The Dragons' Lair
October/ November 2024
From the Principals
Hello Dragon Families:
As we start our second nine weeks, I want to take a moment and share how proud I am of our students! Students are working so hard to be the best reader, writers, and problem solvers!! They should be celebrated!! Great work to all!! Grades are now posted in Infinite Campus.
We hope you were able to schedule a parent/ teacher conference with your child's teacher. This is such a great way to build our partnerships.
October 21-28 will be our next SPIRIT Week in honor of Red Ribbon Week. (Espanol) We want to encourage our students and parents to take the Drug-Free Pledge that will be sent home Monday! We will be collecting points all week for the chance to earn a class party!! We hope your child will participate with us! Please see the link for an outline of our daily themes.
We are always looking for substitute teachers! If you are interested in this, please let us know! This is a great way to be at school when your children are here and get paid for your time! Contact our central office for more information, 812-246-3375.
As always we want to thank you for your partnership! We appreciate the honor of working with your children every day!
Please see that attached memo for communication from the Indiana Department of Education.
Mrs. Myers, Mr. Sifers, and Mrs. Bye
Please see the pictures below of a few changes to attendance regulations and procedures this year. These changes are in part due to changes in Indiana law, and in an effort to create conisistency accross the district. A couple of important points to mention are that parents/ guardians will be receiving letters home when students reach 5, 10, and 15 absences for any reason. Please note that for many students, this is just to serve as a reminder. SCE must now report students to probation that are considered habitually truant, which occurs when a student reaches 5 unexcused absences in a 10 week period, or reaches 10 total unexcused absences. This makes it critical to get doctor notes to the school office in a timely manner to prevent from being considered habitually truant.
Did You Know?
Silver Creek Elementary has made some changes to our report cards and informing families of their child's progress. Due to our adoption of a new, state approved Reading and Writing curriculum, we will move from Standards Based Reporting, which we have used in the past. Students will earn grades in each of the ILEARN tested domains.
Math: Number Sense, Computation and Algebraic Thinking, Geometry and Measurement, Data Analysis
ELA: Reading Foundations, Reading Comprehension, Writing
SCE will continue to follow assessment based grading, which means the students are only graded on assessments and their grade reflects their level of mastery. Students will still earn a numeric "grade." Grade 2 students will earn a 1,2, or 3 in each reporting domain. Grades 3-5 will earn a 1,2,3,4, or 5. Please see the attached for a breakdown of the numeric grades.
ILEARN Changes
Beginning this year, students in grades 3-5 will be taking "Checkpoint" tests throughout the year in addition to the ILEARN test that is given annually in the spring. You will receive more information from your child's classroom teacher, but here is additional guidance from the Indiana Department of Education.
Parent Portal
If you have not created your Parent Portal account, you will want to do this as soon as possible. This account will follow your child as long as they are enrolled in an SCSC school. This is where you can access grading information, attendance information, update your contact information, complete annual registration, and make payments to your child's account.
If you do not have access to your parent portal please email your name, your student's name, and your email on file to SCEPortal@scsc.school.
Report cards will be posted on the portal on Thursday after each quarter ends.
Upcoming Events
Oct. 14: PTO meeting @5:30
Oct. 16: Report Cards Posted on Portal
Oct. 18: Popcorn and Pickle
Oct. 18: PRIDE Program
Oct. 18: Student Council Meeting
Oct. 21-28 :Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24: School Smiles On-site Dentist
Oct. 25: Parent-Teacher Conference Day: No School
Nov. 1: Fall Parties
Nov. 11: PTO Meeting 5:30 p.m.
Nov. 18-22: American Education Week
Nov. 21: AEW Program
Nov. 22: Popcorn and Pickle
Nov. 22: PRIDE Program
Nov. 22: Student Council Meeting
Nov. 27-29: NO SCHOOL
Lost and Found
At the end of the nine weeks, all unclaimed articles will be donated to a local charity. If your child is missing something, please have them check the bin before Fall Break. Prents are also welcome to check the Lost and Found before or after any PTO meeting, or by callling the office to schedule a time.
Silver Creek Elementary School
Silver Creek School Corporation 2023-2024 Calendar
Email: smyers@scsc.school
Website: http://sces.scsc.school
Location: 503 N Indiana Ave, Sellersburg, IN, USA
Phone: 812-246-3312
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1441356595927141/
Twitter: @ElementaryCreek