Shepton Counselor Newsletter
February 2025
Parents and Guardians of Shepton Students
Happy February!
The first week of February is National School Counselor Week! Be sure to say thank you to a school counselor!!!!
I hope everyone has a fabulous February!
Shepton Counseling Staff
Course Registration Deadline
If students have decided that the courses they have chosen for the 2025-2026 school year are not what they want to take, they need to reach out to their counselor for a course request change. The deadline to turn in course request forms for 2025-2026 is February 14.
10th Grade Conferences
Parents of current 10th graders along with their students have an opportunity to sign up to meet with their counselor to discuss their academic transcript and future at West. Please sign up for an opportunity below with your counselor. Please make sure you are signing up with the counselor that corresponds with the students last name. Academic conference sign ups end February 14.
Links for Academic Conferences:
Richards (Alpha A-Da) - https://calendly.com/stephanie_richards1/sophomore-academic-conferences-last-names-a-fl
Archer (Alpha De-Ja) - https://calendly.com/stephanie-archer-pisd/sophomore-meetings-1
Ahmed (Alpha Je-M) - https://calendly.com/najah-ahmed-pisd/30min
Sanford (Alpha N-R) - https://calendly.com/paul-sanford/10th-grade-conferences
Alexandris (Alpha S-Z) - https://calendly.com/jamie-alexandris/sophomore-conferences
Dual Credit Information
For more information and paperwork for dual credit, please see your counselor.
Plano Mayor's Summer Internship Program
Below is information about a paid summer internship at the City of Plano Mayor's office.
Visit the following website for information: https://www.planomayorsinterns.org
Note: not off of these courses are offered at Plano West Senior High
GOAL Setting
G represents the Guts of the goal, which includes choosing a topic, writing a goal statement, setting a standard for success, and setting a time frame.
O represents the Obstacles that stand in the way of reaching their goal.
A represents three Action Steps students plan to help them move toward their goal.
L represents Looking Ahead to life afterward, where students visualize how they will feel upon reaching their goal and think about what they might strive for next.
Academic Supports
Did you know you can look at the online gradebook, Skyward Family Access, to see your child's grades? You are also able to establish email notifications to alert you of when grades of a certain threshold of your choosing are entered in gradebook. Visit Family Access Help for information on how to set up notifications.
Gradebook Notifications provide you with timely information regarding your child's academic progress and facilitate your ability to have family conversations to address academic needs.
Teachers often include notes in the online gradebook regarding the status of past due assignments and opportunities to improve failing grades. The schedule page in gradebook also provides you with the email contact information of your child's teachers. Teachers welcome students to meet with them during tutorials before and after school and during scheduled Connect appointments. Check with your teacher about tutorials.
Parents are also able to monitor Chromebook usage at home through GoGaurdian Parent. This mobile app gives parents/guardians the ability to manage and monitor student activity on school-issued Chromebooks during out-of-school hours. GoGuardian Parent is a companion to the classroom management and internet filtering tools that our district uses during the school day.
In the spirit of collaboration, parents and teachers are encouraged to communicate and work together to develop strategies and supports for struggling students. Counselors are available to support students, parents and teachers to collaborate for every student's academic and social emotional success.
Academic Support Resources
Shepton Tutorial Schedule
Shepton Academic Success Tips
Chromebook Basics, Tips, & Tricks
Helpful Resources
Just a Little Guidance for Success
9th and 10th Shepton Guidebook
Helpful Links for Common Questions
Monthly Mental Health Support Workshops - February
YMCA Mental Wellness Seminar - Understanding the Teen Brain
Shepton Counseling
Shepton High School Counseling Vision Statement:
We will support our students in their academic, social, and emotional growth in order to empower them to achieve the future of their choice.
Shepton High School Counseling Mission Statement:
The mission of the Shepton Counseling Department is to empower students to be self-aware, to take ownership of their academic growth, to be respectful of themselves and others, and to prepare for a successful future. This will be accomplished through the equitable delivery of the comprehensive school counseling program.
Shepton Counseling Contact Information
Counseling Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
We have an open door policy for student visits, and parents are encouraged to make appointments as we are not always available.
Stephanie Richards
Counselor Alpha A-Da
Stephanie Archer
Counselor Alpha De-Ja
Najah Ahmed
Counselor Alpha Je-M
Paul Sanford
Lead Counselor Alpha N-R
Jamie Alexandris
Counselor Alpha S-Z
Diana Aguillon Olade
Counselor Secretary