Panther Press
New Prospect Elementary School Newsletter
July 30, 2024
Welcome Back Panthers!
Hello Panther Families!
We are ready and excited to invite all of our Panthers back to meet their teachers Friday and come back to school on Monday!
As some of you probably know, the students current schedules are visible in Infinite Campus. This is not ideal as I think for elementary students it is better for them to meet their teacher, see their classroom and see their classmates at the same time that they find out about them. However, I lost that battle with the district. With that said, teacher placements ARE NOT final. We are getting new students every day and that shifts kids around to make sure we make every class equitable. Also, know that if our enrollment increases we might need to open another classroom in certain grade levels which could also shift placement. Placements are not final till August 19th.
If you want to get a head start learning about all things New our Parent Handbook below!
Please reach out if you need anything from me and see you Friday!
Amy Lemons
Upcoming Events:
August 2nd- Sneak Peak
*Times based on Last Name
9:00- A-D
9:30- E-K
August 5th -First Day of School
August 7th-Andy's Spirit Night
August 9th-Pep Rally-Wear House Shirts
August 16th-Back to School Bash-5:30-8pm
August 22nd- 2nd-5th Curriculum Night 5:30pm *parents only-book a sitter now:)
August 27th- PreK-1st Grade Curriculum Night 5:30pm *parents only-book a sitter now:)
September 2nd-No School-Labor Day
September 3rd & September 4th-No School-Teacher Workdays
School Supply Lists are on our New Prospect Website! Click the Link Above!
Please Read: District Health Services information for the 2024-2025 School Year
Does your child have medical needs??
Does your child have any medical conditions or concerns that we should know about?
Please contact
Tracylynn Wagner, RN
Alpharetta Cluster Nurse
Calling all 4th and 5th Graders!
Do you love making creative videos? Conducting interviews? Keeping others up to date on the latest happenings at school? If so, we need you on PNN!
Our new METI, Ms. Spitzner, is especially looking for rising 5th graders with PNN experience who can help show her the ropes.
If you're interested, click on the link below to submit a video explaining why you want to participate!
New Prospect Elementary School
Location: 3055 Kimball Bridge Road, Alpharetta, GA, United States
Phone: (470)254-2800
Twitter: @npepanthers