Newbury Park High School
IB World School & Home of the Panthers
8-31-2020 Updated NPHS News
New Contents In This Smore
- Let's Go Panthers
- 8/31-9/4 Weekly Class Schedule
- Wednesday Schedule Reminder
- Back To School Night Information
- Attendance Reminder
- NPHS Tutoring Information
- Reinforcing Activities Update
- Athletics/Co-Curricular Participation Update
- Staying Connected
- Panthers In The News!
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Week 3! Let's Go Panthers!
As we move into week 3, this is the time for all families to get that academic routine up and running if you have not done so already. Consistency, organization, and effort are crucial for students to be successful on a daily basis. Please continue to encourage your students to set an engagement goal each day with their peers and teachers online. Encourage your students to have the camera on as much as possible, and participate each and every day! Connections and relationships are so important! Please continue to reach out to your child's teachers and the NPHS staff when you need our help!
We will continue to push our weekly newsletter to provide you with the most relevant and important information you need. Please review our website and newsletters regularly, reach out to us if you have any questions, and please make sure to follow us on social media. Let's have another great week Panthers!
Mr. Lepire
This Week's Class Schedule (PDF download at bottom of newsletter)
Wednesday Schedule Reminder
- Students' first class on Wednesday meets- 8:00 am to 9:15 am
- Students' second class meets- 9:25 am to 10:40 am.
Due to the fact that the periods rotate in sequential order, the Class Periods that fall on Wednesday will vary from week to week, so please see the schedule above.
Back To School Night!
Student Attendance Reminder
Student attendance is required and will be taken on a daily basis. All CVUSD and Ventura County attendance policies are in place this year. Parent or guardian MUST call NPHS to report any absences. All unreported absences will become truancies. The attendance line is 805- 499-3645. La linea en espanol 805-498-3676 ext. 4000
NPHS Tutoring Information
Reinforcing Activities Update
- Students are expected to be engaged in school work from 8-2:30 every day.
- Students who play a sport, workouts will be scheduled after 2:30.
Athletics/Co-Curricular Participation Update
Dear Parents/Guardians,
If your child plans to participate in Co-Curricular Sports and/or Activities (Spirit Cheer or Dance Team) this school year, please read this letter. If this does not apply to your family, please disregard this message.
As of today, August 28, the Conejo Valley Unified School District is allowing Co-Curricular Sports and Activities to resume limited conditioning practices on-campus beginning Tuesday, Sept. 1. The decision whether or not to hold conditioning workouts, as well as the schedule, will be determined by the head coach of each sport and they will notify all players who are in the program. Please refer to the Coaches Directory at https://nphsathletics.org/coach-contact-info/. Please know, these workouts are not mandatory, and will not determine if your child will be able to participate in the sport once we get closer to the season. Programs will be under strict guidelines set by state and county health protocols. There will be more information communicated by individual programs soon. Coaches and teachers will be reaching out to families directly with plans for the Phase 1 return to in-person conditioning practices.
A wellness check will be performed for all staff and players before each session. The high schools have been given specific direction regarding check in and/or practice procedures for all groups meeting in person for Phase 1:
• Pods may consist of 10 students and up to 2 cleared coaches (no parent volunteers)
• Pods must remain together including coaches (Students will be assigned to pods (cohorts or groups) of ten (10) students with either one (1) or two (2) staff members; the same group of students and staff member(s) will work together throughout Phase 1 to limit overall exposure - no student or staff may crossover from one pod to any other throughout phase 1.)
• Conditioning only (no equipment)
• Must be outdoors
• Masks are to be worn at all times (walking on campus, during health screening, walking off campus) except during workouts
• Students must remain socially distant at all times during the practice
The following must be completed before attending first practice:
1. Student-athletes must be cleared via athleticclearance.com before being allowed to practice. Please go to https://nphsathletics.org/athletic-clearance/ for information and directions how to complete the clearance correctly on the first attempt. Please don’t wait to complete on the first day of practice. All clearances must be checked by the NPHS Athletic Department, and staff might not be able to check clearances on that day.
2. Completed 2020 Conditioning Parent Consent Form (attached) – Please print at home and have your child bring with them to practice. *This includes parents/guardians who signed the form for summer practices.
3. Completed Sport Informed Consent Form (attached)- Please print at home and have your child bring with them to practice. *This includes athletes who signed the form for summer practices.
COVID-19 Prevention Plan protocols will be enforced up to shutting down a program for repeat or serious non-compliance. I cannot stress how important it is for all of us to follow the guidelines to allow our student-athletes to continue to participate in sports. It would be extremely unfortunate for any one person to willfully disobey these guidelines and jeopardize what we have worked so hard to return to.
Michael Godfrey
Assistant Principal, Athletics
Newbury Park High School
Chromebook Loan Program
request via the below form:
Staying Connected and NPHS Clubs and Interest Groups
Instagram: @newburyparkpanthers
Twitter: @nphsasg
We know that many of our students are eager to start working with their clubs and interest groups (IG), as well as making new ones. Once school gets underway, we will send out information to your learn accounts, as well as postings on the social media accounts above, regarding how to create a club or IG, how to renew a club or interest group, club and IG meetings, and any other information we may have. For general club information, see the NPHS Website under the Activities tab.