachers on Campus:
October is National Youth Substance Use Prevention Month, which is an excellent opportunity to emphasize the importance of preventing substance use among our youth during these formative years. We will have Butte County Office of Educators oncampus to teach our students on tobacco/vaping prevention On Oct. 22,29 and November 5, 12!
On October 24th we will have Butte County Public Health on campus to teach about how to have a safe Halloween!
PBIS Update: Congratulations!
On behalf of the California PBIS Coalition, we are pleased to recognize Golden Hills Elementary School of the Palermo Union School District for successful PBIS implementation at the Platinum level. Your school is a recipient within the California PBIS Coalition’s System of Recognition, reflecting excellence in the implementation of the core features of PBIS.
2024: Platinum
2023: Platinum
2022: Gold Award
2021: Platinum Award
2019: SIlver Award
What is a PBIS award? Golden HIlls received the awards for creating a school environment where all students succeed. We have a foundation of being proactive to provide support to prevent behaviors that disrupt the classroom/ playground. Using data to design and provide interventions for students who need the extra support to prevent problem behaviors.
Every Monday students have an opportunity to win our PBIS TEAM ticket raffle for them and a friend for ice cream sandwiches or hot chocolate. Students earn the TEAM tickets for following the TEAM expectations. Congratulations to the following students:
Family Reminders:
Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 am, We do not have supervision until 7:45 am.
We have minimum days on Friday’s and school gets out at 1:45.
Please label lunch boxes/ sweatshirts. The weather is changing and our Lost & Found is growing!
Thank you!
TEAM Ticket Winners
Reading for Education Fundraiser:
Thank you for your support in the Reading for Education! We have raised $2200 so far! The fundraisers pay for fun field trips and fun activities on campus! We appreciate you supporting us!
Counselors Message:
In September we introduced the Mood Meter. The Mood Meter is a tool to understand and identify our feelings. The feeling of the month was determined. Determined is a yellow feeling because our energy and pleasantness levels are usually up when we feel determined. The new feeling of the month is anxious. When we feel anxious our energy level is up but our pleasantness is usually down. As your child to share a time that they felt anxious. What was happening to their thoughts, in their bodies, expression and how did they act? Share a time that you felt anxious and talk about what you thought and felt in your body and how you expressed your feelings. You can talk with your child about the strategies you use to deal with your anxious feelings.
Our advisory students are working hard on improving our school. They came up with a new spotlight staff member idea. Every week we will spotlight a staff member so that our students can learn more about them. Learning more about our staff should help support trusting relationships between staff and students. The advisory students will be introduced at our first eagles nest after break. They want the rest of the students to know that they are here to help. If other students need a friend to talk to they can go to an advisory student. We will add their names and pictures to the newsletter and a bulletin board in the cafeteria. Advisory students will be selling Red Ribbon brag tags during Red Ribbon week for $1.00 during lunch recess. Proceeds will got our PTG to plan school events.
Counseling small groups will start in October. If your child is being invited to participate in one of our small groups I will send home a counseling permission slip. Please let me know if you have any questions or want your child to participate. You can contact me via phone at (530)532-6000 ext.4006 or by email at rwalker@palermok8.org
Rainbow Walker
School Counselor
Important Dates
Oct. 10th: Picture Day
Oct. 14th: Safety Day : Students will rotate through campus receiving TEAM expectations!
October 17thL Golden Hills will participant in the Great California Shakedown, a nationwide earthquake drill.
Red Ribbon Dress Up Days:
Monday, October 21: Tangled- don’t get tangled up in drugs and alcohol! Wear a crazy hairstyle or hat.
Tuesday, October 22: Sleeping Beauties- your dreams can come true when you say no to drugs and bullying! Wear your favorite school appropriate pajamas.
Tuesday, October 22 and 29th: Butte County Office of Education Tobacco/ Vaping Prevention Lessons
Tuesday, October 22nd: Make-up Picture day
Tuesday, October 22: Fourth Grade Field Trip to Books Farm
Wednesday, October 23: Inside Out- embrace your inner joy, stay drug and bully free! Wear your favorite Inside Out character color or wear your clothes mismatched or inside out.
Wednesday, October 23rd: Golden hIlls Literacy Chat in A1 from 3-4pm. Please join us!
Thursday, October 24: Ohana Day- Ohana means family- friends and family don’t let each other do drugs! Twin with friends or wear your Hawaiian gear or bright colors.
Thursday, Oct. 24: Butte County Public Health Halloween Lessons
Friday, October 25: You're the Star of your Own Movie- Make choices for a bright future! Wear your Golden Hills spirit attire or school colors.
Wednesday, October 30th: Attendance Challenge Winner gets a Halloween Science Party!
Oct. 31 is the Halloween Parade: Golden Hills Halloween Parade will immediately follow Helen Wilcox, it usually begins around 9 am on the black top. Families are welcome to join! Students can wear school appropriate costumes. No masks or scary costumes please.
Nov. 6: School Site Council & PTG Meeting
Nov. 7: Color Run
November 11: No School, Veterans Day
November 14th: Butte County Public Health Parking Lot Safety Lessons
November 18-22nd: Parent Conference Week
Nov. 20th: Attendance Laser Show (6 or less absences: excused & unexcused)
Nov.22nd : Family Picnic & Art Showcase