Wixom Howler Edition 19
December 13, 2024
Spirit Week December 16-20th
Thank you to our Student Council for putting together a fun Spirit Week next week. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.
Dress for the weather
Michigan weather is constantly changing each day. Please make sure your child has the proper attire for outdoor play. We go outside every day for students to enjoy the fresh air. If you are in need of resources as we approach the winter months please don't hesitate to reach out to Taneia.
PTA Events
The Wixom PTA Google Calendar can be found here: https://shorturl.at/QyTie Events for the entire school year can be found here. You can also add them all to your own Google Calendar with one click!
Upcoming PTA Sponsored Events:
December 20: Popcorn Day. Free popcorn with PTA Membership. Or bring $1 to school.
PTA Meeting -Our next PTA Meeting will be right after Winter Break on Tuesday, January 7th at 6:00 PM. All members of the PTA are welcome to attend. The meeting will be held in person in the Media Center. Childcare will be available. You can join the meeting virtually at the following link: https://meet.google.com/qog-qqza-hkp
Wixom Therapy Dog
We are having our "Week of Wix" on the morning announcements! Your child will hear about our therapy dog program and Wixom Elementary's Dog, Wix, every day this week.
Wix's Wish List
Our Therapy Dog is coming to town in the next few months! He has been at training since last spring and will be ready to graduate soon. We have compiled a wish list of things he will need in the next few months before he comes to Wixom Elementary. In the spirit of Holiday giving, we are publishing his Amazon list in case you would like to help contribute to his necessary supplies. We are also accepting cash and check donations made out to Wixom Elementary PTA with Wix in the memo line. Thank you for all your excitement and support of the Walled Lake Schools Therapy Dog Program!
You can deliver the items to school in person, or have them shipped to 301 N Wixom Road, 48393
You've Got a Friend in Me Submission Contest
Students are invited to write, draw, film, or create something to share about what it means to be friendly and kind at Wixom Elementary, and how our Therapy Dog will provide friendship and love to us. Students are welcome to submit a written paragraph, poem, video, or drawing. due January 9th. Students can create their submissions around the ideas of the love of pets, the importance of friendship, or the benefits of taking a mindful minute to stay calm and collected. We can't wait to feature some submissions on Wix's bulletin board and at our welcoming ceremony this winter! Submissions can be turned in to teachers, emailed to christinavantil@wlcsd.org, or turned in to the office.
Hello Wix!!
Take Action: Federal School Funding at Risk
Title I schools like Wixom Elementary are facing potential funding cuts.
The National PTA has created a simple form to help you send a message to Congress, urging them to make strong federal investments in our children, families, and schools.
While you can send the letter as it is, we encourage you to personalize the message for an even greater impact.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration
The Walled Lake Schools 26th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration will take place at Walled Lake Northern High School on Monday, January 20th beginning at 5:00 p.m.
This year’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Celebration theme is Unity.
“Unity in diversity is unity between all individuals and groups, regardless of differences. It is unity without uniformity, and diversity without divisiveness. It is an understanding that the differences between people enrich our lives and make our country the special, and unique place it is.”
Kroger Community Rewards
Looking for an easy way to support our school? Shop for groceries at Kroger and they will contribute money to our PTA. It’s easy to sign up in the Kroger App:
Click the three horizontal lines in the upper right corner
Choose “Rewards”
Choose “Community Rewards”
Search for “Wixom Elementary PTA” and enroll
Sign Up for SMS Messages via Skylert
In addition to receiving phone calls and email notifications from the school district in the event of a school closing or emergency, parents can also sign up to receive SMS Text messages.
Find the helpful step-by-step instructions linked below as well as the video tutorial on signing up for SMS messages.
Chromebook Information
If you do not have access to a computer at home for your child to use for iReady lessons,
please contact the school and we may be able to let you borrow a Chromebook. We have a limited number of Chromebooks available for students to borrow for the year.
Front office: 248-956-3400
Principal: Taneia Giles (TaneiaGiles@wlcsd.org)
Principal Secretary: Mrs. Michele Abele (MicheleAbele@wlcsd.org)
Building Secretary: Mrs. Tamara Baker (TamaraBaker@wlcsd.org)
Office: 248-956-3400
FAX: 248-956-3405
Absence Line: 248-956-3490
Late Bus Hotline: 248-956-5199 - All late buses will be listed on the hotline if the driver is running TEN OR MORE minutes late.
301 North Wixom Road
Wixom, MI 48393