PreK October Newsletter
October 2024
A Note From The Teachers
Happy October!
We have an exciting month of activities ahead! As the weather gets colder, please be sure any jackets, extra clothes and water bottles sent to school are labeled with your child's name! Also, please sign up for a Fall Parent/Teacher Conference with your child's teacher before the end of October!
Social Emotional (SEL) Curriculum
Learning Focus
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): Identifying Feelings, Same or Different Feelings, Accidents, and Caring and Helping
Language Arts: Letter Names and Recognition, Fine Motor Skills, Collaboration
Math: Patterns, Shapes and Position Words
Science: Changes in the Earth and Sky, Characteristics of Organisms, Science Tools, Sources of Energy
Social Studies: Comparing Customs and Celebrations, Roles and Responsibilities, Community Helpers
October 14th: No School
October 17th: Spring Creek BBQ Night
October 26th: Oak Ridge Feeder Trunk or Treat
October 27th-November 1st: Red Ribbon Week
October 31st: Storybook Character Day
Reminder: School starts at 7:55, and they are counted tardy at 7:56. Please make sure your child is on time! Please remember to send a reusable water bottle with your child every day filled with water, not juice or lemonade. Please also keep a change of clothes in their backpacks! If your child is sick, please keep them home. They need to be fever free and symptom free for 24 hours. Please do not send your child to school sick, as we want to stop the spread of germs! If your child is healthy, they need to be at school!
If you have any questions, please reach out to your child's teacher:
Lisa Lara: llara@conroeisd.net
Elsy Del Salto: edelsalto@conroeisd.net
Tammy Hinote: thinote@conroeisd.net
Miranda Howland: mhowland@conroeisd.net
Jaquelyn Villarreal: jaqvillarreal@conroeisd.net