Parent Pocket - December 6

GLH Johnson Elementary School
Families enjoyed a "Gator Skate" night full of fun at Skate Town this week hosted by GLH Johnson Elementary PTA. Go Gator Skaters!
Forest Hills Elementary School
Families at Forest Hills dressed up in their pajamas for "Polar Express Night." They enjoyed exploring new books and a craft.
Westwood Middle School
In the spirit of excellence, Westwood Middle School hosted their Academic Showcase that provided scholars with the opportunity to present to families and district staff examples of Project Based Learning, The Frayer Model as well as Student Collaboration.
Park Avenue Elementary School
Park Avenue's third, fourth and fifth grade scholars who passed both their Reading and Math Benchmark Assessments were able to participate in a cookie craft activity. Keep up the great work!
Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember
December 6 - GW Orchestra holiday concert at 7 p.m.; Bonner Boys Basketball vs. Hargrave at Westwood, starting at 5:30 p.m.; GW Girls and Boys basketball vs. Dudley at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.
December 8 - Christmas Parade starting at 5 p.m. (Routed down Main Street from Broad/Rison Streets to down Craghead Street)
December 9 - Bonner vs. Westwood basketball at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.
December 11 - Westwood Chorus concert at 6:30 p.m. in the Bonner Auditorium
December 10 - GW Boys Basketball home games vs. Heritage at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.; Bonner Band & Choir Concert at 6 p.m.
December 12 - School Board Meeting at 5 p.m.; Westwood Basketball home games vs. Halifax, starting at 5:30 p.m.; Westwood band holiday concert at 6:30 p.m. in the Bonner Auditorium
December 13 - GW & Galileo swim meet at the Danville Family YMCA, beginning at 5 p.m.; GW Girls Basketball home games vs. Mecklenburg at Bonner, starting at 5:30 p.m.
*Check out school websites for school-based events!