Superintendent's Friday Message
January 31, 2025

Opening Message From Dr. Galusi
Dear MPS Families and Caregivers,
The Medford Public Schools continues to diligently follow, monitor, and respond to policies and activity surrounding federal immigration, Title IX, and the rights of LGBTQIA+ students. The district's Title IX policies, most recently updated in the Fall of 2024 and in line with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, have not changed. Medford Public Schools is committed to maintaining an educational environment and workplace where discrimination on the basis of gender identity, sex, sexual orientation or gender expression is not tolerated.
Yesterday, we alerted families after the district was made aware of false social media activity that was intended to scare members of our community about coming to school. Please note that our schools provide a very welcoming, safe and supportive environment where students can learn, grow, and thrive. Our staff members and district leaders have always and will continue to foster a sense of belonging within our school community that celebrates each students' individuality and diverse background.
To learn more, please visit the the resources below for accurate information surrounding the rights of all students and families:
To strengthen the district's commitment to these values earlier this week, the Medford School Committee unanimously passed the Immigration Enforcement Policy. While the district was currently following many elements of the policy already, it reaffirms our dedication to maintaining a safe and productive learning environment for our students. Visit Here to read the newly adopted policy.
If you have any questions regarding information you may hear from social media, online communication channels, or elsewhere, please contact your building principal or school district leadership. The rights and safety of our students is our number one priority for the Medford Public Schools, and we are committed to ensuring these protections are upheld.
Dr. Suzanne B. Galusi
Roberts Elementary Celebrates Dress Like A Character Day
The 5th Grade Student Council at the Roberts organized a "Dress Like a Character" Day held today! Visit Here to see the all photos from today's Spirit Day.
February 5 a Busy Day on the MPS Calendar
Not only does next Wednesday, February 5, mark Day 100 of the school year, it will also be an Early Release Day for all students. Middle Schools students will be released at 11:30 a.m., and all other schools release at 12:00 p.m.
Additionally, Wednesday morning will see many members of our elementary school community participate in the Winter Walk, Bike, and Roll to School event! Medford students and families will join those across the state in enjoying an active and safe method of arriving to school.
See the program fliers below to learn how to join your school community in participating in next Wednesday's event. If you have further questions, please contact your building principal or the contact listed on the event fliers.
McGlynn Elementary
Roberts Elementary
Missituk Elementary
Brooks Elementary
Medford SC Approves District's Proposal for Override Funds
Earlier this month, the Medford School Committee approved the district's proposal to use the $7 million in appropriated funds as part of the budget override vote passed by the Medford voters on November 5, 2024. The proposal adds teachers, literacy coaches, nurses, administrative assistants, an inclusion specialist, expanded programming and more to the FY25 MPS budget.
The proposal includes critical funding that was advanced by the City of Medford to fund the FY25 budget and eliminate further budget cuts. This includes a refresh of 20% of all student Chromebooks and critical funding used to retain 14 full-time staff positions. Additionally, the approved proposal creates funding for new positions and expenses such as:
- An Inclusion Specialist
- 1 Administrative Assistant
- 1 Floating Nurse
- 1 Assistant Director of Buildings and Grounds
- Stipend Positions to Implement a Best Buddies program (2)
- 3 CTE positions at MVTHS
- Instruments for the Performing Arts
Visit Here to read the full announcement regarding the district's approved proposal. Additionally, you can Visit Here to view the full approved proposal.
Summer Programs Held at MPS To Be Announced Soon
The month of January has seemingly flown right by, meaning we are one step closer to summer break! While we still have time to go in the classroom, it is understandably not too early to begin to think about how our students will be enjoying the summer break.
Thank you for your patience as the summer programs held at MPS finalize their plans for the summer. These programs provide not only wonderful enrichment opportunities for students, but they also allow our students to meet new peers and connect with those they might not see everyday in the classroom. Once program details are finalized, program directors will announce them and share with our Medford Community.
A fun summer awaits, but it will be enjoyed even more after completing a great school year!
Free Crash Prevention Course
Hands-on crash prevention training is once again available for free to Medford students with a learner’s permit or driver’s license.
The course is aimed at drivers of all ages. It prepares drivers for year-round hazards and includes a fairly even split between classroom, group exercises, and one-on-one driving instruction. The approximately 4.5-hour course introduces skills, muscle memory drills, and experiences aimed at chiseling away at the invincibility many drivers possess (particularly teens). Graduates have a much lower chance of crashing and qualify for auto insurance discounts up to 10%.
The program will be offered on upcoming Saturdays throughout the spring. Visit Here for more info and to register today. Space is limited!
Job Openings
Featured Opening: Nurse Floater
The Medford Public Schools is searching for a qualified candidate to join the district as a Nurse Floater. Qualified candidates will enhance our schools by removing health barriers to learning in specific school assignments across the district. Visit Here to apply.
Visit Here to browse more available jobs across the district or at the links below.
Upcoming Events
MPS Athletics Upcoming Schedule & News
Feb. 1: Lunar New Year Celebration, 10 a.m. - 1p.m. at Medford Senior Center
Feb. 1: Tufts University National Girls & Women In Sports Day Clinic, 1:30-2:45 p.m. at Cousens Gym
Feb. 5: Early Release Day for All Students (Middle Schools release at 11:30 a.m., all other schools release at 12:00 p.m.)
Feb. 5: 100th Day of School
Feb. 5: Winter Walk & Bike to School Day
Feb. 5: State of the City Address from Mayor Lungo-Koehn, 6 p.m. at Medford City Hall
Feb. 14: Valentines Day
Feb. 17 - 21: February Vacation, No School for Students
Feb. 17: Black History Month Celebration, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at Medford City Hall