Wilson Middle School Newsletter
June 2024
A letter to our families from the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we reach the end of this school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey we've shared. This year has been filled with numerous milestones and unforgettable memories, from the excitement of the first day of school to the pride we felt during our students' accomplishments in academics, sports, arts, music, and TSA to mention a few. Our dedicated teachers have worked tirelessly to inspire and guide our students, fostering a love of learning that will stay with them for years to come. The support and involvement of our parents and community have been instrumental in our effort to create a nurturing environment where every student feels valued and encouraged to reach their full potential.
We celebrated many achievements together, from musical performances, athletic victories and celebrations to recognize students' academic success. These events not only showcased the diverse talents of our students but also strengthened our school community, bringing us closer together. As we look back on this year, we are filled with gratitude for the resilience, creativity, and hard work demonstrated by our students, staff, and families. We look forward to building on this year's successes and continuing our commitment to excellence in the coming year. To our parents, staff and students, thank you for being an essential part of our school community and for making this year truly remarkable.
Warm Regards,
Mr. Araiza, Principal
Important Dates
6/5-Orchestra/Choir Concert at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Gym
6/6-Band Concert at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Gym
6/7-No School/Treaty Day
6/12-Year End Awards Assemblies in the Main Gym
6/14-Talent Show
6/17-8th Grade Field Trip
6/17-6th & 7th Grade Field Day
6/18-Last Day of School, Early Release at 11:15 a.m.
Information from the Nurse's Office
A letter from our school nurse
Dear Parent or Guardian,
Re: Medication Pick Up Reminder
If your child has medication at school and they will not be attending summer school:
Please pick up any medication left at your child’s school at the end of the school year. Medication left at school after June 18, 2024 will be available for pick up at the Health & Wellness Education Center until Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions regarding this letter.
Have an enjoyable summer and we look forward to working with you this coming school year.
Dawn Faussett MSN-Ed, RN, NBCSN
Wilson Middle School, P-509-573-2412/Fax-509-573-2424
Mrs. Eldridge's Autism class has had a great time with science experiments this school year. We have done nearly 30 different experiments. The students take part in researching (finding) experiments that they are interested in. They submit it to me with the list of materials and how to conduct the experiment. The video is shared with the class and it is determined if the experiment can be done. The students vote or experiments get chosen based on who has not had theirs picked yet. On Fridays the materials are gathered and the students take part in the experiment. The students journal the process and results. We have a lot of fun, even if the experiment doesn't work right!
Congratulations to our Wilson Cavalier Art Students!
Mrs. Lasha shared the awesome news that Wilson Middle School had the most entries to the 25th Annual Middle School Arts Show held in May and she would like to recognize the following students for their hard work and artistic creativity:
Lasha Legacy Award - this award is presented to the student who embodies the Cavalier Way in all of their work--brave in trying new techniques, media and ideas, diligent to do their best, patient in guiding others--an all-round outstanding citizen in the art room: Ethan Gordon.
Wilson Booster Club Awards:
Outstanding Cavalier Creation - Adalynn Kloster...Texture Hand
Cavalier Craftsmanship - Gabriel Estrada-Equihua...Yarn Art
Cavalier Creativity - Charley Soto-Ramirez...Texture Hand
Purchase Award - this award is presented to the student who had their artwork purchased by another art teacher at the Show: Terryn Hewitt...Acrylic Paint
Students with Art Medium represented in this year's Show are:
Blue Ribbon - 1st place: Addison Keel, Charcoal; Chael Rodriguez, Yarn; and Inara Tucker, Ink
Red Ribbon - 2nd place: Soraya Barron, Colored Pencils; Zoey Fouts, Tie Dye/Acrylic Paint; Daniel Gutierrez, Sketchbook Studies; and Terryn Hewitt, Acrylic Paint and Small Canvas
White Ribbon - 3rd place: Dylan Escobar, Ink; Lorena Porcayo, Colored Pencils; and Charley Soto-Ramirez, Ink
Honorable Mention:
Acrylic Paint - Destiny Rivas-Jimenez
Colored Pencils - Ivan De La Cruz, Yanily Garcia, Alyssa Lopez, Bianca Quezada and Abby Wilson
Ink - Xelia Cruz, Camila Mendez and Zidel Montes de Oca
Marker-Sharpie - Briana Montes
Pen - Xelia Cruz
Pencil - Karla Delgado
Tempera Paint - Xelia Cruz, Dylan Escobar and Ethan Gordon
Yarn - Evelyn Chavez, Isaac Gordon, Geronimo Hernandez, Faith Lee, Layla Myers, Juan Ramirez, Kendy Rodriguez Arellano, Atheana Schenk and Akira Wheeler
Character Word of the Month
A state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding, particular attention to.
Notes from the Library
Please return all overdue library books by Thursday, June 6th. Fines must be paid by the end of the school year. Fines may be paid at the ASB office and then a copy of the receipt needs to be brought to the library to verify the fine is cleared. You can buy a GOOD, USED COPY OF A LOST BOOK online or at a local bookstore. You can save $$ off of the full cover price, and the Wilson library gets back the books for of the same title that was lost instead of paying the cost to replace the book. It's a WIN-WIN: You win by having to pay less, and the library wins by getting back a missing book.
Keep Up With Summer Reading
Keep up with Summer Reading using the SORA app from the Public Library. You can get logged in with your YSD Google account username and password.
Just go to the Libraries/Destiny website through the Clever portal where you can find all of your YSD programs. Look for the SORA link on the HOMEPAGE of the Wilson MS Destiny website. Be sure to ADD the YVRL to your choices for more books to read online or listen to an audio book! Search fiction or nonfiction, by subject or other interest areas you have! At the bottom of the page, under the ME icon smiley face, you will see a variety of reading challenges you can explore to widen your interests and knowledge.
Happy summer reading! By choosing books about things you enjoy, it helps make reading more fun and enjoyable.
You'll never be bored again as long as you read. Have a safe, relaxing and word filled summer!
Wilson Boosters Info
Wilson Boosters is a group of parents, teachers and students who are dedicated to learning, fostering relationships, and embracing each day to its fullest! We strive to enhance the learning experience by providing those extra touches that make learning fun. At the heart of our efforts is the Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) program. Students earn points by showing positive behavior characteristics like Community, Accountability, Values and Safety: our CAVS acronym! Wilson Boosters raises funds mostly through hosting AAU gyms throughout the year. It's a perfect opportunity for students and parents to come for part of the weekend to work the scoring clock, take admission fees, or sell snacks. Funds earned are used to recognize students and staff throughout the year with prizes and treats.
If you are interested in helping out or just learning more about what we do, our last meeting of this school year will be on Tuesday, June 11th at 6 p.m. in the Wilson cafeteria. If you can't make it to the meeting in person, watch for a Parent Square message with a Google meet link, and we'll look forward to seeing you virtually! We will be discussing ideas to start up the 2024-2025 school year as well as looking for volunteers to help with the Wilson Open House Scholastic Book Fair to be held on Tuesday, August 20th at 6 p.m.
Open House Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair will be at Wilson during the week of our Open House, Tuesday, August 20th and all week for students to come and purchase books and other fun items in the LIBRARY! Profits from our book fairs supplement our book buying budget, so Wilson students have access to all of the BEST, NEW books available from Scholastic, the largest publisher for children. We also use some of our profits to benefit our PBIS school store and raffles as a way to award Positive Student Behavior all year.
If you're not comfortable sending your student to school with cash, you can sign them up for an e-wallet on the Scholastic website. Check it out and take a look at what kinds of books will be at our Book Fair during our Open House event in August. **Please note the website won't be active until closer to the end of August when reminders will be sent to all of our students about the event.**
A word from Mrs. Conrad~
The many community donations Wilson received allowed me to purchase items for our PBIS Main School Store. These donations enabled our students an opportunity to earn points for doing it the CAVS way and to then make purchases with those points in the store.
Starbucks in Nob Hill Plaza, Crumbl Cookie, Jamba Juice, Arctic Circle, Costco, Wendy's, The Bake Shop, Avanta Dental, Tasty Wok, Herke Rock, Munson Fruit, Sport Haus, Western Materials, Nob Hill Bowling, Target and Popeyes were kind enough to donate to our school! I hope you will take time to support these businesses and share your gratitude with them for their donations to Wilson students and staff.
Our school also takes part in a recycle program where many of the items we offer come from a warehouse. The warehouse contains items from businesses dropped off because the items have not sold or were out of season in their stores. Wilson was then able to purchase these items at a discount for our school. This is why we offer some unique items like toothbrushes, makeup and oral thermometers!
Our very own teacher, Lee Ream, used his 3D Printer to make ID holders for students to purchase this year! Thank you to Mr. ream for sharing those with PBIS.
A big THANK YOU to our librarian, Mrs. Madrinich, who coordinated all of the raffles. She did a great job with keeping things fun and provide opportunities for our students to win some BIG items! And, she did some shopping and donated items to our store for purchase too!
Our largest donations came from our Parent Booster Club! Thank you for all you do for Wilson students and staff. The Wilson Booster Club is the BEST! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Finally, thank you to our wonderful Wilson staff who make it all possible by recognizing the wonderful efforts are students are making!
School Policies
Cell Phone and Electronic Device Policy
All student cell phones, earbuds, and electronic devices are to be turned off and stored in student backpacks once students are on campus between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
Wilson Middle School staff will not be responsible for lost or stolen cell phones or electronic devices. If the student is caught with their phone out during school hours, the phone will be taken to the office. The student can pick up their phone at the end of the day. From the third offense and on, this may lead to a referral each time their phone is taken away.
If students need to reach parents for any reason they can use the phone in the office.
Please encourage your student to come to the office if they are not feeling well. We do not allow students to text or call parents from their cell phones in class. This disrupts learning and causes confusion in the office because we are unaware as to why the student is leaving.
Wilson Middle School guidelines for students will foster an environment of respect for oneself, a sense of school pride, and will improve the level of safety in our building, while maintaining a focus on academic achievement. This policy applies to all students at Wilson Middle School.
Students may wear:
· Pants, shorts, sport shorts, and skirts of any color.
· Shorts and skirts that are longer than the finger tips, when arms are extended down to the sides.
· Tops that are of any color, or style, as long as shoulders, cleavage, backs, chest, and midriffs are covered.
· Hats and hoods, but only outside the building.
· Footwear that is safe for all school activities.
Students may not wear:
· Pants, shorts, or skirts with holes above the finger tips; unless worn with leggings underneath.
· Clothing with excessively ripped/hanging material that can catch or snag.
- Muscle shirts, tank tops or crop tops.
· Bedtime slippers, flip-flops, or “slides”.
· Pants, shorts, or skirts, “sagged”.
· Trench coats or long overcoats.
· Any items deemed by administration as disruptive to the educational process, such as gang attire, or items with sexual, drug or alcohol messages, or those deemed unsafe. (This includes gang color or representation through numbers, pictures, Old English fonts, etc.)
We believe our dress code preserves our commitment to provide a safe and equitable school environment for all students. If in doubt, please call 509-573-2400 to avoid a disruption to your student’s education.
Attendance Policy
ABSENCES: If you have not called in your student's absence and we have not made contact with you, please send a note with your student upon his/her return in order to avoid an unexcused absence. We are now required to send an attendance letter after three unexcused absences. At five unexcused absences, we will schedule a conference to discuss attendance issues. If your child obtains 7 unexcused absences or 10 unexcused absences in a year, a BECCA petition will be filed for your student in juvenile court. Feel free to contact our Attendance Secretary, Ms. Bautista at 509-573-2410.
TARDIES: Students need to be in class by the time the tardy bell rings. In the morning, the first bell rings at 7:50 a.m., students are expected to be in class by 8:00 a.m. and ready to learn! Students have 4 minutes to get to their next class on time; otherwise they are tardy, which disrupts the learning process.
CHECKING OUT A STUDENT: When you know your student has an appointment or needs to be picked up early, we ask that you send a note or call in the morning with the time they will be picked up. Your student will need to turn in the note to the office and will receive a pass to be released with the time you indicate. We will not be calling classrooms, as this interrupts instruction. If you have any questions, please call our Attendance Secretary, Ms. Bautista at 509-573-2410.
PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCES: If your student will be gone from school for other than an illness, or medical appointment, please fill out a pre-arranged absence form ahead of time. The forms are in the office at the student service desk. They need to be completed two weeks ahead of time with a parent signature or attached note, the dates of the absence, teacher signatures, and the principal’s signature. If such an absence occurs, and the form is not completed by district guidelines, the absence is not excused.
Students should always check their school email and Canvas page to stay current on their school assignments.
Non-Discrimination Statement
Yakima School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The following employees at 104 N. 4th Ave. Yakima WA 98902 have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination:
- (Non-Students) Title IX/ADA: Robert Noe, Chief Legal Counsel, (509) 573-7039 noe.robert@ysd7.org;
- (Adult) ADA/504 Compliance Coordinator: Chris Miller, Human Resources Director, (509) 573-7066 miller.christopher@ysd7.org;
- (Students) Title IX/ADA/Section 504: Omar Santoy, Director of Student Services, (509) 573-7004 santoy.omar@ysd7.org.
Individuals with disabilities who require assistance or special arrangements to attend a program or activity sponsored by the Yakima School District should contact one of the ADA Coordinators 24 hours in advance of the event to inquire about reasonable accommodation. Deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing, and/or speech impaired individuals may access Washington Relay Services by calling
7-1-1- or 1-800-833-6388.
Wilson Middle School
902 S 44th Ave
Yakima, WA 98902
Office Hours:
Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Website: https://www.ysd7.org/Domain/232
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wilsonmiddleschoolysd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WilsonMiddleYSD
Twitter: @WilsonCavaliers