West Irondequoit CSD
July 11, 2023
June 5, 2024
Dear families:
Please read below the plans for student laptops for this summer. If you have questions, contact our Help Desk at (585) 336-3113 or christine_marriage@westiron.monroe.edu.
- Current kindergarten students will not take their laptops home. These devices will be reimaged and repurposed for incoming kindergarteners. Families who'd like their child(ren) to have access over the summer should contact out WICSD Technology Office (see info above). These will be loaner devices that need to be returned in September.
- Students will take their laptops and chargers home for the summer. They'll need to bring them back in the fall.
- Seniors will turn their laptops and chargers into the DMRC (Room 1055) on June 13th in order to receive their ticket for their cap and gown. Anyone who misses that date, can turn theirs in on Friday, June 14th in the IHS Principal Conference Room. Families will be billed for unreturned laptops/chargers.
- Students attending Extended School Year (ESY) or Summer Lab should bring their laptops and chargers to those sessions. You should expect the laptop/charger to return home with the student at the end of the program.
- Incoming 1st graders: New devices, chargers & sleeves will be in your classrooms in the fall.
- Incoming 5th graders: Fifth-graders will turn in their laptop/charger early in the school year and receive a new laptop/charger.
- Incoming 9th graders: Freshmen will turn in their laptop/charger and receive a new laptop/charger during Freshman Orientation.
- All other grades: Students will continue to use their current laptop/charger as part of our four-year life cycle. Students will receive updated password information after school starts.
- Supervision: Each laptop is equipped with a CIPA-compliant internet filter. However, active supervision while students use laptops remains the best way to guide appropriate use/behavior.
- Updates & Maintenance: Over the summer, it’s recommended to turn on the laptops for several hours at least once a week to receive necessary updates. Additionally, shutting down and restarting after each use ensures that updates are applied.
- Please read below for helpful information for your children to keep them learning this summer!
Thank you,
Casey Wagner
WICSD Director of Technology/Data Privacy
Access & Resources
Usernames & Passwords
- You can find student usernames in parent portal on Infinite Campus. It is the first part of the email address before the @ sign.
- Passwords: Please see information in IC Parent Portal message center. All passwords K-12 will be reset in the last few weeks before School starts in the fall. At that point, your child will lose access to some digital resources. We will send out notification when this change occurs.
Most applications that students have access to for K-8 is found on Clever. 9-12 Students may also access applications using Clever, though they may not be as familiar with the process.
To Access:
1. Once student logs into their PC, have them launch a web browser which will bring up the intranet page.
2. Select the Clever Icon from the Intranet Page
3. Select “Log in with Microsoft”
4. Once the student is in Clever, they will be able to access applications applicable to their grade level.
Clever: Available Applications
These applications are available on Clever. Reminder-Applications are grade level specific. Some of the applications may not be available to your child based on grade level and current rosters.
- Amplify: A mixed application used to support literacy development and science for our students at the elementary and middle school. Great to use to continue practicing the literacy skills throughout the summer.
- Canva: A digital creation tool that students can use to create digital content.
- i-Ready: Used for mathematical skill development for our elementary and middle school students. Great to use iReady over the summer so students can continue practicing math skills over the summer.
- Lexia: A literacy resource used with our elementary students. Great to practice literacy skills.
- BrainPop and BrainPop JR: A digital resource that has various content areas to learn from. From vocabulary development to various activities, students can explore what interests them.
- Code.Org: A great resource for students to explore computer science and digital literacy. This site has a variety of games, activities and lessons for students of all ages.
Additional Resources
Sora is a digital library system with eBooks and AudioBooks that West Irondequoit subscribes to for students at all grades.
To Access for first time:
1. In a web browser go to https://soraapp.com/welcome/login/754
2. Select West Irondequoit CSD under Monroe 1 BOCES.
3. Sign in with the same username/password used to access the computer.
To access Sora after the first login:
1. In a Web browser go to sorapp.com/welcome.
2. Click Continue with “Monroe 1 BOCES.”
3. Select West Irondequoit CSD under Monroe 1 BOCES
4. Sign in the name username/password used to access the computer.
NYSED Summer Learning Site
The New York State Education Department maintains a page dedicated to digital resources for summer learning. Some of these resources range from NYS Museum resources to Camp TV on demand. Explore the many resources by going to: www.nysed.gov/edtech/summer-learning
Fun Ways to Keep Kids Learning This Summer!
CommonSense Media serves as an independent source for media suggestions. Please be aware that if an application is recommended on this site but is not available through Clever or found on our district website’s list of approved digital resources, please refrain from registering using the student's school email. We are obligated to adhere to EdLaw 2D concerning media tools. Moreover, students' emails are not set up to receive external emails. Nevertheless, if you opt to register for applications independently, it is advisable to use strong and unique passwords to enhance security and avoid using the same password across multiple platforms. Additionally, it is advisable to review the terms of use and privacy agreements for media platforms.
Keep Kids Reading!
- Set aside time each day to read
- Review books that your child likes to read (commonsense media has book reviews)
- Incoporate school library lists, visit a local library, access digital books through Sora
- Gamify Reading Experience
Document Summer Experiences (writing/expression)
- Encourage kids to take pictures
- Ask them to reflect on an image or experience
- Use digital tools, like Canva or Adobe, to create books that are meaningful
- Encourage kids to explore topics they enjoy
- Leverage online platforms like Khan Academy, PBS kids, etc. to explore content
- CommensenseMedia.org has a number of suggested content. As a reminder, not all applications suggested are EdLaw 2d Compliant, so please check with our district website to see if we have a Data Privacy Agreement in place if you wish to user your child’s school account.
- Ask your child about what they learned.
- Is your child not reading yet? Use online accessibility tools like immersive reader to have the content read to them.
Email: public_info@westiron.monroe.edu
Website: westirondequoit.org
Location: 321 List Avenue, Irondequoit, NY, USA
Phone: 585-342-5500
Facebook: facebook.com/WestIrondequoitCSD
X/Twitter: @WestIrondequoit