Crest View Paw Prints
September 12th, 2024
Sept. 3-13 - Food Drive
Sept. 18, 6:00-7:30 pm - FET Meeting
Sept. 21, 3:00-4:30 pm - Fall Clean Up
Sept. 25, 5:00-6:00 pm - Jeff & Paige Spanish Language Concert
Sept. 27 - Field Day
Sept. 30 - No School
Crest View News
Click here to watch this week’s episode of CVTV.
Crest View Food Drive Tuesday, September 3rd - Friday, Sept. 13th
Did you know that Crest View has a food pantry and a weekly food bag program that serves our families in need? Last year we sent over 2,000 bags of food home with our students. To help do this, we host a semi-annual food drive in the fall and mid-winter. We are asking for individually packaged snack items and select pantry items to help augment our weekly donations of shelf-stable foods from Community Food Share. You can send donations via your students' classroom or purchase directly via our Amazon Wish List. It is a grade-level competition so make sure to note what grade your child is in. More detailed instructions can be found here.
Destination Imagination Experience
Discover the world of creativity and problem-solving with our BVSD-sponsored Destination Imagination program! This exciting program provides students with the opportunity to develop essential skills like innovation, project management, teamwork, and critical thinking while having a blast. But it's not just about the kids—being a team manager can be incredibly fulfilling for parents too. If you're curious about this enriching experience, please attend one of our information nights – or reach out to Scott Dalgleish at scottd442@gmail.com for more information.
· On-line Zoom information meeting will be held on the following dates: Sept 16 at 6:30 pm, Oct 2 at 7:30 pm, Oct 7 at 7:00 pm, Oct 15 at 5:00 pm, Oct 23 at 7:00 pm, and Nov 4 at 7:30 pm.
Preregistration is required for virtual Zoom meetings – register here: https://www.dicolorado.com/information-night-reservation-page-for-noco-canyon-region/
· In-Person meetings will be held on these dates: Sept 18 at Superior Elementary Info Table at 5:30 pm, Sept 23 in-person at Nativity Faith & Reason at 6:30 pm, and Oct 16 at 5:00 pm at Escuela Bilingüe Pioneer.
Learn more at: https://www.dicolorado.com/ and https://www.bvsd.org/parents-students/academics/bvsd-sponsored-events/destination-imagination . We look forward to welcoming both parents and students to explore Destination Imagination!
School Supply Contributions
If you have not already, please remember to make your contributions for School Supplies! School Supply Contributions can be made online or in the main office. Please refer to this letter for more information.
Apply to be in the BVSD Community Leadership Academy
For the third year, the Boulder Valley School District will be hosting the BVSD Community Leadership Academy, in partnership with Parent Engagement Network. The program is an opportunity for parents and community members to deepen their understanding of the Boulder Valley School District and our work. One of the goals is to provide parents with the information they need to play a more active role in their child’s education and the district as a whole.
The third Community Leadership Academy cohort will have seven lunch-time sessions, one Friday per month, between October and April that will provide an overview of the district, deeper dives into BVSD’s academics and operations, plus additional sessions on building resilient families and communities.
Sessions will be 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the BVSD Education Center located at 6500 Arapahoe Rd. Boulder, CO on the following dates:
October 18, 2024
November 15, 2024
December 13, 2024
January 10, 2025
February 21, 2025
March 14, 2025
April 11, 2025
Interpretation into Spanish will be available.
Applications are now being accepted
The deadline to apply is September 15, 2024.
Title IX Student Council and Community Advisory Council Accepting Applications for the 24-25 School Year
The BVSD Student Title IX Council and Community Advisory Council are accepting applications for the 2024-2025 school year. These councils are comprised of students and community members who are interested in collaborating with the District regarding issues of sexual violence, harassment and gender discrimination. Members participating in the council play an advisory role to the district with a shared goal of elevating student and community voices and leadership.
For Title IX Student Council: High school and middle school students who are interested in working on the prevention of sex-based harassment and violence at school, who are looking to utilize their leadership skills, and who are passionately committed to this long-term process of change in culture and breaking stigmas around reporting are encouraged to apply here. Meeting dates to be determined.
For the Community Advisory Council: Apply here. The Council will meet this fall on 9/16 (virtual), 10/7 (virtual), 11/4 (hybrid), and 12/2 (virtual).
All students and community members are welcome to apply, regardless of their familiarity with Title IX.
School Aged Care
Enjoy our After School News--September!
Update from our Specials Teachers
CU Wizards
Blackholes! Saturday, September 14, 2024, 9:30 to 10:30 am
Fiske Planetarium, University of Colorado, Boulder
Mysterious blackholes inspire and challenge the imaginations of poets, artists, writers, and scientists. Join Professor of Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences Andrew Hamilton for a fun Saturday morning show in person to learn more about these elusive wonders. How might “Blackholes!” capture and transport your imagination within our star-filled galaxy!? Come find out at this CU Wizards FREE STEM Show geared for kids on Earth, ages 8-18 & their families!
Please plan to arrive no later than 9:15. Seats will be filled first come, first serve!
CU Wizards shows are always FREE and fun! Check out the CU Wizards website: www.colorado.edu/cuwizards
Volunteers needed for a Rainbow Day event on 9/26/24 at Crest View!
Throughout the school year, BVSD Food Services holds “Rainbow Days” to encourage students to eat a colorful, nutritious lunch by including fruits and vegetables from the salad bar.
Rainbow Days are held in the cafeteria during lunch time and last ~2 hours. We need rockstar volunteers to: encourage students in line to try a variety of produce and engage with students at tables about what it means to “eat a rainbow.” (Bonus points for wearing a salad bar-inspired accessory provided by us!) It’s a fun, easy way to support BVSD’s mission of not only feeding kids nutritious food, but educating them about why it’s so important.
If you are interested in volunteering at your school’s Rainbow Day please sign up here!
Field Day is Friday, September 27th
K-1st~ 8:30-9:45 am
2nd-3rd~10:00-11:15 am
4th-5th~12:45-2:00 pm
Please Click HERE to sign up to volunteer to lead your student's team. If you are volunteering please arrive 10-15 minutes before their start time and check in through the front office.
Field Day is in need of boxes of FRUIT SNACKS for the Relaxation Station. If you can donate a box, please send it with your student any day before Sept. 27th.
Any questions, please email Ms. Dashiell at nikki.dashiell@bvsd.org
ROCV (Reach Out Crest View) News
Fall Clean Up!
Saturday 9/21/24 3:00-4:30 pm
Come and help us for an afternoon of cleaning up and taking care of the outside of the school! This is a great way to meet and connect with other parents while serving and helping the school. Kids are welcome to join and help too! Sign up here: https://bvsd.helpatschools.com/schools/7/events/13820
Did you know that only 26 families earned money for Crest View at King Soopers last Spring?! Let's step it up!
Link your King Soopers Loyalty Card to ReachOut Crest View in 3 easy steps to earn us 3% on all your purchases there at no cost to you:
1. Go to https://www.kingsoopers.com and create or sign in to your King Soopers account. Have your King Soopers card or registered phone number handy.
2. After completing step 1, go to https://www.kingsoopers.com/topic/king-soopers-community-rewards
3. Click the link “Enroll Now” and enter the code WL301 to be connected to our school’s rewards account. Or you can search on "ROCV"
Once you register a card in your household, all linked King Soopers Loyalty Cards within your household will begin earning rewards for the school. Tell Grandparents, friends, and family to sign up, too!
Learn how to support Crest View with your shopping at: https://tinyurl.com/ROCVSHOP
Community Night! | Thursday, September 19th | 4-9 pm @Bellota!
Eat at Bellota (4580 N. Broadway) on September 19th from 4-9 pm to support Crest View! Bellota is donating 25% of sales back to Crest View for all dine-in and to-go orders. Just mention Crest View at checkout!
ROCV’s Annual Cougar Cash Fundraiser is Underway!
Cougar Cash, sponsored by ROCV, is Crest View’s most important fundraiser. Cougar Cash is a direct appeal to parents, requiring no selling on the part of your child and no time commitment from you. Donating is quick and easy on our website.
Cougar Cash funds programs, scholarships, teacher education, art supplies, library books, and enrichment grants at Crest View. We are asking families to donate $200 per child, but no amount is too large or too small. Every dollar counts!
Funds go directly to your child’s classroom and school in ways that make a real difference. Please view this slideshow to learn about all the ways that ROCV makes a difference at our school.
The campaign ends on Friday, October 11th. ROCV is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so please check with your employer if they will MATCH your donation for DOUBLE the impact!
Food Drive | Food Pantry Needs Volunteers!
Our food drive ends tomorrow, September 13th, so there is still time to participate! Please donate if you are able to and haven't done so yet. There are plenty of ways to continue supporting the Food Pantry program once the food drive is over. We will need help sorting and moving the food to the pantry, please sign up here if you would like to help. We will also need volunteers to help fill the bags each week, you can sign up here to volunteer.
Keep up with ROCV on Social Media!
Follow ROCV social media pages to stay connected! Sharing our posts with your friends is great for the algorithm to increase engagement and support.