Grizzly Gazette
November 2024
Hello Grijalva Family and Friends
Happy Fall! Tucson is finally starting to cool down. Right around the corner are the holidays and the end of the first semester. November is the time that we all need to look at our lives and give thanks. We at Grijalva want to thank our students and their parents/guardians for being a part of the Grijalva Family. You are all a blessing. We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy your time together as a family and make some great memories!
A huge thank you for everyone who donated their time and treats for our Halloween events. Thanks to you our fun-filled Trunk-or-Treat was a great success! It was wonderful to see so many families enjoying the evening together!
Thank you to all Veterans. We as a country are indebted to you for your service. To celebrate all our Veterans on November 11th there will be NO School. There will also be NO School on Thursday and Friday, November 28 & 29th in honor of Thanksgiving.
We love having visitors at Grijalva. If you are interested in visiting or becoming a volunteer, please contact the front office at 520-908-3600. All visitors are required to sign in at the front office and get a visitor’s tag.
Arrival/Dismissal: Please use caution when loading and unloading students. We are here to help things run smoothly and efficiently, so please have patience with us and other drivers. Thank you for driving courteously, safely, and slowly!
Health Office News
The Health Office wants to remind you that student who are sick need to stay home. This includes cold, flu, strep throat, COVID, etc. Thank you for keeping for student home when they are sick. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Ms. Eva at 520-908-3617.
Grijalva PTO
The PTO is a critically valuable part of the Grijalva community. Our PTO plans community events that allow families to connect with each other and the school. The PTO helps fund class field trips, supplies for classrooms, Art, PE, and many other things that support Grijalva in maintaining its excellence. Please support us in reaching our goal of 100% of families being members of the PTO.
7:20 am – Earliest arrival
7:20 am- 7:40 am – Breakfast served
7:40 am - 1:55 pm – Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
7:40 am - 12:55 pm – Wed (Early Dismissal)
Office Hours: 7:15 am - 3:45 pm
Office Phone: 520-908-3600 / Office Fax: 520-908-3601
If absent, please call 520-908-3606 to alert our attendance clerk. Arizona State Law requires that you report all student absences. If your child is tardy to school, they will need to be checked-in, by a parent, in the Front Office before going to class. This year, there is a new way to call in your students when they are sick and excuse their absences online by logging in to your Parent Vue account.
The first bell rings at 7:40 and our teachers take attendance precisely at 7:45. Students arriving after 7:45 should check in with the office staff before going to class. For the safety of your child, please do not arrive prior to 7:20, the cafeteria breakfast and our playground do not have student supervision prior to 7:20.
All students at Grijalva will receive free breakfast and lunch! No forms necessary and no need to worry about packing food each day. Please make sure your child comes to school early to get their free breakfast. Breakfast is served from 7:20-7:40 AM.
We would love to have adult volunteers to support learning and activities at Grijalva! All volunteers must complete the Tucson Unified Volunteer Application.
Parents and guardians do not need to complete the fingerprint component, however all other adult volunteers must be fingerprinted. Parents cannot volunteer on field trips without completing this in advance. If you have questions you can call the school office at 520-908-3600.
November 7th – Science Night, 5:30-7:00pm
November 11th – Vererans Day, NO SCHOOL
November 28th-29th – Thanksgiving Recess, NO SCHOOL
Grizzly Gags
What’s the most negative month of the year? NO-vember.
What’s the most musical part of a turkey? The drumstick.
How do you fix a gourd? With a pumpkin patch.
What is a scarecrow’s favorite fruit? Straw-berries
What smells the best on Thanksgiving? Your nose!
What always comes at the end of Thanksgiving? The letter "g"!
What's the best thing to put into a pumpkin pie? Your teeth!
What did the cranberry say to the turkey? Nothing. Cranberries can’t talk.
Who is never hungry on Thanksgiving? The turkey because he’s already stuffed!
Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building? Of course – buildings can’t jump at all.
Grijalva Elementary School
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Location: 1795 W. Drexel Road Tucson, AZ 85746
Phone: (520) 908-3600
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