Counseling News from Mrs. Butler
Happy November
Reminders from Mrs. Butler
* If you need to make an appt to see the counselor, please schedule via my appt/calendar set up- SCUTA - School Counseling App (myscuta.com)
{This will devote that specified time frame to you, but I don't mind talking to you any time if I can}
* Please feel free to email me at any time. I try to respond within a 48 hour time frame (most of the time sooner).
* Junior and Senior Schoology Groups- Please remember that all juniors and seniors are in Mrs. Butler's Schoology Groups. All information specific to that grade level (scholarships, opportunities, etc.) are posted in that group. Your student should receive an email each time a post is made and then can navigate to that group to see full post.
Dual Enrollment- It's time to sign up for Spring 2025 Classes
Students currently in the 11th or 12th grade interested in taking any dual enrollment courses, need to see Mrs. Butler asap so the proper paperwork can be completed.
Important reminders and new info about Dual Enrollment:
* Several times, junior colleges have grant money/funding available that will pay for part or all of dual enrollment costs. That is not guaranteed and will need to be confirmed from semester to semester.
* Here's what we know about Spring 2025 semester/costs
*WSCC: If you are currently taking one or more classes through WSCC, then you are able to take the
same number of classes in the spring for no cost. If you are NOT currently taking a class through
WSCC and you would like to take a class in the spring (and it will work with your current schedule), you are able to do so, however you will be responsible for all costs.
* SSCC: If you would like to take a class through SSCC, regardless of whether or not you are
currently taking a class....you can take 1 class for no cost (including, tuition, fees, and books).
*** The information listed above about costs is only for Spring 2025 semester. Once we learn about possibility of funds for summer and fall of next year, we will share that information.
*** Regardless of the college you take classes from, you MUST meet Oneonta High School requirements for dual enrollment students. Please click on the link below to access OHS Dual Enrollment Policy.
Juniors and Seniors--- Please see information below about the Seal of Biliteracy program.
OHS is proud to offer the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy Recognition! If you are interested, please review the guidelines below and complete the form asap. If you have any questions, please let me know.
By completing the form, you are indicating your desire to apply for the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy You will receive recognition on your high school transcript and apply for the Global Seal of Biliteracy at the Functional Fluency level.
In order to receive the Alabama Seal of Biliteracy you must meet the following requirements:
1. English Language Arts Requirements
□ Successful completion of ALL Oneonta City Schools’ high school graduation and state requirements
2. AND ONE of the following ELA Assessment Requirements
â–¡ ACT (a score of 20 or higher on English Reading Component)
â–¡ WIDA level 4.8 or a higher composite score (non-native English speakers only)
3. AND ONE of the following World Language Assessment Requirements
(Submit proper documentation of ONE of the following)
â–¡ AP (Advanced Placement) score of 3 or better for a world language
â–¡ STAMP score of 5 or better in all components
Assessments for qualification for the Seal of Biliteracy must go through the OCS Seal of Biliteracy program.
*Students may also achieve the Global Seal of Biliteracy at the Working Fluency level. See https://theglobalseal.com/qualified-tests for more information.
*** If you would like to apply for this please complete the following form:
*** Your student must be signed into their OCS google account to access the form.
OHS Student Accomplishments
OHS Students participate in UWA Leadership Day
We had 5 students to attend the UWA Leadership Day on October 14th. This was during fall break, so these students chose to spend their break participating in Leadership Day at UWA and we are so proud of them. Each of the OHS Students that attended walked away with a $10,000 overall scholarship to UWA! Help me congratulate them!
Dylan Dunn
Mary Ellen Richey
Desalee Fredrick
Lily Taylor
Zoey Trombley
Riley Mason has been named a Semifinalist in the Coca-Cola Scholarship Program
Only 1,336 Semifinalists were chosen among 105,000+ applicants across the United States this year (only 1.27%) because of their outstanding leadership, academic achievements, and dedication to their community. There were only 27 Semifinalists in the state of Alabama. We are so proud of Riley Mason for being chosen! She will be in the running for one of only 150 scholarships worth $20,000.
Alejandro Arriaga named Fox6 News Rising Star of the week
WBRC FOX6 News and America's First Federal Credit Union recognized Alejandro Arriaga for being a superstar. Alejandro stood out among the entries, so WBRC FOX6 News was proud to spotlight him on Thursday, October 24, 2024, during the 5 pm newscast; which just so happen to be his 18th birthday. What a great birthday gift!
Alejandro will attend an interview event later in the year for the possibility of receiving a $5,000 scholarship. Please congratulate Alejandro Arriaga! We are so proud of you!
Lily Wilson is named WQSB Student-Athlete of the Week
WQSB presented Lily Wilson with a trophy on Friday, November 1st for being named WQSB Student-Athlete of the Week. Congratulations Lily!
"Shrek-tacular Halloween: Our Teachers Bring the Swamp to School!"
Our teachers went all out this Halloween, transforming into the beloved characters of Shrek! Ms. Strickland took center stage as Shrek, while Ms. Bass gave us a memorable Lord Farquaad, and Ms. Brown became the enchanting Princess Fiona. Ms. Patterson had everyone laughing as the Gingerbread Man, joined by Ms. Storey as the lovable Donkey. Ms. Hastings brought the Big Bad Wolf to life, and Ms. Patrick wowed as the Dragon. The trio of Blind Mice—Bethany Franklin, Ms. Arnold, and Ms. Carroll—were spot-on, and Ms. Mason, Ms. Sandlin, and Ms. Sargent added fun as the Three Little Pigs and Ms. Butler sparkled as the Fairy Godmother. It was a fairytale day filled with laughter and character!
November 11th - Veterans Day
Veterans Day is a momentous occasion dedicated to honoring the brave men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It is a time for gratitude, reflection, and celebration of the sacrifices made to protect the freedoms and values that define this nation. Living in the USA means enjoying liberties such as free speech, the right to pursue one's dreams, and the ability to live in a diverse and democratic society. These privileges come at a cost, paid by generations of service members who stood in defense of the country's ideals. On Veterans Day, we come together as a nation to show our respect and appreciation, recognizing that our freedom and security are the legacy of their courage and dedication.
FAFSA news!
What is the FAFSA? It stands for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. All Seniors are required to participate in the FAFSA. The first step in doing that is to create your account/login information, better known as FSA ID. All seniors AND senior parents will need an FSA ID in order to complete the FAFSA.
Ms. Butler and Ms. Hastings visited senior history classes in October to help students set up their FSA ID's. The FAFSA is scheduled to be available on December 1st. We will be visiting Senior History classes again on Friday, December 6th to do a presentation on the FAFSA and help student's get started.
Mrs. Butler's Virtual Office (click on the pic to take you to document w/links)
2024 College Application Week was a success!
College Application week was a huge success this year! We had college representatives from the University of Alabama, University of North Alabama, Mississippi State University, Snead State Community College, Wallace State Community College, Huntingdon College, and Jacksonville State University help students complete college applications!