Mr. Matthew Reiner, Principal
Upcoming Events
- June 17th- 5th Recognition Day 9-11am
- June 18th- Blue and Gold Assembly 8:45am; 12:40 Dismissal Day
- June 19th- Last Day of School; 12:40 Dismissal Day; 5th Grade Clap Out 12:30pm
5th Grade Recognition Day Information For June 17th at 9am.
We are very excited for our 5th Grade Recognition Ceremony on Monday, June 17th at 9am. Here are a few particulars:
- The ceremony is being held outside on the back blacktop. The students will be in the shade but parents may be in the sun so the temperature for parents will be hotter than for students.
- Parents will be allowed onto the blacktop at 8:45am. Please do not show up early and go in the back. If you do so, you will be asked to go on the back of the line. A line will be formed on the side of the school by the gate.
- We have a little over 300 chairs that we will be setting up. There is a chance that if we have over 300 parents, some may need to stand in the back. We do not allow for saving large amounts of seats as it is not fair for everyone.
- There will be refreshments served at the conclusion of the ceremony for everyone to partake.
- At the conclusion of the ceremony and after refreshments, parents usually sign their students out for the rest of the day to go to lunch, celebrate, or just to spend time together.
Lost and Not Found! BEING DONATED ON JUNE 20TH!
I would call it the lost and found but nothing is being found!! Please check the lost and found outside of the office for your child's jacket, sweatshirt, t-shirt, pants, water bottle, shoes, books, trinkets, etc. It is overflowing!!
SJG Garden Summer Help Needed!!
We are in need of Summer Help for our Garden! If you can help us with the garden please complete the form below:
Schoolkidz Orders Are Due By June 21st
If you want to order Schoolkidz school supplies for your child, your order has to be in on the website by June 21st. The information is below.
5th Grade Parent Reminder for 6th Grade Fall Sports
Please see the PDF below if you have a 5th grade student who is going to play sports at PV.
District Climate Survey Reminder
Today is the final deadline to opt students out of the School Climate Questionnaire, which the superintendent shared earlier this month. Please complete this form if you do not want your child in grades 4-12 to participate in completion of the questionnaire. If this form is not completed, we will assume you agree to your child's participation. Any parent completing this form will automatically receive a response to confirm that it has been submitted. You must complete this form for each child whom you are opting out of the questionnaire. Now is your opportunity to complete the parent questionnaire. Please do so by no later than June 19th.
SJG HSA Calendar- June
Stay in touch with all HSA happenings through the calendar below!
Please consider donating $25/family to become part of the HSA for the 2023-2024 school year!
Medication Pick Up! Important!
All Parents of students with school medications:
All medication MUST BE PICKED UP on the last day of school. This
includes Epi-Pens and inhalers. Please stop by the office for your child’s
If you need to make other arrangements for pickup of medications please
call my office. 973-305-5615 ext 4008
Medications not picked up will be discarded.
Stephen J. Gerace Elementary School
Email: Matthew.Reiner@pequannock.org
Website: sjg.pequannock.org
Location: 59 Boulevard, Pequannock Township, NJ, USA
Phone: (973) 3055615
Twitter: @SJGPride
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sjgpride/