Nichols Leadership Academy News #38
A Leader in Me School
Sunday Announcement!
Hello Navigators,
There will not be school tomorrow, Monday May 27th, in recognition of Memorial Day.
This week we will begin collecting student devices. Please make sure your student returns their school issued device and charger. Next year we will have new devices for all students.
Yearbooks will be on sale after school all week by our PTO.
Our Nichols PTO is looking for nominations for the upcoming school year to fill 2 board positions: Vice President and Secretary. Submit your nomination here: Nomination Form.
This is truly a great opportunity to be involved with building up our school community. The PTO works to plan and fund field trips, 5th grade camp, assemblies, gold rush, field day, the student store, the book fair, our fall carnival and much more. Without a board we will not be able to organize much of these activities.
Please consider a nomination for a board position. PTO members are eligible to vote in elections, a membership can be purchased here for $10: Nichols PTO Store
On Thursday, 5/30, we will have a flag salute at the start of the day. This is a flag salute for the entire school to be all together as we near the last day of school. Hope to see you there.
Our Field day will be on 5/31/24. Sign up here to volunteer.
Can't wait to see everyone this week. Have a wonderful night.
Leader in Me
As a Leader in Me School we practice the 7 Habits. These habits are helpful in many aspects of life. Below are resources to emphasize the habits at home.
Habit 1 - Be Proactive
Habit 2 - Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 - Put First things First
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win
Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand and then be Understood
Habit 6 - Synergize
Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw
Check out this video about the 7 Habits and a Leader in Me School.
Nichols YouTube Channel!
Nichols PTO
Please join our PTO . Check out the PTO Newsletter.
The BASE PROGRAM provides Before & After School care. If you are interested in enrolling your Child, please contact them through their website.
Nichols STEAM!
Counselor's Corner!
Oceanside Unified School District has partnered with Care Solace to help families in need of mental health support. This services can help quickly find available services. To access this service call 888-515-0595 or visit their website at www.caresolace.com/ousd. If you have any questions about this or other school counseling services please reach out.
Chain of Communication
Nichols Elementary
Navigators always strive to be their personal best - to be Leaders now and in the Future!
Nichols Navigators are motivated, optimistic, creative problem solvers, and life-long learners. We demonstrate leadership, responsibility and synergize through partnerships.
Email: attendance.nichols@oside.us
Website: https://www.oside.us/nichols
Location: 4250 Old Grove Road, Oceanside, CA, USA
Phone: (760) 435-7400
Facebook: facebook.com/infopage4us
Twitter: @Nichols_Navig
Principal - Robert Flaherty
Email: robert.flaherty@oside.us
Phone: 760-435-7400
Twitter: @RobertFOUSD