Wooten Family Weekly
January 19th -26th 2025
Be aware of the weather!
Follow news and listen to all calls from AISD for updates. Dress your child accordingly. Also it helps if all students have their names written or sewn on their jackets gloves and hats. Many things go missing this time of the year.
This Month at Wooten:
Martin Luther King Jr. Day: No school. Talk and and celebrate what he did for all who suffer at the hands of injustice, prejudice and inequality.
Tuesday: No school, iced roads are too dangerous for all of our families and staff, stay at home stay warm and read!
A.C.E. After School Classes START Jan 21 2025
Wednesday, Jan 22st, Wooten will host a workshop for parent assistance with the middle school enrollment form.
Jan. 22-Tools for success Know your Rights.
Monday, Jan 27th, Burnet Middle School will return to Wooten to assist with course selection.
Congratulations to Wooten's Teacher of the Year
Mari Darnell!
Also Congratulations to our Teacher of Promise
Nireyda Rodriguez!
Meet our New Librarian Liliana Howard:
Middle School Magnet Applications are due February 4th
Middle School Transitions link, all you need to know in one newsletter.
Parent information and assistance.
In Texas, children under 8 years old or under 4'9" tall must be in a car seat.
Free car seat events for 2025
Register 2 weeks before each event to receive your
Call each number listed below to register.
Click on link to access more affordable or free services:
Daily attendance is vital to your child's success!
We understand if an illness keeps them home.
Report an absence online. You can even add a doctor's note.
Counselor's Corner
Dear families,
It has been another great week at Wooten! Students are learning about Perseverance, “pushing yourself through challenges and obstacles.” Practice Perseverance at home: Have each person in the family commit to 1 thing they will do each day this week. Maybe it is flossing, drinking a certain amount of water, getting to bed at a certain time, limiting screen time, or exercising. Create a place where each person can tally their progress and see who can keep their streak going the longest!
Our next Breakfast of Champions, on January 31st at 9am, will celebrate a student from each class that has persevered this month.
Next week, our ACE after school program will start back up! The students who have enrolled are sure to have a great time. If you are interested in your child enrolling in ACE, they must be enrolled. Contact Tanisha Pemberton for more information: tanisha.pemberton@austinisd.org
Notes for 5th grade families:
This semester, we will be forming a Student Council. 5th grade students will be invited to apply with a letter and recommendation from their teacher. The Council will provide opportunities to practice leadership and teamwork, and will coordinate activities for No Place for Hate, a national anti-bullying campaign from the Anti-Defamation League.
Middle School: It’s been a busy week!
This past Wednesday, Burnet Middle School hosted a field trip to tour the school and view presentations from their programs. On Thursday, Ann Richards School returned to Wooten to help girls with their application letters. On Friday, our boys took a field trip to Gus Garcia Young Men’s Leadership Academy, where they toured the school, filled out choice sheets, and saw their program offerings.
Wednesday, Jan 22nd, Wooten will host a workshop for parent assistance with the middle school enrollment form.
Monday, Jan 27th, Burnet Middle School will return to Wooten to assist with course selection.
TBD, Ann Richards might come to Wooten one more time to help finalize application letters.
As always, don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions, concerns or suggestions:
Como siempre, no duden en comunicar conmigo por cualquiera pregunta, preocupación o sugerencia:
Brianna Higgins, LMSW
Front Office
(512) 414-2315; ext 73934
Students arrival and dismissal is on Roland Johnson Drive.
Parent entrance is on East Huntland Drive.
Arrival And Dismissal
Punctuality is important to your child's success!
7:10-7:30 -Gate Opens and students may eat breakfast for free!
7:40 -Tardy Bell rings and students must be in class and ready to learn or they will be counted tardy.
3:10 -Students are dismissed on Roland Johnson Drive.
Please do NOT park on the streets and walk to the gate or cross anywhere there isn't our crossing guard.
Stay in your car and we will deliver them to you.
Please do not park across from the gate exit, this street is very busy and has a blind curve.
We want all of our students to be safe.
Daily Campus & School Information
New Wooten Elementary!
Click link above for photos of our groundbreaking ceremony!
Click link to see full slideshow!
Wooten Elementary
Website: https://wooten.austinschools.org/
Location: 1406 Dale Drive, Austin, TX, USA
Phone: 512-414-2315
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.GoodallHWootenElementary/