Hurricane Helene Recovery Resources
Support and Assistance for Brevard Academy Families

Hurricane Helene Recovery Resources
Support and Assistance for Brevard Academy Families
Comprehensive Resources
Brevard Transylvania Chamber of Commerce
Heart of Brevard-Transylvania County Resources
Recovery Help for Western NC
Transylvania County Cooperative Extension Office
WNC Helene Resources
Disaster Loans
How to Apply for SBA Disaster Loans
You can simultaneously apply for FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency funding and SBA disaster assistance to fully recover.
FEMA funds are intended to cover necessary expenses and serious needs not paid by insurance or other sources. The SBA disaster loan program is designed for your long-term recovery, to make you whole and get you back to your pre-disaster condition.
Businesses and residents in declared disaster areas in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Virginia are eligible to apply for assistance.
Apply for FEMA funding:
800-621-3362 from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET daily
- The telephone line is open every day and help is available in most languages
- If using DisasterAssistance.gov: clicking on the red “Let’s Get Started” button at the top of the page allows an individual to fill out a questionnaire about their specific needs. The lower portion of the page also includes links to Red Cross shelters, other shelters, SBA resources and how to contact your local emergency management offices
- If using the FEMA App: clicking “Apply for Individual Assistance” will redirect you to the same DisasterAssistance.gov page as above
- If calling 800-621-3362: a FEMA representative will help you through the assistance process
- Notably, FEMA approved two new programs for use in North Carolina: Displacement Assistance (immediate housing up to 14 days) and Serious Needs Assistance (immediate financial assistance to replace and recover financial needs). FEMA may also be able to help with serious needs, displacement, temporary lodging, basic home repair costs, personal property loss or other disaster-caused needs
- FEMA has also approved the Transitional Sheltering Assistance (TSA) program for certain portions of NC – under the TSA, FEMA pays the cost of room, taxes and non-refundable pet fees directly to participating hotels and motels. To locate participating hotels, visit femaemergencyhotels.com and enter your FEMA registration number, obtained when you applied for FEMA Individual Assistance
Apply for SBA assistance:
Need assistance applying for FEMA? Head to the clinic hosted by Habitat and Pisgah Legal on Friday, October 11 from 10-4pm at Transylvania County Library!
Transylvania County Library, Rogow Room
212 S. Gaston Street, Brevard, NC 28712
*Free, walk up, no appointments, and all are welcome
Brevard Families
Drop-off Site
A donation drop-off site has been established at 118 McAbee Court, Flat Rock, NC 28731. Non-perishable food items, bottled water, toiletries and baby powder formula are needed. We are not accepting perishable food or new/used clothing items at this time. This site is for donation drop offs only.
Visit www.visithendersonvillenc.org/helene-relief for a full list of accepted items and donation information.
Family & Child Support
North Caroline Psychological Association
Sesame Workshop: Support for Families After a Hurricane
Food Resources
Brevard Wesleyan Church
Transylvania Public Health
Mental Health Support
BetterHelp Trauma Therapy
WNC residents can register for 3 free months of BetterHelp therapy here: betterhelp.com/voucher
Enter the code: hurricane-helene-support
North Caroline Psychological Association
- Mental Health Support – Information on how to access mental health professionals and crisis support services during recovery.
- Disaster Response Resources – Guidance on managing emotional distress and practical steps for mental wellness after a disaster.
- Emergency Hotline Information – Direct contact numbers for urgent psychological help and counseling.
- Community Support Networks – Details on support groups and local recovery initiatives for emotional healing and resilience-building.
- Help Kids Cope App - A mobile app with scripts and ideas to support children before, during, and after natural disasters.
Small Business Disaster Relief Resources
Brevard Chamber Business Recovery Event
Join Maddie Tryforos and Rex Miller for a roundtable discussion at the Brevard Transylvania Chamber of Commerce to connect as business leaders, share resources, and develop strategies for rebuilding stronger than ever. Drawing from Rex Miller's insights and tools, this session will provide a space for thoughtful conversation and collaborative solutions.
Monday, October 14th
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Brevard/Transylvania Chamber of Commerce,
175 E Main St, Brevard, NC, US, 28712
NC Chamber Webinar: SBA Resources for All Business Impacted by Helene
U.S. Small Business Administration for Business Assistance
- The SBA encourages applicants to apply online for needed disaster loan. Residents can also call SBA at 800‐659‐2955 or schedule an in-person appointment if they have any questions.
- Available disaster loans for NC constituents in effected counties:
- Home Disaster Loans: Loans to homeowners or renters to repair or replace disaster-damaged real estate and personal property, including automobiles
- Business Physical Disaster Loans: Loans to businesses to repair or replace disaster-damaged property owned by the business, including real estate, inventories, supplies, machinery and equipment. Businesses of any size are eligible. Private, non-profit organizations such as charities, churches, private universities, etc., are also eligible
- Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL): Working capital loans to help small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, small businesses engaged in aquaculture, and most private, non-profit organizations of all sizes meet their ordinary and necessary financial obligations that cannot be met as a direct result of the disaster. These loans are intended to assist through the disaster recovery period
- The SBA’s Hurricane Helene North Carolina specific page also has several documents linked at the bottom that provide additional insight into loan details/specifics
Storm Debris Removal
Henderson County, NC Government
Henderson County will provide free curbside storm debris to county residents. The county is working with a contractor to pick up all storm debris on DOT, municipal and private roads. This process started on Oct. 2. The county is partnering with the municipalities within the county for this pickup service as well.
Storm debris that is pushed to the right of way of a property will be picked up. Please be patient. Debris will be up picked by us as soon as possible. Residents will need to place all items along the road right of way in order for pickup.
Storm debris includes tree branches, leaves, logs, building materials, furniture, paint, etc. The graphic below shows how to properly separate trash to expedite the debris removal process.
There is no need to take storm debris to the Transfer Station. The best way to remove debris is to place it on your curb.
Unemployment Assistance
Henderson County, NC Government
- North Carolina Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) benefits are now available in 25 counties as well as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians
- North Carolinians have 60 days from October 1 to file an application, the deadline to apply is December 2
- How to File a Disaster-Related Claim brochure provides step-by-step instructions to file a claim online (recommended)
- Can also call the Disaster Unemployment Assistance hotline (919)-629-3857 for help