BPS Family Resource
January 2025
Family Engagement
December Math Challenge Winners
In December families had a chance to practice math facts at home each day of the month! We had 60 students participate across all grade levels, these students had their work displayed in the hallway and they received a special prize for all their hard work. Congratulation to these Math Super Stars!
Partnership, Support, Pride
We are always in need of volunteers to help at BPS. We strive to partner with parents in order to bolster the education of the students. One of the most impactful ways a parent can support education is to be involved at school, and we always encourage parents and caregivers to be involved at BPS however they are able. We want our families and community to take pride in our school and work to make BPS the best it can be. Come be apart of our village! If you would like more information on ways to be involved you can email Amber Barnes at abarnes.bps@catoosa.k12.ga.us or click the link below to view the upcoming volunteer schedule!
Winter WIN Night
"What is WIN Night, Why do we have it, and What do I need to do??"
I hear these questions a lot from parents and I myself was confused when my son started Kindergarten. Since Winter WIN night is just around the corner lets break down WIN night for our new parents or for those who may need a refresher!
1. W.I.N Stands for What I Need. BPS uses this acronym however, if you have students at other schools in the area you may also hear F.A.S.T which stands for Family And School Team. Same meeting different name.
2. WIN Night at BPS is held as a virtual presentation instead of an in-person meeting. A folder is sent home with every student K-2nd. The folder has lots of information for you, some is for you to keep, some is to help you gain access to the presentation, and some is for you to fill out and return to your child's teacher.
- Keep: Each grade level selects handouts to send home for you to keep. These handouts are ideas and activities for you and your student to do together to support learning. In your folder you will also find the Family-School Compact for your student's grade level. This is the agreement that parents, students, and teachers create, to determine how everyone can support learning this year. The copy of this year's compact is sent out as a reminder to parents and students.
- Do: In the folder you will find a letter and hand-outs with a few QR codes to scan. Each code will take you to information you will need about understand your students MAP Test Scores. You will also have your students MAP test results. (Another acronym! MAP stands for Measures of Academic Progress and starting in Kindergarten students take these tests three times a year; Fall, Winter, and Spring.) The results you receive in your student's folder are specific to your child alone in both Math and Reading. Follow the QR Codes and have a positive conversation with your student about their growth and what they may need to work on!
- Return: Lastly there will be a few handouts for your to fill out and return. One is a confirmation that you have looked at your student's results. There will also be a survey that is important for you to return; the feedback we get from parents, helps us to determine the best course of action for future meetings. There is also a place for you to ask questions and request a conference with your child's teacher. I highly recommend scheduling an in-person conference with your teacher at least twice a year! Even if you aren't concerned with your student's scores, parent-teacher communication is an essential pillar to the education of our children! (But...if you are truly completely up-to-date on all the things happening at your child's school...and you have zero questions...I'm sure your teacher could use some help cutting things out!!)
3. There is no step 3! You did it, you're done!!
Parent Resources
- We have lots of volunteer opportunities this month, check out the list on sign-up genius.
- The Resource Room at BPS has tools and resources for you! A parent library , translation services, and information on other community resources for you and your family. Adult bathrooms, a changing station, and play corner for young children is available for those parents who come by to visit or volunteer.
- You can apply for Free and Reduced Lunches at any time. Applying and/or qualifying can help your school!