Jr. High Ministry 6th-8th Grade
March 2025
March has marched right into our lives and with it comes the holiday of luck. And although it could be debated among Christians whether luck is a thing or not, I'd say we've got something better than luck.
There's something to be said about good health, sports game wins, and whether your youth end up
in the school or job of their dreams. But what if those don't happen? What if someone gets sick or injured, your team doesn't win, and your youth struggles in their new adult life?
There's something to be said about luck. But, luck runs out. And what we have never does. No matter the circumstance.
"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary; his understanding is unsearchable." (Isaiah 40:28)
So even though we may not have luck all the time or at all, there is something we can always hold onto no matter what. A God who never grows weary and can always sustain through those "unlucky" seasons. So, not good luck but God's blessings on your March!
Connection Hour
In the month of March, we are continuing in our new series called "Words of Wisdom" that is a devotional into the book of Proverbs on Sundays in the Youth Room from 9:30-10:30 am.
Here's the schedule:
March 9th: Words of Wisdom
March 16th: No Connection Hour (Spring Break)
March 23rd: Words of Wisdom
March 30th: Words of Wisdom
Mission Trip Meeting (Current 5th-7th Graders Only)
We will have a mission trip meeting on March 9th at noon in the Youth Room for all participants in the Summer Mission Trip.
This is a time to ask questions, get more information, and eagerly await the summer of worshipping and serving God and others in the fellowship of other youth!
Movie Night
On March 23rd, join us for an outdoor movie night! We'll gather in the gym and then head on out by the outdoor basketball court for a fun time with friends!
When? March 23rd 5-7 pm
Who? 6th-8th graders
What to bring? Chair, blanket, snacks, a friend
Where do I sign up? RSVP here: https://zionwalburg.churchcenter.com/registrations/events/2820346
Have a specific prayer request?
Zion Lutheran Church & School
Email: laura-li.gaide@zionwalburg.org
Website: www.zionwalburg.org/ministries/youth/
Location: 6101 FM1105, Georgetown, TX 78626, USA
Phone: (512) 863-3065
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ZionWalburg