The Central Catholic Saints
Week ending March 29, 2024
What a beautiful Holy Week we have had here at Central Catholic this week!
We pray that your family can spend time together over the long week and reflect on the gifts that God has given to us all.
This is a reminder that we DO NOT have school on Monday. We will return on Tuesday April 2.
Thursday's Seder Meal
Friday's Passion Play
Our students did an amazing job today depicting the passion of Jesus. Equally impressive was the reverence shown during the rest of the school day by our students and staff.
Have a Happy Easter!
Choice Scholarships
We have begun processing Choice Scholarships - Thank you to those families that have brought in their taxes. Some of you should have been able to sign your paperwork at Student Led Conferences.
If you have filed your taxes please bring a copy into the school office so we may begin processing your scholarship for next school year. We would like to get most of your paperwork processed before the end of the school year.
If you have questions please see Mrs. Caldera.
A gentle reminder - Birthday Treats
Parents, I just want to remind you that we are not allowed to have cupcakes, cakes, or candy as a birthday treats. Central Catholic School is a universal free and reduced lunch school we have state guidelines we must follow.
Students my bring a small individual healthy snack - pretzels, fruit snacks, granola bars, etc. - for their classmates. (No drinks)
If cupcakes, cakes or candy is brought as a treat, they will be sent back home. I appreciate your support i
Roncalli News
2024 Roncalli Football Cheerleading Callout Meeting for Varsity, JV and Freshmen
The callout meeting for the 2024 Roncalli football cheerleading season will be on Thursday, April 4 at 6:00 PM in the Roncalli Cafeteria. This meeting is for all students, including incoming freshmen, who want to try out to cheer for the 2024 football season. It will include information on the schedule, costs, tryout dates and expectations for tryouts and the season. Students and parents are HIGHLY encouraged to attend this meeting! Please contact Coach Engel at if you have any questions.Roncalli Academic Summer Camps are Back!
Review all of this summer's experiences at
Join Us for Roncalli ROAR 2024!
Blast off to a night of laughter, games, friendship and nostalgia. Experience a Toy Story themed adventure for grown-ups at ROAR 2024, Roncalli's premier fundraiser. The evening will include cocktails, dinner, silent and live auctions, as well as entertainment. Dress as your favorite toy or childhood character and round up your friends for an evening you won't forget.
Saturday, April 27, 2024
5:30 PM
Roncalli High School
Ascension St. Vincent Gymnasium
Roar is Roncalli's favorite annual fundraiser that you won't want to miss. All funds raised at Roar benefit our students, families, faculty and staff. Purchase tickets at
Two Roncalli Exchange Students Seeking Host Family for 2024-2025 School Year
Roncalli will be hosting two female students from Spain next school year, and we're currently searching for host families for both girls. Valeria and Victoria will both be joining the junior class, so if you're interested at all in hosting, contact Allie Ross at, and she can send you specific details about either student. Thank you for considering!
Roncalli Raffling Off 2 Taylor Swift Concert Tickets!
DON'T WAIT UNTIL MIDNIGHT TO BE THE LUCKY ONE! You can still enter to win 2 tickets to see Taylor Swift in Indy on November 1, 2024. Raffle tickets are $25 each, and the winner will be drawn at ROAR. (You need not be present to win.)
Raffle tickets are on sale in the Advancement Office, or reserve them at Purchase is not final until payment has been received. And, payment must be received before April 18, 2024 at 3:00 PM. Call Fran Davey at (317) 787-8277 ext. 238 to pay via debit card.
Must be 18 to purchase tickets. For all additional details, rules and guidelines, visit
The Counselor's Corner
News from the Counselor's Corner:
- Food pantry days in April are April 9th and 23rd. Please return your back if you haven't already done so.
- Special night for Hispanic parents of teens
Are you Hispanic and have a child between the ages of 13 and 17?
We have two opportunities for you!
- Bring your teen and come learn about how to help your teen feel better emotionally.
- You will also have the opportunity to participate in a research project that will give you and your teen each a $50.00 gift card for completing a questionnaire.
When: April 17, 2024
6:00 pm Parents – Learn about “how to support your teenagers” with Dr. Natalie Guerrero
Teens – Learn about relaxation exercises with Mrs. Holland
6:30 pm Learn about the research project and how to participate in it to receive a gift card.
Where: Central Catholic School gymnasium
Questions: Call or text Kay Holland at 317-207-6153
Important Upcoming Dates
Monday April 1 - Easter Monday - NO School
Monday April 8 - Solar Eclipse - ELearning - NO School
Lunch Menu 4/1-4/5
Monday: No School
Tuesday: meatloaf and mashed potatoes and a biscuit, pizza lunchable, or chicken caesar salad
Wednesday: chicken tenders with veggie crackers, PBJ, or chicken caesar salad
Thursday: orange chicken with rice, pizza lunchable, or chicken caesar salad
Friday: hot dog with baked beans, PBJ, or lunchie munchie
Substitutions may be made without notice. Students meals are provided at no cost under the Community Eligibility Provision. Lunch includes choices of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, protein and dairy.