HHH September 13, 2024

November 1, 2024
For the month of November, Happy Hollow will receive a $1 donation from every purchase of the $2.50 reusable Community Bag purchased at Stop and Shop in the town center!! As you do your weekly shopping or your BIG Thanksgiving shopping at the town center location, please buy these reusable bags with the "give" logo on them and help support our students!
Dear Happy Hollow Families,
Hello Happy Hollow Families,
I want to wish our fifth grade band students playing with the High School pep band for the high school varsity football team at 7:00pm at Wayland High School! Enjoy!
Here at Happy Hollow we have started early voting for our Hawk’s name. Students are engaging in the voting process by voting for a name and participating in discussions as a school community. Click here for pictures from this week, which include voting pictures.
We also want to remind you that attendance matters. Students need to be in school for academic & social emotional success. Let’s partner- please schedule a meeting with us to discuss how to best support your child in school if you feel as though attendance has affected your child.
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For information about our School Committee, after school enrichment opportunities, community events, sports, fundraisers and more please click the orange box below.
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Message From The PTO President
Dear Happy Hollow Community,
Thank you for a wonderful few months of the 2024-2025 school year. I just want to send a quick
message to stress the importance of engaging with our school leadership. I would love it if the
attendance of the Community Meeting on the 12 th is a fraction of the attendance for Movie Night! I
know there are a lot of you that have thoughts about the future of HH and this is the perfect
opportunity to share them with the decision makers.
PTO Community Meeting 🏫
Community Meeting November 12 th 6:30 @ HH with Superintendent Fleishman
and Principal Foundas. Agenda: State of the building, curriculum updates,
Anxious Generation, etc.
While we greatly prefer in person attendance, please find the zoom link below:
Dial In +16469313860 Meeting ID: 875 0469 4688 Passcode: 169717
Gratitude Breakfast 💝
Please help to volunteer for your children's classroom coverage while the teachers enjoy a favorite HH tradition- the Gratitude Breakfast! Wednesday before Thanksgiving 7:30-8:30am. This is a great way to take a peek inside your kid’s classroom in action! Teachers will let you know what to do upon arrival to the classroom. CORI's must be on file. Sign up before it’s too late: Gratitude Breakfast Sign Up
Holiday Gift Drive
Hard to believe the holidays are just around the corner. We talk about helping others all the time, but now is the time to put our thoughts into action by participating in a time honored Happy Hollow tradition — shop for children served by the Department of Children and Families.
DCF is blown away year after year with the enthusiasm and generosity of the Happy Hollow community. Children love shopping thoughtfully for others; grandparents can be involved, too!
Beth and Abbie are working on getting wish lists together but if your family would like to proactively reach out about giving gifts to a child please email Beth Rothschild (beth.rothschild@gmail.com) or Abbie Wonderly (swonderly@gmail.com).
Please include “GIFT DRIVE” in the subject line and your child’s name.
We will be collecting gifts through the month of November.
Cultural Enrichment Sponsored By The PTO
We are excited to have the Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show come to Happy Hollow on November 13th! The Amazing Nano Brothers, a resident program of the Museum of Science, presents a comedy show all about the mysteries of matter - including atoms, molecules, and nanotechnology. Join brothers Dan and Joel as they juggle everything from potted plants to tennis rackets, sometimes from atop seven-foot unicycles. Who knew physics could be this fun? We hope your child enjoys this program provided through Wayland PTO Cultural Enrichment!
Anyone who walks the halls of our building must be CORIed or escorted. This means that everyone who visits their child's classroom, volunteers in the building, visits the book fair/field day or attends field trips must be CORIed.
- CORIs completed with other town departments are NOT transferable to the schools.
- We cannot allow you into our building without a valid Wayland Public Schools CORI on file
To complete a CORI application please present in person at any Wayland Public School Office (or central office) with valid government issued photo identification