UPE News Update
January 7, 2022
Student Illness Guidelines
Please call the office to report all illness related absences and complete the Health-Related Absence Form on the district website.
Keep your child home if:
your child is experiencing any flu, cold, or COVID type symptoms
live in a household in which there is a person who has been confirmed to have COVID (exemptions apply)
Exemptions for household positive exposure:
You are ages 18 or older and have received all recommended vaccine doses, including boosters and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people.
You are ages 5-17 years and completed the primary series (plus 2 weeks) of COVID-19 vaccines.
You had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days (you tested positive using an at-home rapid test or a PCR test).
You do not need to fill the form out if your student is symptom-free, has not had a household exposure, or you have been contacted by someone on the health team for your current situation. Those who submit a form will be contacted by the UPE Health Tech, Beth Held.
Thank you for your support and, please call the school office if you have any questions 719-685-2227.
Mr. Briggs-Hale
ENVIRONmental Health
The benefits of nature are far-reaching, and its rich impact has led us to pay more attention to our world- both outdoors and the indoor learning environment.
There is no doubt that our mental health is regularly impacted by our physical health. From exercise that produces natural mood enhancing and healing endorphins, to how sleep and diet cultivate a brain primed for learning- we recognize and accept that our ability to learn depends on the environment we live in and how we engage it.
Study outcomes continue to support that deep learning begins with a safe environment providing plenty of opportunities to explore, engage, and challenge our natural instinct to investigate and discover the unknown.
I am excited to explore and highlight how our environment influences mental health, learning and wellness as Ute Pass Elementary students engage aspects of our environment to inform critical thinking in this new segment of UPE News! I invite you to explore the science of environmental health with me and share any related articles you find interesting and would like to share with the UPE community! Share article links here: swilson@mssd14.org.
Stephanie Wilson, SC, MS, LPC
We will continue to offer after school care at Manitou Springs Elementary and provide transportation from Ute Pass to the site. Champions will be coming in later this semester to run the after school program. We will will begin childcare in-district Monday, January 10 and Champions will take over later this month . The program will go from 3-6PM, Monday-Friday. Payments will continue be made through MySchoolBucks or checks will be dropped off at the front offices ($80 weekly) until Champions takes over.
If families are interested in signing up, you will need to to register through the Champions website. Once Champions takes over, all registration and payments will be made through their program.
Important Dates
17- No School
26 - Late Start
27 - 6th grade Mountain Academy of Arts & Sciences Open House 5:30pm
1 - 6th to Sanborn Camps
2 - Late Start
11 - No School
17 - 12:30pm Early Release/Parent-Teacher Conferences
18 - No School/Parent-Teacher Conferences
21 - No School/Presidents Day
Late Start Wednesday Schedule :
February 2
March 2
March 9
March 16
March 30
April 8
*** Please Note: April 13 Late Start has been removed from the calendar
April 27
May 4
May 11
May 18
Here's how you find us....
Email: dhainds@mssd14.org
Website: http://upe.mssd14.org/
Location: 9230 Chipita Park Road, Cascade, CO, USA
Phone: 719-685-2227