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The Seahawks Nest
Week of February 3 - February 7, 2025
Twenty Fourth Issue
Follow Simpson on Facebook, Twitter: @RialtoSimpson & Instagram: rialtosimpson
Friday, February 21 & Monday, February 24 are minimum days
Message from Mrs. Rodriguez - Your Simpson Principal
Dear Simpson Seahawk Family,
What an amazing week we've had! We’ve officially surpassed 100 days of school—can you believe it? Time is flying by!
February is a particularly special month as we celebrate Black History Month. It’s a wonderful opportunity to honor and celebrate the trailblazers who have shaped our past, present, and future. Throughout the month, we’ll be hosting lunchtime movies, and we'll wrap up with a special assembly in the final week of February, along with a Spirit Week celebration. On Saturday, February 15, 2025, Rialto High School will be holding a Black History Month Celebration from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Several of our students have been nominated to be recognized at the event, and two of our very own staff members will also be honored as community leaders who’ve made a positive impact on our school and students.
We also had a fantastic time with The Great Kindness Challenge! A huge thank you to our School Secretary, Alma B., for her incredible efforts in making this event such a success. Our students truly embraced it—creating friendship bracelets, writing thoughtful notes, thanking others, drawing uplifting messages with sidewalk chalk, and so much more! I’m especially fond of The Kindness Challenge because it encourages our students to practice kindness every day.
Looking ahead, we’re also gearing up for our Scholastic Book Fair in March during Read Across America Week. This year, the fair will be completely cashless. For more details, please see the information provided below by our Library Tech, Mrs. Henning.
We continue to focus on Literacy, Numeracy, and preparing our students to be Future Ready. Please be sure your students are reading every night and completing their Accelerated Reader goals, iReady goals in reading & math, and their Math Basecamp goals as well. We are preparing our students to be on grade level in reading and math. You can support us by checking on their goals to see if they are meeting them. See below for more information about Math Basecamp, iReady, and Accelerated Reader.
Please remember that I have an open door policy. I can be reached via email, Parent Square, or phone call. We are partners in your scholar's education!
Let’s remember to Dive Into Discovery!
Mrs. Ramona Rodriguez
(909) 820-7954
Follow me on:
Twitter: @RamonaR1971
Instagram: principal_rodriguez
Simpson Parent Student Handbook
More About Black History Month
February 2025
Support our Bubble Run Fundraiser!
We are doing very well so far! We have generated over $5,800 dollars already! We are very excited with the results and hope we meet our goal!
Simpson Bubble Run Fundraiser is happening NOW!
Click https://tinyurl.com/bddrkz9e to start sharing & donating!
Look up your student by name!
P.T.A. Association Meeting - February 5, 2025 at 2:30 p.m.
Super Reader Workshops Are Back!
D.A.A.P.A.C. Black History Month Celebration - Sat. February 15, 2025
Join Us for Our PTA Sweetheart Dance - Friday, Feb 7, 2025
Scholastic Book Fair is Coming in March-Get Ready NOW for a Cashless Book Fair!
Do You Want Your Child to Be Bilingual?
Google Meet Link for Dual Language Immersion Meetings:
Link to the Rialto USD Multilingual Services Website with Information on the Dual Language Immersion Program including meeting dates, times and links to join the meeting.
Updates from our Assistant Principal
Ms. Natasha Harris
Dear Simpson Families,
Below you will see our new Item Drop Off Policy. Please review and be familiar with this new policy. We appreciate your support.
Please join Mrs. Rodriguez and I at the Simpson Family Resource Center workshop of the month to learn about the Community Based School Grant that our school will be applying for. We look forward to seeing you there on Thursday, January 23, 2025.
Below you can see our revised Daily Bell Schedule - we adjusted out lunch - recess schedule in order to improve our cafeteria. Our goal is to have less students in the cafeteria at one time and continue to improve the cafeteria experience for our students!
Stay Hydrated: It's going to be a fantastic year, and we want our students to stay refreshed. Please send them to school with a water bottle labeled with their name and room number. Hydrated minds are happy minds!
Lost & Found: Please remember to label all of your students items with their names & room number such as sweaters and jackets, lunch bags, water bottles. This will help get items back to their owners.
In Service,
Ms. Natasha Harris
Assistant Principal
Simpson Elementary School
Drive Thru Drop Off & Pick Up Zone - Safety Procedures
Please be careful when pulling out of the drop off lane. Please do not drop off students in the left lane that is only to be used for driving thru. That lane is only for cars that have dropped off students in the morning or picked up students in the afternoon. If you do use that left lane, please be aware of the cross walk and cars that may also be entering into that lane. Our afterschool dismissal has become a faster process, but we need to be safe and still use caution when moving into the left drive thru lane. Thank you to our Safety Team of Simpson Parents, Safe Routes, and Rialto USD Safety Officer Ramirez for helping us make these changes.
Morning & Afterschool Prodedures
Rialto USD Student Dress Code and Grooming Policy
Rialto USD Cell Phone Policy
Visit the Simpson Seahawk School Website for Up to Date Information!
Please check out our school website! Kinder Teacher Mrs. Barragan-Carlos has continued to update it and make it a useful tool for our families! Please refer to it when you want to see what is happening at Simpson! The calendar is still being updated!
Simpson Focus Areas: Literacy, Numeracy & Future Readiness
Legends of Learning - Math Base Camp
Click on the link below to learn more about Legends of Learning - Math Base Camp. This program supports our efforts for students to learn their math facts. Research tells us that students who know their math facts by memory have more success with higher level mathematics.
Parents, you can help your students learn their math facts!
Simpson Seahawks must land their helicopter by completing their yellow circle everyday! Login into their Math Basecamp and check to see that they are completing this goal!
Click here to learn more about Legends of Learning Math Basecamp
Seahawks Must Land Their Helicopter Daily by Completing Their Yellow Circle
Accelerated Reader at Simpson
iReady Weekly Goals
Lost & found items will be taken out in the Lost and Found blue rolling cart at dismissal. The Lost & Found cart will be at the dismissal area in front of the school every Friday. We will also share pictures of lost items on Friday morning via Parent Square.
The Lost and Found cart will be stationed in front of the cafeteria on a daily basis. Please remind your student to check when they lose an item.
Please put your student's name on all of their items: lunchpails, water bottles, jackets, sweaters, etc. Include their first & last name, room number. This will help us get any lost items back to their owner and lower the amount of lost articles. At the end of the month, we will donate any unclaimed items from the Lost & Found.
Simpson Bell Schedule 24-25 Updated (Effective 1-13-25)
Simpson Parent Committees - Please Join Us!
African American Parent Advisory Council AAPAC
English Learner Advisory Committee ELAC
On October 16, 2024 at the ELAC meeting, we will be visiting three classrooms starting at 9:10 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. ELAC Parents will be able to see classrooms in K-2nd grade and observe a Dual Language Immersion classroom and two Structured English Immersion classes in 1st and 2nd grade. Please join us!