Welcome Back, St. Thomas!
Mid-Week Memo: September 3, 2024
Our Mission
St. Thomas School serves the parishes of St. Therese of Lisieux, Holy Spirit, and St. Matthew.
In partnership with the family, we are dedicated to nurturing the personal development of the whole child. Our mission is to instill Catholic values, foster self-discipline, and promote academic excellence in the spirit of a caring, affirming community.
From the Principal's Desk...
Our school year is off to a great start! The first few days were full of fun activities to grow the positive culture in our classrooms and get the “jitters” out. Students are thrilled to be back and we are just as excited to welcome them to a new year together! Please note important information below:
LUNCH SYSTEM All cafeteria items have been put into the system, we are simply waiting on the financial side of FACTS to integrate with the entered information. FACTS is scheduled to have this up and running on Thursday. I will send an update once it goes live with directions about how to access the cafeteria financial side of FACTS. Thank you for your patience throughout this process.
PARENT INSTANT ALERTS We are also using FACTS to send instant alerts this year. Please note the following information from FACTS to ensure that you are receiving our alerts:
Email alerts are sent from noreply@pikmykid.com. If recipients unsubscribe from this email or mark it as spam, our carrier must manually remove these recipients from their unsubscribe lists before they can begin receiving email alerts again. This process takes time, and, as a result, families may miss interim email alerts. Please mark emails from noreply@pikmykid.com as safe to ensure they are delivered to your inbox. In addition, text messages will come from the number 317065 and be titled, Parent_Alert: ST-ME. A test alert will be sent this Friday, 9/6 at 4:00pm. If you do not receive this alert, please contact the office so we can ensure you receive them moving forward.
ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL: For morning drop off, please be sure to always use the carline in the parking lot. Dropping students off at the curb poses a safety risk for the students, staff, and drivers who are exiting the parking lot. In addition, dismissal begins at 2:45pm. Early arrival for afternoon dismissal creates traffic challenges. Since students are present on the playground until 2:30pm, we ask that you wait until after 2:30pm to arrive for dismissal. Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
LETTER FROM SUPERINTENDENT WHEELER Our new Superintendent, Mrs. Shelly Wheeler would like to share a letter of encouragement as we begin our new year. Please see her letter, here.
BAND OPPORTUNITY On Thursdays, Mrs. Moore, our music teacher, will be offering band lessons. There will be an informational meeting here at the school on Thursday, September 12th at 5:00pm in the music room. If you cannot make the meeting, please feel free to email her at monica.moore@portlanddiocese.org. Flyers for this opportunity are posted below.
We hope you enjoy our first edition of the Mid-Week Memo and look forward to a fabulous year ahead!
In His joy,
Mrs. Madigan
Important Events:
Questions? Email joanne.cusack@portlanddiocese.org.
- 9/4: First school Mass at 9am. Please wear Mass uniforms on this day.
- 9/8: Fall Paperwork DUE to the main office...
- 9/11: Early Release Day. Dismissal is at 1pm and there are no buses.
- 10/8: Flu vaccine clinic. Please sign up by 10/1 HERE.
- Miss open house and your family photo? Fear not! Please feel free to send one to the main office so we can add it to our "WE ARE FAMILY" wall.
- Please be sure to read all of our event flyers above! Spread the word and join us!
PTO News:
First PTO Meeting of the Year
This meeting is both in-person and via Zoom.
Link: https://zoom.us/j/3015417783?pwd=dkJFcWdvUFMrd0l2RklkcUM2a2NFUT09.