A Letter From Dr. Pete Hannigan
Concerning Behaviors In Our Schools

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March 5, 2024
Dear Hawthorn Families,
Good evening. I am writing to address concerning behaviors that we’ve noticed within our district. In recent weeks, there has been an uptick in middle schoolers showing a lack of respect towards others based on their religion, race, personal beliefs, or ethnicity. I want to be clear and ensure our entire district understands that such actions are completely unacceptable within our school community. This issue calls for a united effort to educate all our students about the importance of respect and understanding.
At Hawthorn District 73, we uphold the belief that every student, staff member, and family deserves to be treated with dignity, kindness, and respect. It is never acceptable to demean or intimidate others through language, gestures, symbols, or other means. We urge you to reinforce these principles with your children, ensuring a learning environment that is not only physically safe but also nurtures mental, emotional, and intellectual growth.
Looking ahead, we remain committed to anti-bullying and anti-harassment initiatives for our students, as well as continued staff development in areas such as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), restorative practices, relationship-building, de-escalation, and classroom management. These efforts are crucial for supporting the well-being of all students. Additionally, our collaboration with our School Resource Officer (SRO) will continue to be a key part of our plan.
Please understand that when incidents of hatred, bullying, harassment ,or discrimination are brought to our attention, we respond with a combination of disciplinary actions, restorative practices, parental outreach, and peer mediation, treating each case individually and confidentially while ensuring all involved students receive any necessary social-emotional support. We encourage you to engage in open and meaningful conversations with your children about our shared responsibility in creating and maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for everyone in the Hawthorn District 73 community. We all have a role in reporting behaviors that contradict our shared values. Remember, if you see something, say something.
Together, we can ensure that our schools remain a safe space for learning and growth for Every One. Every Day.
Dr. Peter Hannigan
Superintendent of Schools