September Newsletter 2024
Bluffs Middle School
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Stay Connected
Email: bms@sbps.net
Website: www.sbps.net/bms
Location: 27 East 23rd Street Scottsbluff, NE
Phone: 308-635-6270
Twitter: @BMSCATS
Principal's Message
Dear BMS Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 academic year at Bluffs Middle School. The beginning weeks have been outstanding, with student interactions being a highlight.
Our course offerings at Bluffs Middle School constantly evolve to meet our students' needs, providing top-notch instruction, improved student outcomes, and a range of enrichment and support options throughout the day.
Please mark your calendar for our Collective Advisory Team meeting on September 10th at 4:00 p.m. We will organize student and staff events, review building and district priorities, and align our building action plan with the district Strategic Plan. Your involvement is crucial and highly valued. Together, we are stronger.
Please let us know if you have changed your phone number, physical address, or email. We want to ensure we have accurate information on file for your student. Please call us at your earliest convenience at 308-635-6270 and we will be happy to help you.
We are very excited for a school year packed with student achievements and quarterly assemblies to celebrate successes, performances, and leadership opportunities. Thank you for your continual support and dedication to your student's success. Please reach out to your student's teacher, counselor, or administrators if you have any questions; we look forward to working alongside you this year.
Thank you,
Jana Mason
6th Grade WEB BASH
The WEB BASH for our sixth graders was terrific. Please join me in thanking our eighth-grade WEB Leaders and sponsors, Mr. Koncaba and Mrs. McGhehey, for making the transition to middle school so fun! Thank you, parents, for arranging for your student to attend the back-to-school event. There are many fun and exciting activities planned throughout the school year.
Technology Information
Enrollment is open for the Device Repair Incentive Program through September 30. Payments can be sent to school with your student. Families can also pay through the Infinite Campus Parent Portal or by calling Erin Shaddick at 308-635-6286. Use the link below to learn more about DRIP.
Device Repair Incentive Program Information
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a great tool to track your students academic progress and attendance. This app can also be used to pay lunch balances and Chromebook fees. Please follow the link below for information on how to create an Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
Food Service Provider - Sodexo
Families are encouraged to download Sodexo's So Happy app in order to access menus and nutrition information. http://sohappy.sodexo.com/ (available in the App Store, Google Play Store, and as an Alexa skill)
BMS Counseling Team
Welcome Back!
The counseling department at BMS sends our students and families a warm Welcome Back!
For those of you who are new around here, we are so happy to have you join us! Let’s jump
right in…
The start of the school year is a busy time for all. With the start of school comes a range of
emotions for many of our students. Some may feel anxious, fearful, and/or excited. The first few
weeks of school can be quite stressful as students navigate the building, learn new names and
faces among peers and staff, figure out schedules, and adjust to building and classroom
expectations. Included are some tips to ensure a most successful kick off to the new school
year! Or, as our students may say, a start that “ate and left no crumbs” (see below for definition).
Establish a morning and bedtime routine – Consistency is key.
Eat a good breakfast – They need the brain food to power through their busy days!
Get enough sleep – 8.5 hours of sleep each night is a healthy goal at this
developmental stage.
Turn off/put up electronic devices well before bedtime – You can blame us. “The
counseling team said no electronics before bed…” Quiet and calm prior to bedtime allow
the brain to slow down and prepare for restful sleep.
Check in with your child and have open communication – How are things going?
How are they feeling? What do they need to feel better supported? What’s going well?
Plan for safe travel arrangements to and from school – Whether walking, biking, bus
route, or riding to and from school with a parent/trusted adult, ensure your child knows
the plan.
Help your child develop good homework and study habits.
Remind your child we are here to help.
From educators to support staff, we are here for students and families. Don’t be afraid to ask
questions, reach out, or let us know any worries or concerns. We look forward to working with
you and your child over the course of the 2024-2025 school year.
Wishing you all a great year ahead!
-BMS Counseling Team
Teen Phrase of the Month:
Ate and left no crumbs = Used when someone does an exceptional job at something.
Important Upcoming Dates and Reminders
September 2 Labor Day-No school for students and staff
September 10 Collective Advisory Meeting @ 4:00 pm
September 20 School picture retakes
September 27 Professional Development Day
September 30 No School K-2 and 6-8 students
September 30 Last day to enroll in DRIP (Device Repair Incentive Program)
If you have not returned the free and reduced meal application paperwork, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please contact us with any questions, and we will gladly assist you. You may reach us at 308-635-6270.
Childhood Cancer Awareness Week
Scottsbluff Public Schools Recognizes September as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month with Week-long Activities September 2-6
For immediate release.
Jeane Anderson, Bear Cub Preschool janderson@sbps.net, Jen Schwartz Team Ashtyn Foundation jschwartz@sbps.net
Scottsbluff Public Schools is proud to announce its commitment to raising awareness for Childhood Cancer throughout the month of September, particularly during the week of September 2-6. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is a time dedicated to shining a spotlight on the children and families affected by this devastating disease and raising funds for research and support.
During this week, SBPS has planned a series of activities to engage our school community and inspire support for children battling cancer. These activities include:
Daily Facts: Daily Childhood Cancer Awareness facts will be shared on SBPS Social Media Channels and school newsletters.
Wear Gold Wednesday (September 4): Students, teachers, and staff at all schools are encouraged to wear gold, the official color of Childhood Cancer Awareness, to show their solidarity with those in our school community battling childhood cancer.
Tackling Childhood Cancer(September 6): The SHS Football Team will partner with the Team Ashtyn Foundation for this Annual event at Friday’s Football Game vs. Lincoln Northwest. A variety of activities will take place including:
Local families affected by Childhood Cancer will speak at halftime
SHS HOSA Members will be handing out 100 plastic orange footballs with the Team Ashtyn Foundation logo. They will also be handing out orange and gold balloons, with names of local children battling cancer, to be released after the first touchdown is scored.
Gold vinyl ribbons will be worn on the helmets of both teams
Tackle Childhood Cancer and Bearcat Football Shirts will be sold at the gate
There will be a 50/50 raffle with the winner drawn at halftime.
Proceeds from all fundraising will be split between the Team Ashtyn Foundation and a charity chosen by the Lincoln Northwest team.
We invite our entire school community to participate in these activities and show their support for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Together, we can bring hope, healing, and awareness to this important cause.
BMS Student Council and Team Ashtyn Foundation
BMS Student Council members will sell ribbons and bracelets from September 3rd-6th to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Students and parents may also purchase these items at the home varsity football game on September 6th. Ribbons are fifty cents, and bracelets are one dollar. All proceeds will be donated to the Team Ashtyn Foundation.
Varsity Home Football Games
Varsity football season has begun, and home football games are fun and exciting to attend. Please review the home football expectations with your student. We want to show our school spirit in a positive manner and cheer on our Bearcats.
Home Football Expectations
Students who receive an office referral the week of a home football game will not be able to attend the game and sit in the BMS student section. They can attend and sit with parents in general admission.
BMS students will sit only in the designated area of the SOUTH section of the EAST grandstand.
You may sit in one of the other sections of the WEST grandstand only if you are accompanied by and sit with a parent.
Students will be required to sit for the entire game. You may get out of your seat and leave the stands only at HALFTIME of the football game to use the restroom and purchase something from the concession stand.
Students will use the restrooms and concession stands on the EAST side of the stadium. You will remain on the EAST side of the stadium for the entire game.
If you leave the game you will not be allowed to return.
At NO TIME are students to be on the playing field.
Students will not sit on or lean over the restraining walls at the back or sides of the stadium.
Please keep the aisles clear at all times.
Please stand, remove your hat, and be respectful during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.
If a student is asked to leave the game they will not be permitted to sit in the BMS student section for any other home football games for the rest of that season.
After School Tutoring
After School Tutoring is available for all students Monday-Thursday from 3:05-4:05 p.m. Please encourage your student to take advantage of this extended learning opportunity to receive additional instruction, retake assessments, or complete missing assignments. The tutoring schedule is attached. Please reach out to your student's teachers if you have any questions.
Bluffs Middle School Staff
7th Grade Arctic Cat Team
8th Grade Panther Team
8th Grade Tiger Team
Counseling Staff
Physical Education Teachers
Band, Choir and Orchestra Teachers
ELL and Intervention Teachers
Special Education Teachers and Paras
Special Education Teachers and Paras
Fall Activities
Fall sports have begun, and we are excited to watch and support our student-athletes compete. Cross Country, football, and volleyball schedules are on the district webpage. The link is listed below. Thank you, coaches and players, for your hard work preparing for your upcoming season. Bearcat Pride! Student-athletes are required to purchase an activity pass. If you have any questions please contact your student's coach.
Safety and Security Information
Community-Wide Simulation
On Tuesday, October 8, Scottsbluff Public Schools, Educational Service Unit #13, WNCC, UNL Panhandle Extension Office and Education Center, and other area schools will conduct a joint emergency response simulation. Emergency response personnel will coordinate activities at each school. Students and parents will be given advance notice that the activity is occurring and is only a simulation – not a real event.
Emergency responders who will be coordinating the exercise include members of the Scottsbluff Police Department, Scottsbluff County Sheriff’s Office; Scottsbluff Fire Department, Gering Fire Department, Nebraska State Patrol, Region 22 Emergency Management and 911 Communications. James Todd, SBPS Director of Safety and Security will be overseeing the simulation. The simulation incorporates advice from each of these agencies to help all schools improve response protocols and enhance security practices.
Emergency readiness in schools includes four key areas: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery. This planning drives the schools’ efforts to ensure a high-quality school emergency operations plan.
The exercise is intended to operationalize the procedures detailed in SBPS’ “Emergency Operations Plan” which follows guidelines from the National and State Emergency Management Systems, the US Department of Homeland Security, the FEMA Incident Command System, the “I Love You Guys Foundation,” and the Nebraska Department of Education School Safety Center.
Visitors Entering and Exiting the Building
Please use the south main doors when entering the building during the day. You may check in with our secured entrance monitor and receive a visitor's pass. Please remember a form of identification is required to be issued a visitor's pass. After the meeting, please check out with the secured entrance monitor as you leave the building. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Use the Remind App to stay informed in the event of an emergency.
In the event of an emergency, SBPS will use the Remind app to communicate information with parents including student release or reunification instructions. Parents and students are automatically enrolled in Remind at the time of enrollment. If you are not receiving these messages via text, email, or the Remind app, please contact your local school to ensure we have the correct information on file.
Health Office Staff and Information
Welcome back to a new school year!
Our goal is to keep your students happy and healthy at school. You can help us with this by:
Letting us know about health conditions that could affect their school day
Turning in appropriate paperwork
Asthma, Anaphylaxis, and Medication Forms need to be renewed yearly
All Kindergarten students need to be up to date on their immunizations, have a physical and eye exam done (or a waiver signed)
All 7th graders need to be up to date on their immunizations and a physical (or a waiver signed)
All transfer students need updated immunizations
If transferring from out of state, a physical and eye exam will need to be done (or a waiver signed)
Please reach out to your student’s health office staff if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!
Jazz Band
JAZZ BAND for 7th and 8th graders meets on Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 7:00-7:30 a.m. in the Band Room. Please contact Mr. Koch if you have any questions.
Show Choir
We are excited to announce that this year’s BMS show choir is about to begin. And with this comes something new… we are opening up the opportunity to everyone here at BMS. All students… 6th, 7th, and 8th graders can join.
In addition to signing the list in Mr. Brening’s choir room, each student
is asked to take this letter home to better communicate the following:
The practices will be on Wednesday and Friday mornings at 7:00–7:30.
This of course… is before school. They are to enter the building on the
north side of the 6th grade Annex, door #10 (band door)
We may occasionally also hold practices during WIN time within the
school day. This has yet to be determined, however.
The first rehearsal begins on August 28 (Wednesday)
Our scheduled concerts are on October 3rd and December 5th.
Both are held here at the BMS cafetorium and will begin at 6:00 PM.
If you have any further questions, please email me at pbrening@sbps.net
Thank you,
Mr. Brening