The Paw Print
General Smallwood Middle School: September 2024 Edition
🎉Staff Focus🎉
New Staff
Welcome New Staff Members at General Smallwood Middle School
We are super excited to WELCOME our New Team Members to General Smallwood Middle School.
Ms. Carrington (ELA Department)
Ms. Blackwood (Social Studies Department)
Mr. Wimbish (Science Department)
Ms. Johnson (ELA Department)
Ms. Kelley (Special Education Department)
Ms. Henderson (Related Arts Department)
Mr. Wadie (Related Arts Department)
Mr. McCants (Special Education Department)
Senora Burton (Related Arts Department)
Ms. Thompson (Math Department - Proximity)
Community School Coordinator
Administrative Staff
Principal Whatley
Mr. Mosey
Mrs. Hancock
7th Grade Assistant Principal
Mrs. Hinds
7th Grade Administrative Intern (AI)
Dr. Adams
6th Grade Assistant Principal
Welcome Back Students!!
Welcome to General Smallwood Middle School!
6th Graders gathering in the cafeteria to start their first day.
Student Focus
General Smallwood Student Code of Conduct
Riding the School Bus
Safety Tips for Bus Riders
School officials, bus operators, parents, and students themselves are all responsible for ensuring that school bus riders follow these safety tips:
At the Bus Stop:
• Students and parents are responsible for safety and proper behavior going to and from the stop and while waiting for the bus.
• Students must stand off the roadway while waiting.
• Students must respect other people’s property.
• Students must not push, shove, or engage in horseplay.
• Parents should supervise children at the stop if possible.
• Students must arrive at the bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time.
• Students must wait for and get off the bus only at approved stop locations.
During Loading and Unloading:
• Always stay away from the 10 foot “danger zone” around the bus, except when you are directed by the driver to get on or off the bus.
• NEVER pick up an object that you drop under or near the bus. Ask the driver for help.
• Always be sure the driver can see you.
• Make sure clothing and backpacks have no loose drawstrings or long straps that could catch in the handrail or bus door.
• When you see the bus coming, stand at the stop and wait for the bus to come to a complete stop.
• Always wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to cross the road and/or load into the bus.
• When crossing a traffic lane, always look left, right, then left again; cross only if approaching traffic has stopped.
• Never walk behind the bus or along the side of the bus.
• Only board your assigned bus, unless other arrangements are approved by your school.
During the Bus Ride:
Always follow the driver’s directions.
Never distract the driver from driving unless there is immediate danger to you or others.
Remain seated and keep the aisles clear.
Eating, drinking, and chewing gum are prohibited.
Never bring unsafe or unauthorized items onto the bus.
Always wear your seat belt if you have one.
Always keep your arms, legs, and head inside the bus.
Always show respect for your fellow students.
Keep conversation at a reasonable level and remain quiet at railroad crossings. The Student Code of Conduct applies on the bus as well as in the classroom.
Did you know that the familiar yellow school bus is the safest way to and from school?
- September 2nd: Labor Day, schools and offices closed
- September 4th: 8th Grade Career Exploration Presentation
- September 5th: 8th Grade Career Exploration Presentation
- September 6th: 8th Grade Career Exploration Presentation
- September 13th: Fair Day, schools closed for students
- September 16th: Attendance Awareness Week Begins
- September 20th: Attendance Awareness Week Ends
- September 24th: GSMS Open House